Bullying is a big problem that lots of kids face every day at school.
It can make them feel sad, alone, and afraid to go to class.
But there are things we can all do to help stop bullying!
One great way is to come up with creative slogans that spread kindness and stand up to mean bullies.
In this article, you’ll learn about:
- Why slogans are a powerful tool to fight bullying
- 15 awesome anti-bullying slogan ideas
- Tips for creating your unique slogans
So let’s get started and explore some cool ways to promote niceness and shut down bullying for good!
1. Choose Kindness, Not Cruelness
This slogan is short but gets right to the point. It reminds us that in every interaction, we have a choice. We can choose to be kind or we can choose to be mean. Kindness is always the better path.
Being kind means treating others how you want to be treated. Smile at your classmates, invite the new kid to sit with you at lunch, and defend someone if a bully is picking on them. Little acts of kindness add up to make a big difference.
The opposite of kindness is cruelness – which means being mean on purpose. Cruelness includes things like name-calling, pushing and shoving, leaving people out, and spreading rumors. Cruelness always hurts. So let’s all choose kindness instead!
2. Friends Don’t Let Friends Bully
True friends look out for each other. They don’t join in or stay silent if they see their buddy bullying someone else. Because real friends know that bullying is never cool, no matter who is doing it.
This slogan is a great reminder to speak up if your pal is acting like a bully. It might feel tough, but saying something like “Hey, don’t be mean to her” or “C’mon dude, bullying isn’t funny” can stop your friend’s bad behavior in its tracks.
If your friend keeps being a bully, even after you’ve asked them to stop, you might need to get a teacher or parent involved. Standing by is almost as bad as bullying yourself. Don’t let your friends get away with being bullies.
3. Be a Buddy, Not a Bully
With just a few words, this slogan sums up the choice we all have – to either be a good friend or be a mean bully. Which one sounds better to you? I think we’d all rather have buddies than bullies!
Being a buddy means being there for others. Buddies stick up for kids who are being picked on. They invite people to join their games at recess. Buddies help classmates who are struggling and make them feel included. In other words, buddies are kind.
On the flip side, bullies are the opposite of buddies. They put others down, leave them out, and use their words and actions to cause harm. Nobody wants to be friends with a bully. So let’s all focus on being caring buddies instead!
4. Take a Stand, Lend a Hand
Bullying can make kids feel helpless and alone. But this slogan reminds us that we all have the power to do something about it. It encourages everyone to take action when they see bullying happen.
Taking a stand against bullying can seem scary. But it doesn’t have to be a big confrontation. It can be as simple as telling a bully to knock it off, or getting a teacher if things are really bad. The point is to make it clear that bullying is not okay.
The other part of this slogan is about helping the person being bullied. Ask if they’re alright and see if they want to talk. Invite them to hang out with you. Show them they’re not facing this alone. When we take a stand and lend a hand, bullies lose their power.
5. United Against Bullying
There’s strength in numbers! This slogan calls on everyone to come together and unite in the fight against bullying. Because bullies are a lot less tough when they’re facing a united front of kids and grown-ups who won’t put up with bullying.
One way to show we’re united is by all agreeing to follow the same rules – like if you see bullying, you say something or get help. No bystanders allowed! We can also unite by starting an anti-bullying club or joining events like Unity Day where everyone wears orange to show they’re against bullying.
When a whole school unites and says “Bullying stops here,” amazing things can happen. Kids feel safer, bullies change their ways, and kindness wins. So let’s link arms and unite against bullying!
6. Don’t Stand By, Take Action Against Bullying
Have you ever seen bullying happen and looked the other way? Or did you stay quiet even though you knew it was wrong? This is called being a bystander. But here’s the thing: Even if you’re not the bully, simply standing by sends the message that bullying is okay.
We need to change “Don’t stand by” to “Take action!” every single time we see bullying. Call the bully out and tell them to stop. Get an adult involved if you need backup or things seem unsafe. Comfort the kid being targeted and offer friendship. Encourage other bystanders to help too.
Taking action can be hard. You might worry about being bullied next. But action is what stops bullying in its tracks and helps kids who are hurting. So be brave, take action, and know you’re doing the right thing.
7. Real Heroes Don’t Wear Capes, They Stop Bullying
When you think of a hero, you might picture a superhero in a flashy outfit. But this slogan reminds us that real-life heroes are the ones who step up to stop bullying. No cape required!
How can you be an everyday hero? It’s all about using your words and actions to help stop bullying. For example:
- Telling a kid who’s being mean to cut it out
- Asking the student sitting alone to be your partner
- Reporting online bullying to an adult
- Texting to check in on a classmate who’s been bullied
These may seem like small things compared to what a superhero does. But to a kid who’s being bullied, a friendly face or a helping hand means everything. Make it your mission to do these little heroic deeds every chance you get.
8. Bullying Stops With Me!
If you’ve ever wished someone would step up and stop bullying, this slogan has the answer: that someone is you! We can all make bullying stop by making a commitment to be part of the solution.
Saying “Bullying stops with me!” means drawing a line in the sand and declaring that you won’t be a part of bullying. You won’t bully others, you won’t laugh or stay silent if your friends are bullying, and you won’t hesitate to stick up for someone else.
It’s a big promise, but if each one of us takes this pledge, we’ll create a ripple effect. One kid influences another kid influences another. Before long, the whole school will be on board and bullying will lose its power. So take the pledge and shout it loud and proud!
9. Band Against Bullying
They say there’s safety in numbers. This slogan plays off that idea by encouraging kids to band together against bullying. Because when bullies are faced with a big group of united upstanders, they’re a lot less likely to pick on anyone.
Banding against bullying can take many forms. Start an anti-bullying club or leadership team. Sit with a kid who’s alone at lunch. Make posters to raise awareness. Get your whole class to sign a pledge. The more kids who take a stand, the stronger your band will be.
