How to Thank a Veteran (20 Cool Samples)

As a nation, we owe an immense debt of gratitude to our veterans.

These brave men and women have sacrificed so much to protect our freedoms and ensure our safety.

Expressing our appreciation for their service is something we should all do, not just on Veterans Day, but every day of the year.

But sometimes, finding the right words to say “thank you” can be a challenge.

That’s why we’ve put together this collection of 20 cool sample messages to help you express your gratitude in a meaningful way.

Whether you’re looking for the perfect thing to say in person, in a speech, or a heartfelt note, we’ve got you covered.

How to Thank a Veteran

How to Thank a Veteran

Check out these 20 sample messages to get inspired and find the perfect way to say “thank you” to a veteran:

1. To a True Hero

Your bravery, dedication, and selflessness are an inspiration to us all. Thank you for your service and for being a true hero. Your sacrifices will never be forgotten.

Commentary: This message is suitable for a personal note or card, expressing heartfelt gratitude and acknowledging the veteran’s heroism and sacrifices.

2. Proud to Know You

I feel so lucky and proud to know someone as courageous and admirable as you. Thank you for serving our country with such honor and distinction. You’re an example for us all.

Commentary: This message works well when thanking a veteran you know personally, like a friend, family member, or colleague. It expresses pride in your connection to them.

3. Defending Our Freedoms

Thank you for defending the freedoms and values we hold so dear. Your service has made a profound difference and touched countless lives. We are forever in your debt.

Commentary: This is a great option for a public speech or address, as it highlights the broader impact of the veteran’s service on our society and way of life.

4. A Text of Thanks

Hey, just wanted to shoot you a quick text to say thanks for your service. Means a lot to have brave folks like you out there keeping us safe. You rock!

Commentary: For a more casual expression of thanks, this text message strikes an appreciative but laid-back tone suitable for texting a veteran peer.

5. Gratitude in an Email

Subject: A Heartfelt Thank You

Dear [Veteran’s Name],

I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for your service to our nation. The sacrifices you’ve made and the courage you’ve shown are truly remarkable. Please know that your efforts are appreciated more than words can say. If there is ever anything I can do to support you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

With utmost respect and appreciation,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This email template provides a more formal way to express thanks, suitable for reaching out to a veteran you may not know very closely. It’s a nice way to open the door to further communication and support.

6. Honoring Your Sacrifice

On behalf of a grateful nation, we honor your service and your sacrifice. You answered the call of duty with bravery and selflessness, and we will never forget all you’ve done to keep us safe and free. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

Commentary: This message would work well as part of a speech at a Veterans Day event or ceremony. It speaks to the collective gratitude we share as a nation.

7. Our Eternal Thanks

Your service to our country is a debt we can never fully repay, but one for which we will be eternally thankful. You and your fellow veterans are the best of us, and you will always have our respect, our support, and our admiration.

Commentary: This message emphasizes the enduring nature of our thanks and acknowledges that we can never truly repay our veterans for all they’ve done. It would work well in a personal note or public remarks.

8. A Handshake and a Thank You

[Shake veteran’s hand, look them in the eye] From one American to another, I just want to say thank you for your service. It’s an honor to meet you.

Commentary: Sometimes the simplest gestures are the most profound. This short message, delivered with a handshake and eye contact, is a powerful way to directly thank a veteran when meeting them in person.

9. You Make Us Proud

Your strength, courage, and dedication are an example to us all. You’ve made your country so proud through your service. Thank you for all you’ve done and the sacrifices you’ve made. We are truly lucky to have heroes like you.

Commentary: Suitable for a card, personal note, or social media post, this message expresses a sense of pride in the veteran’s service and reminds them that they are appreciated and admired.

10. Thanking a Healthcare Hero

As a veteran and a healthcare worker, you’ve dedicated your life to serving others. Through your selfless actions, both in uniform and in scrubs, you’ve made a profound difference. Thank you for being a hero in every sense of the word.

Commentary: This message is tailored to thanking a veteran who has continued their service as a healthcare worker. It acknowledges their ongoing dedication across their military and medical careers.

11. Appreciation from a Kid’s Perspective

Dear Veteran, Thank you for being so brave and strong to keep us safe. You’re my hero! When I grow up, I want to be courageous just like you. Thanks again, [Child’s Name, Age]

Commentary: Hearing thanks from a child can be especially meaningful. This sweet message, perhaps written as part of a school project, captures a child’s innocent admiration for a veteran’s bravery.

