How to Thank an Interviewer (20 Cool Samples)

You just aced that job interview, and you’re feeling pretty good about your chances.

But before you celebrate, there’s one more crucial step: thanking your interviewer.

A well-crafted thank you message can make you stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting positive impression.

So, how do you craft the perfect thank you message?

We’ve got you covered with 20 cool samples that will help you express your gratitude and enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Whether you prefer a handwritten note, an email, or even a text message, we have examples that will suit your style and the company culture.

How to Thank an Interviewer

How to Thank an Interviewer

Take a look at these 20 sample thank you messages and choose the one that resonates with you:

1. The Classic Thank You

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I enjoyed our conversation and learning more about the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. Your insights into the company’s culture and goals were truly inspiring.

After our discussion, I am even more excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and experience to your team. If there is any additional information you need from me, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This is a classic, straightforward thank-you message that expresses gratitude, reiterates your interest in the position, and offers to provide additional information if needed. It’s suitable for most interview situations, especially if you had a positive experience and want to reinforce your enthusiasm.

2. The Enthusiastic Follow-Up

Hi [Interviewer’s Name],

Wow, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the incredible interview experience today! Your passion for [Company Name]’s mission is truly contagious, and I left our meeting feeling more excited than ever about the possibility of joining your team.

I was particularly impressed by [specific detail from the interview], and I can’t stop thinking about how my [relevant skill or experience] could contribute to your upcoming projects.

Please let me know if there’s anything else you need from me moving forward. I’m eagerly awaiting the next steps!

Thanks again,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message is perfect when you want to convey your enthusiasm and passion for the company and the role. By mentioning a specific detail from the interview, you show that you were actively engaged and listening. This type of follow-up is great for companies with a more casual or energetic culture.

3. The Thoughtful Reflection

Subject: Thank You for the Inspiring Conversation

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to interview with you yesterday. Our conversation about [Company Name]’s values and the challenges facing the [Department Name] team has left me with a lot to think about.

Upon reflection, I realized that my experience with [relevant project or achievement] aligns perfectly with the goals you described for this role. I am confident that I could hit the ground running and make a positive impact on your team.

Thank you for your thoughtful questions and insights. I look forward to the possibility of continuing our discussion in the future.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message demonstrates that you took the time to reflect on the interview and consider how your skills and experiences align with the company’s needs. It shows that you are thoughtful and proactive, making you a strong candidate. This approach works well for more traditional or conservative industries.

4. The Skill Showcase

Subject: Thank You & Additional Thoughts

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for the engaging interview yesterday. I enjoyed diving into the details of the [Job Title] role and learning more about how my skills could contribute to [Company Name]’s success.

After our discussion, I took some time to review my portfolio and realized that my work on [relevant project] is an excellent example of the [specific skill] we discussed. I’ve attached a brief case study that highlights my process and the results I achieved.

I believe my experience and drive make me a strong fit for this position, and I’m excited about the opportunity to bring my skills to your team. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message is an opportunity to showcase your skills and experience by providing a concrete example of your work. It demonstrates your initiative and helps the interviewer visualize how you could contribute to their team. This approach is particularly effective if you discuss specific skills or projects during the interview.

5. The Culture Fit

Hi [Interviewer’s Name],

I wanted to express my gratitude for the wonderful conversation we had yesterday. Learning about [Company Name]’s unique culture and values was truly inspiring.

When you described the collaborative nature of your team and the importance of [specific value], it resonated deeply with me. I thrive in environments that foster [value], and I believe my experience at [previous company or project] has prepared me to contribute to and grow within your company culture.

Thank you for taking the time to share your insights. I’m incredibly excited about the prospect of joining your team and contributing to the positive, inclusive atmosphere you’ve created.

All the best,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message focuses on your fit with the company culture, which is often just as important as your technical skills. By highlighting a specific value that aligns with your own experiences and priorities, you demonstrate that you understand and appreciate the company’s unique culture. This approach works well if you feel a genuine connection with the interviewer and the company’s values.

6. The Problem Solver

Subject: Thank You & Problem-Solving Insights

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for the thought-provoking interview yesterday. I left our conversation energized and inspired by the challenges your team is tackling.

In particular, your mention of [specific problem or challenge] got me thinking. I’ve encountered similar issues in my work at [previous company or project], and I found that [specific approach or solution] was highly effective in addressing the root causes.

