15 Global Warming Slogan Ideas

Global warming ain’t no joke.

It’s one of the biggest problems facing our planet today.

But hey, just because it’s serious doesn’t mean we can’t rally the troops with some catchy slogans!

In this handy guide, you’ll get the lowdown on 15 snappy sayings to spread the word about climate change.

These slogans will help you:

  • Get people motivated to take action
  • Explain the issue in a quick and punchy way
  • Make your voice heard about this important cause
  • Inspire folks to make a difference, big or small

So let’s dive on in and check out these global warming slogans that are sure to get attention!

Global Warming Slogan Ideas

“There is no PLANet B”

This clever slogan plays off the idea of a “Plan B”. It points out that Earth is the only home we’ve got. There’s no backup planet waiting in the wings if we mess this one up!

The phrase “There is no PLANet B” really hammers home the high stakes. It’s a wake-up call that we need to get serious about protecting the planet. After all, it’s not like we can pack up and move to Mars if things go sideways!

This slogan works great on protest signs, t-shirts, bumper stickers – you name it. It’s a punchy, unforgettable way to remind people that we’re all in this together on our one precious planet.

You could even do a twist on this with something like: “Earth. There’s no place like home!” Same idea, but with a softer, more hopeful vibe. Any way you put it, this slogan is a winner for raising awareness about our collective climate responsibility.

“The climate is changing. Why aren’t we?”

Oof, if this one doesn’t make you think, I don’t know what will! It points out the glaring gap between the scary reality of global warming and the lack of strong action to stop it.

The question hits hard because the answer is tough to face. Even as crazy weather, rising oceans, and melting ice show us the planet is in trouble, a lot of us are slow to change our ways. It’s a major wake up call!

This slogan would be perfect for posters or ads calling for climate action. Use it when you want to challenge people to really reflect on whether they’re stepping up.

Swap in “It’s time for us to change too!” if you want to end on a more motivational note. The key thing is getting people to consider their own role in the climate fight.

“Kill the carbon, save the planet!”

Now here’s a battlecry if I ever heard one! This hard-hitting slogan frames the fight against global warming as an epic showdown. It’s us versus carbon emissions. Good versus evil!

By making carbon the clear villain, this phrase leaves no doubt about what needs defeating. Suddenly it all seems so simple. Want to rescue the planet? Slay the carbon monster!

It would make an awesome chant at a climate rally. You can picture the crowd shouting it out, getting all fired up to go after carbon pollution.

For a less aggressive spin, you could say: “Cut the carbon, spare the planet!” Either way, these slogans make it clear that carbon is the bad guy and we’re the heroes who can bring it down!

“Keep calm and climate on”

I love how this one takes the familiar “Keep calm and carry on” slogan and gives it a timely twist. It manages to be both reassuring and inspiring.

The “keep calm” part soothes the anxiety a lot of us feel about our overheating world. Climate change is scary stuff! This phrase is like a pat on the back that says “Hey, just breathe.”

But then the “climate on” kicker spurs you to stay the course. It turns “carry on” into a rallying cry to keep up the climate fight, even when the going gets tough. Gotta push on through!

Stick this catchy slogan on a button or tote bag to give people a morale boost. It’s a good one for when folks need a reminder to stay chill but carry on working to chill the planet!

“Stand up for a green planet”

What I like about this slogan is the way it makes going green sound heroic. It conjures up an image of bold activists taking a defiant stance against polluters and planet-wreckers!

“Stand up” has that ring of bravery and principle, like you’re putting it all on the line for the Earth. It challenges you to get off the sidelines and join the good fight!

Meanwhile, the “green planet” bit paints a picturesque vision of what you’re defending. It’s a healthy, thriving, verdant world that’s worth taking a stand for!

Splash this eco-battle cry across a banner to get people’s blood pumping at your next climate event. It’s sure to light a fire in folks’ bellies and bring out their inner climate champions!

“Don’t be fossil foolish!”

This playful twist on “fossil fuels” always cracks me up. I mean, how can you not chuckle at “fossil foolish”? Gotta love a slogan that goes for the pun!

But it’s more than just wordplay. Calling out fossil fuel use as foolish is a smart way to flip the script. Usually, oil and coal get played up as these awesome power sources. This flips that on its head!

The goofy wording takes the teeth out of preaching. A light touch can get the point across without sounding like a scold. It invites people to wise up about how unwise fossil fuels are.

Try this one out on a funny protest sign to give your climate message a friendlier face. Trust me, a little humor goes a long way when you’re trying to change minds!

“Make our mother proud”

Wow, talk about tugging the heartstrings! Casting Earth as everyone’s dear devoted mother is a real tear-jerker. Moms give us life, nurture us, sacrifice for us. Thinking of the planet that way really drives home what we owe her.

Then that “make our mother proud” line just twists the knife! What kind of ungrateful children trash Mom’s house and break her heart? Suddenly all our eco-sins feel extra bad.

Use this slogan when you want to get people right in the feels. Paint a picture of Mother Earth beaming with approval as her kids clean up their act and treat her right. It’s a powerful guilt trip!

To soften it a bit, you could say “Make Earth mama smile!” It still hits home but with a slightly lighter touch. Evoking Earth’s motherly love is a surefire way to stir up the emotions!

“Don’t be a carbon sasquatch”

Hah! What a hilarious image – planet-stomping carbon bigfoots, lumbering around adding to global warming with their smokestack breath and exhaust pipe farts! It’s a funny fresh take on the usual carbon footprint talk.