12. A Phone Call of Gratitude

Hi [Veteran’s Name], it’s [Your Name]. I was just thinking about you and wanted to call to say thanks. Thanks for your service, your friendship, and for being such an inspiration. It means a lot, and I’m so grateful to know you.

Commentary: A phone call is a much more personal way to express thanks than a text or email. This message is a nice template for a quick call to a veteran friend or family member to let them know you’re thinking of them.

13. For a Veteran Spouse

To [Veteran’s Spouse], I can only imagine the sacrifices you’ve made and the challenges you’ve faced as the spouse of a service member. Your strength, resilience, and unwavering support are incredible. Thank you for your service to your family and our country. You are a hero too.

Commentary: It’s important to recognize that a veteran’s spouse serves and sacrifices too. This message acknowledges their critical role and unwavering support.

14. Thanking a Veteran Mentor

[Veteran’s Name], Your guidance and mentorship have been invaluable to me, both professionally and personally. Knowing the sacrifices you’ve made in your service just makes me that much more grateful for all you’ve taught me. Thank you for your service, your wisdom, and your friendship. I’m so lucky to have you as a mentor.

Commentary: For thanking a veteran who has also been a mentor, this message connects their service to the personal impact they’ve had on your life through their guidance.

15. Recognizing a Veteran Community Leader

Our community is so fortunate to have a leader and role model like you. Your service to our country and your ongoing dedication to [COMMUNITY/CAUSE] is truly admirable. Thank you for continuing to make a difference, both in uniform and here at home. We’re so grateful for all you do.

Commentary: Many veterans continue their service as leaders in their communities. This message acknowledges that ongoing impact and leadership.

16. A Public Display of Thanks

To all who have worn the uniform and served our great nation, we salute you. Your courage, sacrifices, and unwavering dedication to duty have kept us safe and protected our most cherished freedoms. On behalf of a grateful nation, thank you. We honor you today and every day.

Commentary: This message would work well on a sign, banner, or public display for Veterans Day or a similar event. It’s a broad message of thanks to all veterans.

17. A Message of Unity

In a time of division, you and your fellow veterans remind us of what unites us: our shared values of service, sacrifice, and love of country. You’ve shown us the best of what America can be. Thank you for your service and for bringing us together. We stand with you.

Commentary: This message draws a connection between veterans’ service and national unity. It positions veterans as examples of our highest shared values.

18. Thanking a Vietnam Veteran

To our Vietnam veterans, You served with honor at a time of great controversy and conflict, both abroad and here at home. You did not receive the welcome and appreciation you deserved upon your return. Today, we say what should have been said decades ago: thank you, and welcome home. Your service and sacrifices will never be forgotten.

Commentary: Many Vietnam vets did not get the thanks and recognition they deserved. This message seeks to correct that, expressing a long-overdue welcome home and thank you.

19. A Veteran’s Day Line

Happy Veterans Day! Today we honor you and all who have served. Thank you for your incredible bravery and selflessness in defense of our nation. Wishing you a day filled with the appreciation and recognition you so deeply deserve.

Commentary: Short and sweet, this message is perfect for a quick Veterans Day text or social media post to the veterans in your life.

20. For a Veteran’s Funeral

[Veteran’s Name] was a true American hero in every sense of the word – courageous in battle, dedicated to duty, and selfless in service. Our nation is diminished by [his/her] loss, but forever enriched by the legacy of valor, honor, and sacrifice [he/she] leaves behind. We will never forget all [he/she] gave for us and our country. May [he/she] rest in eternal peace.

Commentary: This final message is one we wish we never had to deliver, but one that is so important: honoring a veteran at their funeral or memorial service. This tribute recognizes their legacy of service and assures that they will never be forgotten.

Wrapping Up: More Ways to Show Your Thanks

In addition to verbal or written expressions of gratitude, there are many other meaningful ways to thank and support our veterans.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Volunteer with or donate to organizations that support veterans
  • Attend Veterans Day events and parades in your community
  • Fly the American flag to show your patriotism and support
  • Offer to help a veteran with yard work, errands, or other tasks
  • Simply listen and show interest when a veteran shares their story

No matter how you choose to express it, what matters most is that our veterans feel our profound gratitude and unwavering support.

They’ve given so much for us; the least we can do is ensure they know how much we appreciate them.

So to all our veterans, from all of us: thank you, today and every day.