How to Thank a Professor (20 Cool Samples)

Professors pour their hearts and soul into educating and mentoring students.

They spend countless hours preparing lectures, grading assignments, advising on projects, and supporting students’ personal and professional growth.

When a professor goes above and beyond or makes a meaningful impact on your life, expressing your gratitude is a thoughtful gesture that they will undoubtedly appreciate.

But what’s the best way to say thank you to a professor?

How can you express your appreciation in a way that feels genuine and captures the impact they’ve had on you?

We’ve put together 20 sample thank-you messages to help inspire you, along with tips for other meaningful gestures of gratitude.

How to Thank a Professor

How to Thank a Professor

Your thank you message can take many forms—a heartfelt email, a handwritten note, a small gift, or a few sincere words spoken in person.

The key is to be specific about what you appreciate and the impact it had on you.

Here are 20 examples to help you craft the perfect thank you:

1. The Lifelong Impact

Professor [Name],

I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for everything you’ve taught me in [class name]. Your passion for [subject] and dedication to your students are truly inspiring. Your [specific lesson/assignment/advice] fundamentally changed the way I think about [topic] and I know the critical thinking skills you’ve instilled will serve me well throughout my life and career. Thank you for being an extraordinary teacher and mentor. I feel incredibly fortunate to have learned from you.

With gratitude,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message highlights how the professor’s influence extends beyond just the course material to lifelong skills and perspectives. It’s suitable for an end-of-term email or handwritten note to a professor who had a transformative impact on you.

2. The Encouraging Mentor

Dear Dr. [Name],

I can’t thank you enough for your encouragement and guidance this semester. Whenever I doubted myself or felt overwhelmed, you were there with a pep talk or helpful advice to get me back on track. Your belief in me gave me the confidence to [specific accomplishment]. I’m so grateful for your support and mentorship. Thank you for always having your door open and investing in your students’ success.


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message focuses on the professor’s role as a supportive mentor. It works well as an email or handwritten note when a professor has gone out of their way to encourage and advise you.

3. The Engaging Lecturer

Professor [Name],

I just wanted to say thank you for making [notoriously difficult/boring subject] engaging and fun to learn. Your lectures are hands down the most interesting and well-crafted I’ve experienced in my [#] years at [university name]. The way you [bring in real-world examples/incorporate multimedia/crack jokes] keeps the whole class on the edge of their seats. I used to dread [subject] but you’ve transformed it into my favorite class. Thank you for being an amazing educator!


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message spotlights the professor’s skill at engaging students, even in challenging subjects. It’s ideal as a mid-semester email or comment in a course evaluation for a professor whose lectures leave you excited to learn more.

4. The Patient Explainer

Hi Professor [Name],

I wanted to shoot you a quick note to say thank you for taking the time to walk me through [tricky concept] after class today. I’ve been struggling to wrap my head around it for weeks, but the way you broke it down step-by-step made it finally click. I appreciate your patience and willingness to work through it with me one-on-one until I get it. Thank you for going the extra mile for your students!


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message appreciates a professor’s dedication to making sure students truly grasp the material. It’s perfect as a quick email or verbal thanks after they’ve patiently walked you through a challenging concept.

5. The Inspiring Role Model

Dear Professor [Name],

You’ve been an extraordinary role model to me and so many other students. Your accomplishments in [field] are awe-inspiring, but it’s your generosity in sharing your wisdom and experience with the next generation that truly sets you apart. Your stories and advice have shaped my career aspirations and shown me the kind of [professional/researcher/engineer/etc.] I hope to become one day. Thank you for exemplifying the very best of what an educator and [profession] can be.

With admiration,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message positions the professor as an inspiring role model. It’s fitting as a longer email, handwritten note, or even part of a nomination for a teaching award for a professor who embodies the ideals of their field.

6. The Recommendation Writer

Professor [Name],

Thank you so much for writing me such a glowing recommendation letter for [opportunity]. I know how busy you are and I deeply appreciate you taking the time to advocate for me so strongly. [1-2 sentences on the results, e.g. “Thanks to your recommendation, I was accepted into my dream graduate program” or “The hiring manager mentioned how impressed she was by your letter”.] Your support means the world to me. I couldn’t have done it without you in my corner!

With deep gratitude,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message thanks a professor for writing a stellar recommendation letter. Send it as an email or handwritten note as soon as you get good news that the recommendation helped you achieve.

7. The Second Chance

Dr. [Name],

Thank you for giving me a second chance on [assignment/exam]. I take full responsibility for [reason for poor initial performance] and I’m grateful you’re allowing me the opportunity to try again and improve my grade. Your willingness to work with me shows how much you care about your student’s learning and success. I appreciate your flexibility and commitment to helping us grow. I won’t let you down!