I would love the opportunity to bring my problem-solving skills and experience to your team and contribute to finding innovative solutions. If you have any further questions about my approach or how I could help address [problem], please don’t hesitate to ask.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message positions you as a problem solver who is already thinking about how to contribute to the company’s success. By sharing a brief anecdote about a similar challenge you’ve faced, you demonstrate your relevant experience and proactive mindset. This approach is particularly effective for roles that require creative thinking and adaptability.

7. The Gracious Acknowledgment

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for the time you spent with me today discussing the [Job Title] position. Your insights into the role and the company were both informative and inspiring.

While I remain enthusiastic about the opportunity, I understand that you have a difficult decision ahead of you. I know that you will choose the candidate who is the best fit for your team’s needs.

Regardless of the outcome, I am grateful for the opportunity to have met with you and learned more about your impressive organization. Thank you for your consideration.


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message is appropriate when you want to express gratitude and reiterate your interest while also acknowledging the competitive nature of the hiring process. It shows that you are realistic and gracious, which can leave a positive impression even if you don’t ultimately get the job.

8. The Recommendation Request

Subject: Thank You & Request for Recommendation

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday to discuss the [Job Title] role. I appreciated the opportunity to learn more about [Company Name]’s mission and goals, and I enjoyed our conversation about [specific topic or project].

Based on our discussion, I believe that my skills and experience align well with the position requirements. However, I understand that you may have other qualified candidates under consideration.

If you determine that I am not the right fit for this particular role, I would be immensely grateful if you would consider providing a recommendation for me on LinkedIn or serving as a reference in the future. I believe that my work ethic and dedication could be an asset to another employer, and your endorsement would mean a great deal.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message is a way to graciously acknowledge that you may not be the top candidate while still leveraging the positive rapport you built with the interviewer. By asking for a recommendation or reference, you show that you value their opinion and want to maintain a connection even if you don’t get the job. Just be sure to make this request politely and professionally.

9. The Timely Follow-Up

Hi [Interviewer’s Name],

I hope you’re having a great week! I wanted to follow up briefly about the [Job Title] position, as I know you mentioned you were hoping to decide by [date].

I remain very interested in the opportunity and am excited about the possibility of contributing to [Company Name]’s [specific goal or project]. Please let me know if there are any updates on the hiring timeline or if you need any additional information from me to assist in your decision-making process.

Thank you again for the fantastic conversation last week. I look forward to hearing from you soon!


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message is a polite way to follow up after an interview if you haven’t heard back within the expected timeline. By reiterating your interest and offering to provide additional information, you show that you are proactive and engaged in the process. Just be sure not to follow up too frequently, as this can come across as pushy.

10. The Enthusiastic Learner

Subject: Thank You for the Insightful Interview

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to interview for the [Job Title] position yesterday. Our conversation left me even more enthusiastic about the role and the chance to join your innovative team.

I was particularly intrigued by your mention of the upcoming [project or initiative] and how the person in this role would contribute to its success. If selected, I would be thrilled to bring my [relevant skills or experience] to the table and help drive the project forward.

I am also eager to learn more about [specific topic discussed in the interview] and how it relates to [Company Name]’s overall mission. If you have any recommended resources or materials that could help me expand my knowledge in this area, I would be grateful if you could share them.

Thank you again for your time and the engaging discussion. I look forward to the opportunity to continue learning and growing with your exceptional team.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message emphasizes your enthusiasm for learning and growth, which can be particularly appealing to employers who value continuous improvement and development. By asking for resources related to a topic you discussed, you show that you are proactive about expanding your knowledge and skills. This approach works well for roles that require adaptability and a willingness to learn.

11. The Value Proposition

Subject: Thank You & Value Proposition

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today to discuss the [Job Title] position. I enjoyed learning more about [Company Name]’s unique challenges and opportunities in the [industry or market].

Based on our conversation, I believe I could bring significant value to your team in several key areas:

  1. [Specific skill or experience]: My background in [previous role or project] has equipped me with the [skill] necessary to [contribute to company goal or mission].
  2. [Another skill or experience]: I have a proven track record of [achievement], which I believe could help [Company Name] [desired outcome].
  3. [Unique perspective or approach]: My [personal quality or perspective] allows me to approach challenges from a fresh angle, which could be particularly valuable in [specific aspect of role or company].

I am excited about the opportunity to leverage my strengths to help [Company Name] achieve its goals and drive meaningful results.

Thank you again for the thoughtful discussion. I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with your talented team.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message focuses on the unique value you bring to the table by highlighting specific skills, experiences, and perspectives that align with the company’s needs. By clearly articulating how you could contribute to the organization’s success, you help the interviewer visualize your potential impact. This approach is particularly effective for senior-level or specialized roles.