The sasquatch bit pokes fun without being too preachy. Giving carbon polluters a silly name is like “we’re all friends here…but just fyi you might be kind of a carbon doofus, no offense!”

This would go great on a climate-themed bumper sticker or coffee mug. Give someone a laugh while still squeezing in a nugget of eco-wisdom.

You can even string the sasquatch motif out into a whole series like “carbon yeti” or “greenhouse gas gorilla”. Turn those freaky forest creatures into avatars of eco cluelessness!

“Act local, impact global”

This snappy slogan scales down the massiveness of climate change into bite-sized chunks. That huge hairy global problem suddenly seems much less daunting when you focus on your backyard.

It reminds people that small local actions add up to big planet-wide results. Each community doing its part creates this ripple effect that spans the whole Earth! How amazing is that?

The short punchy phrasing makes the “act local” part seem doable. Doubters might think “I can’t solve global warming!” But this shows them they CAN chip away at it close to home.

Use this can-do slogan to mobilize people around local green projects. Paint the picture of all those little efforts joining forces in one mighty eco-wave with this as your rallying cry!

“No more excuses for climate abuse!”

Yowch, this one goes for the jugular! Comparing global warming to abuse is a bold and shocking move. It reframes all our half-hearted climate efforts as straight up Earth-battering!

The “no more excuses” part calls out all of humanity’s foot-dragging and rationalizing. It’s like “no uh-uh, no way, we are NOT letting you downplay this anymore!” A major wake up call.

I’d save this power slogan for when you need to jolt people out of their complacency. Whip it out when it’s time to go big and pull no punches.

Protest signs could feature slogans like “The climate can’t take the abuse!” and “Stop letting polluters off the hook!”. When you need to crank the volume up, abuse comparisons get the job done.

“Enviro starts with I-O”

What a peppy little cheer! You can just picture people shouting “Enviro starts with I-O” with big smiles. It’s impossible to say it without getting jazzed about the Earth!

This genius rhyme has a deeper message too. By ending with the sounds in “bio”, it draws a link between taking care of the planet and the thriving of life itself. Subtle but powerful stuff.

The “I-O” also sneaks in the idea that being green takes input and output – there’s stuff we gotta put IN, like time and energy and new ideas. And there’s the results we put OUT – a healthier world!

Chant this at an eco fair or Earth Day event to get the crowd pumped. Tack it onto flyers to add some earworm staying power to your other “go green” slogans. Those two magic syllables say so much!

“Nothing green can stay unseen”

How’s this for some eco poetry? With a sly nod to Robert Frost’s famous line, this slogan flips the script in a beautiful and meaningful way.

In the original, “nothing gold can stay” was about the fleeting nature of perfection. This new spin makes it a call to appreciate the Earth’s precious “green” before it’s gone!

There’s a great double meaning in “unseen” too – you can read it as “everyone look at the amazing green world” or “we won’t let polluters hide their planet-hurting ways.” Two crucial messages for the price of one!

Roll this one out when you want to wax poetic and provoke deep thoughts. Pop it on the front of a notebook or the back of a business card to give people a serious fuzzy feeling about Mother Nature.

“Global warming? We’re not buying it!”

The surprise twist in this one always gets me! At first glance, it almost looks like climate change denial – but then that “not buying it” kicks in with the killer double meaning. So good!

On one level, it’s a refusal to buy into lies that say global warming isn’t real or dangerous. But then it’s also about rejecting things that contribute to the problem – gas guzzlers, fossil fuels, factory farming. We’re not shelling out for that Earth-unfriendly stuff!

This hits a great balance between serious and playful. The “we’re not buying it” bit is kinda cheeky and fun, but the underlying message is dead earnest.

It would make an awesome slogan for eco-savvy companies fighting climate change. “Hey, our business isn’t buying what global warming is selling either! Join us in investing in a cooler future!” How inspiring is that?

“Melting ice is not cool”

Agh, nothing like watching ancient glaciers turn into sad slush puddles to bum you out! This slogan taps into that bummed out feeling and makes it a rallying cry.

The word “cool” pulls double duty here in a clever way. It means icy cold, sure, but it also serves as a stand in for things being good and okay. Melting ice caps are the opposite of “cool”, in both senses!

There’s a real elegance to the simplicity here. No fancy words, just a clear and direct message. It would be perfect for posters and billboards, where you need something stripped down but powerful.

You could even expand it into a whole ice-themed series! “Melting permafrost? The future looks grim-frost!” “Vanishing ice shelves? That outcome deserves some major side-eye!” So many options for this chilly wordplay.

“Be part of the eco revolution”

Viva la planet! This slogan sounds the alarm for a green uprising against Earth’s oppressors. It’s all about banding together to overthrow the polluting powers that be!

By framing environmentalism as a revolution, it taps into all those romantic notions we have about plucky rebels fighting for justice. Suddenly we’re eco-warriors on the front lines of change!

I love how this one is phrased as an invitation. “Be part of” is so friendly and enticing, like “hey, we’re putting together this awesome world-saving team, wanna join?” Um, where do I sign up?!

Use this eco-battle cry anywhere you want to fire people up and bring them into the fold. Splash it on banners, t-shirts, Facebook profile pics, you name it. Get that revolutionary fervor pumping far and wide!


So there you have it folks – 15 fun slogans to help spread the global warming message far and wide!

Whether it’s tugging heartstrings or tickling funny bones, these power phrases will get the people going.

Pick your faves, plaster ’em everywhere, and let’s whip up a public opinion frenzy for climate action!

A cooler planet is in our hands, so let’s get the word out, one dandy slogan at a time.