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message expresses gratitude for a professor’s willingness to let you make up or redo an assignment. Send it as an email as soon as they grant you a second chance.

8. The Thoughtful Feedback

Hi, Dr. [Name],

I just wanted to say thank you for the incredibly thoughtful and detailed feedback you gave me on my [paper/project/etc.]. I’ve never had a professor dive so deep and offer such constructive insights before. Your comments pushed me to think about [topic] in a whole new way and spurred ideas for how to take my work to the next level. I appreciate you taking the time to engage so thoroughly with my work. Your feedback will stick with me moving forward!


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message spotlights a professor’s dedication to providing meaningful, personalized feedback. It works well as a quick email reply to their comments or an in-person thank you at the end of a meeting discussing your work.

9. The Transformative Class

Professor [Name],

As the semester comes to a close, I wanted to share what an incredible impact your [class name] course has had on me. I came into this class feeling [nervous/unsure/skeptical] about [subject], but your teaching has ignited a newfound passion in me. The way you [pushed us to think critically/exposed us to cutting-edge ideas/made complex concepts relatable] has truly transformed my perspective. I’m leaving your course not only with a deep knowledge of [subject] but a drive to keep learning more. Thank you for an unforgettable and life-changing class!

With admiration,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message expresses how the professor’s class reshaped your mindset and ignited your enthusiasm for the subject. It’s perfect as an end-of-term email or handwritten note for a class that shifted your worldview.

10. The Timely Help

Hi Professor [Name],

I can’t thank you enough for your help with [issue] this week. When [crisis/challenge], you [dropped everything to meet with me/rapidly responded to my email/advocated on my behalf], even though I know you’re juggling a million other responsibilities. Your swift action and support made all the difference in my [getting through this/figuring out a solution]. I’m so grateful to have a professor who cares so much about their students’ well-being, both in and outside the classroom. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

With gratitude,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message thanks a professor for stepping up to help you through a challenging situation promptly. Send it as an email or say it in person as soon as the crisis has passed.

11. The Office Hours Stalwart

Professor [Name],

You are hands down the MVP of office hours. No matter how many students are lined up outside your door or how many inane questions we pepper you with, you always greet everyone with a warm smile and infinite patience. I’ve never left your office without feeling heard, supported, and a heck of a lot clearer on [subject]. Thank you for being so generous with your time and wisdom. I know I speak for the whole class when I say we absolutely couldn’t do this without you!


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message spotlights the professor’s commitment to helping students during office hours. It works well as an email near the end of term or scribbled on a thank you card handed to them at the close of a lengthy office hours session.

12. The Compassionate Ear

Dear Dr. [Name],

Thank you for your compassion and understanding during this [difficult time/personal crisis]. When I [disclosed/shared] my situation with you, your response was so full of empathy and care. You made me feel truly heard and supported. I deeply appreciate your flexibility with [deadlines/attendance] as I navigated this challenge. Your kindness made an enormous difference during one of the hardest moments I’ve faced. I can’t express how grateful I am to have an instructor who treats students with such humanity. Thank you for being there for me.

With heartfelt gratitude,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message thanks a professor for supporting you with compassion through a personal hardship. Send it as an email or handwritten note once you’ve emerged from the crisis and have had a chance to reflect on its impact.

13. The Captivating Storyteller

Professor [Name],

I just had to shoot you a note to say how much I adore the way you weave stories into your lectures. The tale you told today about [story topic] and how it relates to [course concept] was utterly captivating. I was on the edge of my seat, hanging onto every word. You have an incredible gift for bringing [subject] to life through your stories. They make the material so much richer and more memorable. Thank you for being hands down the most engaging storyteller and teacher I’ve ever had!


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message highlights the professor’s knack for engaging students through storytelling. It’s perfect as a quick email or comment after a particularly riveting lecture.

14. The Invested Advisor

Dear Dr. [Name],

I wanted to express my heartfelt thanks for being such an incredible [thesis/research] advisor. Your [vast expertise/incisive questions/spot-on suggestions] have strengthened my work immeasurably, but it’s your unwavering support and enthusiasm that I appreciate most of all. You’ve gone above and beyond, [meeting with me weekly/connecting me to resources/advocating for my project], even amid your whirlwind schedule. I know my [thesis/research] would not be where it is without your guidance. Thank you for investing so much in me and my work!


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message underscores the pivotal role a professor has played as an advisor. It’s fitting for a longer email near the end of the advising relationship or as part of the acknowledgments section of your thesis or publication.

15. The Grad School Guru

Hi Professor [Name],

I can’t thank you enough for all your help with my grad school applications. From [offering to write recommendations/reviewing my essays/talking through programs], your support and guidance have been game-changing. [I got into my top choice program, and I know your advice and advocacy played a huge part/The application process felt infinitely less daunting with you in my corner]. Thank you for taking the time to share your wisdom and champion your students, even after they’ve left your classroom. I’m so grateful to have had you as a mentor through this journey!