Joining forces is way more effective than going it alone. Think of a rubber band – one thin strip is weak on its own, but many bands together are super strong. Now picture all the kids in your school as one big rubber band that won’t let bullying through. That’s a force no bully can break!
10. Meanness is Weakness
Many kids think being mean and tough makes them look strong and cool. But this slogan flips that idea upside down by equating meanness to weakness. Putting others down is a sign that you’re not confident or secure with yourself.
It takes zero strength or smarts to call someone names or shove them in the hallway. Even little kids can be bullies! But you know what’s hard? Being kind to everyone, even if they’re different. Standing up for others, even if your friends might judge you. Staying true to your values, even if it means going against the crowd.
In other words, kindness equals strength. Mean bullies are the weak ones because they choose the easy path. So next time you see someone being a bully, remind them that meanness is weakness, then walk away. Show them what true strength looks like!
11. Lead With Heart, Stand Apart
Kids who make an effort to be kind and reach out to others are the best kind of leaders. Why? Because people naturally want to follow someone who lifts them up and makes them feel valued. That’s what it means to lead with heart.
To lead with heart, work on building your kindness muscles every day. Say hi to the kid everyone ignores. Leave a nice note on a classmate’s desk. Tell your teacher if you notice someone being left out or bullied. Be the first to raise your hand when the principal asks for anti-bullying volunteers.
When you lead with heart, you’ll quickly stand apart from any bullies or mean kids in your class. You’ll be a positive force people want to be around. Before long, you’ll have a whole squad of kindness leaders ready to take on bullying!
12. The End of Bullying Begins With Us
This slogan contains an inspiring and important message: we all have a role to play in making bullying a thing of the past. In other words, bullying doesn’t end unless we take action to end it. And every single one of us can make a difference.
The key word here is “us.” Beating bullying takes teamwork. But it’s easy to think, “I’m just one person, what can I do?” Spoiler alert – you can do a lot! Here are some ideas:
- Notice the kids who seem lonely and be extra kind to them
- Sit with someone new at lunch every week
- Call out bullying when you see it
- Start a kindness campaign or anti-bullying project
- Talk to an adult if you see serious bullying
If everybody did just one of those things, your whole school would transform! Problems that seem way too big for one person become solvable when “us” works together. So believe in your power, partner with your classmates, and start being part of the bullying solution.
13. Buddies Stick Together To Stomp Out Bullies
Here’s a slogan that covers the why and how of defeating bullying: because buddies have each other’s backs, and together they can stomp out bullies’ mean behavior.
First, the why. When you’re facing something scary like a bully, everything is less daunting if your buddies are by your side. Just knowing you’ve got friends who will stand up for you is a huge relief. Plus, bullies are a lot less likely to target someone with a strong squad of buddies.
Now the how. When a group of good buddies see bullying, they mobilize and take action together. One buddy might say “Hey, not cool” while another gets a teacher. Someone else comforts the kid who was targeted, and another invites them to join the group. By attacking the bullying from all angles, buddies can shut it down.
When buddies stick together, bullies don’t stand a chance. So link arms with your pals and get stomping! And make sure to buddy up with kids who might not have many friends – they need backup too.
14. Be The Voice, Be The Change To Stop Bullying
You’ve probably heard the famous idea that if you see something wrong, you should say something. That’s because nothing changes if we stay quiet. This slogan inspires kids to use their voices and speak up about bullying because that’s how real change happens.
Being a voice against bullying can mean using your words, like:
- Telling a bully “That’s not okay”
- Encouraging a friend to report cyberbullying
- Asking your principal to start an anti-bullying program
- Raising your hand and sharing bullying solutions in class
But being a voice is also about leading by example. Make kindness your default mode. Invite the new kid to eat lunch with you. Stand tall and project confidence. When you model respectful, inclusive behavior, you’re sending a message just as powerful as your words.
As this slogan suggests, your voice is the key to creating change in your school. Speak up, speak out, and speak often until every student knows bullying won’t be tolerated. Be the voice that makes bullying disappear!
15. Put Bullying To Rest, Spread Kindness and Respect
Ready for a rhyming slogan that’s impossible to forget? This one is catchy and powerful because it gives clear instructions on what to stop (bullying) and what to do instead (spread kindness and respect).
Let’s start with the first part: put bullying to rest. To rest means to go to sleep, which creates a vivid picture of bullying lying down, closing its eyes, and never waking up. Doesn’t that sound amazing? No more cruel words, threats, or violence – just peace.
So how do we make this bully slumber party happen? By doing what the slogan says: spreading kindness and respect far and wide until there’s no room left for bullying to exist. Kindness is like water and respect is like sunlight – when you shower others with them, good things grow.
In very real terms, putting these ideas into action looks like standing up to bullies, reporting bad behavior, being friendly to all your classmates, and treating everyone (even yourself!) with respect. Remember, your words and actions have power. Use them to put bullying to bed for good!
Final Thoughts
Bullying is a tough problem, but slogans like these prove that we’re not powerless against it.
When a whole school stands together and decides to spread kindness instead of hate, amazing things happen.
Kids feel safer, learning becomes fun again, and no one has to eat alone.
So use these slogans to spark a kindness revolution in your school!
Put them on posters, make them into t-shirts, and chant them at assemblies.
Do whatever you can to get the message out.
Before you know it, bullying won’t stand a chance against your mighty mob of caring friends.
Of course, these fifteen slogans are just a starting place.
Why not get together with your crew and brainstorm some original ideas?
Have a contest to see who can come up with the catchiest kindness motto of all.
No matter what you choose, believe in your power to make a difference.
After all, there’s no bully too big for an entire student body of kind, courageous kids to take down!