With gratitude,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message thanks a professor for supporting you through the graduate school application process. Send it as an email after you’ve submitted your applications or received good news about acceptances.

16. The Conference Connection

Dr. [Name],

Thank you so much for encouraging me to submit my work to [conference name] and putting me in touch with [person]. Presenting at the conference was an incredible opportunity. I left feeling energized, inspired, and more connected to my field than ever. Your confidence in my research and willingness to open doors mean the world to me. Thank you for investing in my growth as a [scholar/professional] and paving the way for experiences like this. I’m deeply grateful for your support and mentorship!


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message expresses gratitude for a professor who facilitated a meaningful conference experience. Send it as an email or say it in person once you’ve returned from the event and had a chance to reflect.

17. The Real-World Relevance Revealer

Professor [Name],

I just wanted to say thank you for an incredible semester in [class name]. I’ve never had a class feel so relevant and applicable to my life and future career. The way you tied every concept to real-world examples and pushed us to grapple with current issues in [field] made the material come alive. I feel like I’m leaving your course with knowledge and skills I can put to use from day one in my [career/post-grad plans]. Thank you for preparing me so well for my next steps! Your impact will stick with me long beyond the final exam.


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message appreciates a professor’s skill at connecting course content to real-world relevance. It works well as an end-of-term email or thoughtful note for a professor whose class felt particularly preparatory for your future.

18. The Recommendation Follow-Up

Dear Dr. [Name],

Last semester, you graciously wrote me a recommendation letter for [opportunity]. I wanted to follow up and share that [update, e.g.”I was accepted!” or “I ended up pursuing a different path, but…”]. I deeply appreciate you taking the time and care to advocate for me. Your belief in me means more than you know. [Even though this particular role wasn’t the right fit, your support gave me the confidence to keep chasing after my goals./I truly couldn’t have gotten here without your support.] Thank you again for being an incredible mentor. I feel so fortunate to have you in my corner.


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message follows up on an opportunity a professor supported you for through a recommendation. Send it as an email once you have an outcome to share, even if it’s not the one you expected when requesting the rec.

19. The TA Supervisor Appreciation

Professor [Name],

Before the semester ends, I wanted to thank you for being such a fantastic supervisor and mentor during my time as your TA. I’ve learned so much about [teaching/subject/field] from watching you work and hearing your advice. Your [patience/high standards/pedagogical expertise] have made me a more [confident/knowledgeable/effective] teacher in my own right. Thank you for demonstrating what engaging and rigorous instruction looks like, both for me and our students. It’s been a joy and an honor to TA for you!

With gratitude,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message recognizes a professor’s impact as a TA supervisor. It’s suitable for an end-of-term email or could even be expanded into part of a teaching award nomination letter.

20. The Final Farewell

Dear Professor [Name],

As I prepare to graduate, I wanted to say one last thank you for the indelible impact you’ve had on my [college experience/growth as a student/path as a professional]. From [specific course] to [memorable interaction], your [wisdom/passion/guidance] has shaped my journey in countless ways. I am so grateful to have learned from you, both in the classroom and beyond. [I hope this isn’t goodbye, but rather the start of a new chapter in our relationship/While I’m sad to say goodbye, I know I carry your lessons with me/I’ll always look back on my time in your classes as some of the most transformative moments of my education]. Thank you for being an extraordinary teacher, mentor, and role model. I’m forever grateful.

Yours truly,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message offers a heartfelt thanks to a professor who was particularly influential throughout your college career. Send it as an email or handwritten note before graduation, perhaps with an invitation to keep in touch or grab a coffee if they’re open to an ongoing mentorship relationship.

Other Meaningful Gestures of Appreciation

In addition to expressing your thanks in writing or in person, there are several other thoughtful ways to show your gratitude to an exceptional professor:

  • Nominate them for a teaching award or recognition within the department or university
  • Participate actively in class, engaging with the material and showing your enthusiasm for their teaching
  • Recommend their course to other students or write a glowing review on course evaluation sites
  • Take their lessons forward, apply their wisdom to your life and future coursework, and share with them how you’re embodying their teachings
  • Stay in touch, updating them on your post-grad path and expressing your ongoing appreciation for their impact

Wrapping Up

Letting an outstanding professor know the difference they’ve made in your education is a meaningful gesture they’ll undoubtedly cherish.

Whether you express your gratitude in a heartfelt note, a face-to-face thanks, or through your continued growth and success, taking a moment to say thank you can strengthen your bond and bring a smile to your face.

Never underestimate the power of a sincere word of appreciation to make an educator feel valued in their vital work.

To all the professors going above and beyond: thank you for transforming lives, one student at a time.