12. The Shared Connection

Subject: Thank You & Shared Connection

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I wanted to reach out and express my appreciation for the fantastic conversation we had during my interview for the [Job Title] position. I left our meeting feeling inspired and energized by [Company Name]’s mission and values.

I particularly enjoyed our discussion about [shared connection, such as a mutual acquaintance, alumni network, or professional organization]. It’s always a pleasure to connect with someone who shares my passion for [common interest or goal].

Beyond our connection, I believe my skills in [relevant area] and experience with [specific project or achievement] make me a strong fit for the role and the unique challenges your team is facing. I am eager to contribute my knowledge and perspective to help [Company Name] continue to thrive.

Thank you again for the opportunity to learn more about this exciting position. I would be thrilled to join your team and work together to [shared goal or mission].

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message highlights a shared connection or common interest that you discovered during the interview, helping to build rapport and demonstrate your fit with the company culture. By mentioning this connection alongside your relevant skills and experiences, you create a well-rounded picture of why you are a strong candidate. This approach works well when you genuinely share an affinity with the interviewer or the company’s values.

13. The Thoughtful Question

Subject: Thank You & Follow-Up Question

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for taking the time to meet with me yesterday to discuss the [Job Title] position. Our conversation left me even more excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name]’s mission and goals.

As I was reflecting on our discussion, a follow-up question occurred to me that I believe would help me better understand the role and the challenges your team is facing. I was wondering: [Thoughtful question related to the position, company, or industry].

I would be grateful for any additional insights you could share, as I am eager to learn as much as possible about [Company Name] and how I could make a meaningful impact in this role.

Thank you again for the engaging and informative interview. I look forward to the possibility of joining your talented team and contributing to your ongoing success.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message demonstrates your thoughtfulness and engagement by asking a relevant follow-up question about the role or company. By seeking additional information, you show that you are deeply interested in the opportunity and committed to understanding how you could contribute. This approach works well when you have a genuine question that arose after the interview and want to continue the conversation.

14. The Volunteer Offer

Subject: Thank You & Volunteer Offer

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I enjoyed learning more about your organization’s mission and the meaningful work you are doing in the community.

While I remain enthusiastic about the possibility of joining your team as a full-time employee, I understand that the hiring process can take time. In the meantime, I would be thrilled to offer my skills and expertise as a volunteer to support your ongoing projects or initiatives.

As we discussed, my background in [relevant skill or experience] aligns well with [Company Name]’s current needs, and I would be happy to contribute my time and energy to help further your mission. Please let me know if there are any volunteer opportunities available that could benefit from my skills.

Thank you again for the opportunity to learn more about your impactful work. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to [Company Name]’s success in any capacity.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message takes a unique approach by offering to volunteer your skills and time to support the organization while the hiring process unfolds. By expressing your willingness to contribute without the expectation of immediate employment, you demonstrate your genuine passion for the company’s mission and your commitment to adding value. This approach works well for mission-driven organizations or nonprofits that rely on volunteer support.

15. The Social Media Engagement

Subject: Thank You & Social Media Engagement

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I wanted to reach out and thank you for the fantastic conversation we had during my interview for the [Job Title] position. I left our meeting feeling inspired by [Company Name]’s innovative approach to [industry or market] and the exciting projects on the horizon.

In the spirit of staying connected, I have followed [Company Name] on [social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook] to stay up-to-date on your latest news and achievements. I was particularly impressed by your recent post about [specific company update or initiative] and how it aligns with my values and interests.

I also wanted to mention that I regularly share content related to [relevant industry or topic] on my social media channels. If you think it would be valuable to your audience, I would be happy to share or engage with [Company Name]’s content to help increase your reach and visibility.

Thank you again for the opportunity to discuss this exciting role. I believe my skills in [relevant area] and passion for [company’s mission or values] make me a strong fit, and I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your social media success as a member of your team.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message demonstrates your proactive interest in engaging with the company on social media, which can be particularly valuable for roles in marketing, communications, or public relations. By highlighting relevant content you found on their channels and offering to share their posts with your network, you show that you are actively invested in the company’s online presence and visibility. This approach works well when you have a strong social media following in a relevant industry or topic area.

16. The Industry Insight

Subject: Thank You & Industry Insight

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday to discuss the [Job Title] position. I appreciated the opportunity to learn more about [Company Name]’s unique position in the [industry] market and the challenges you are currently facing.

In our conversation, you mentioned that your team is particularly focused on [specific industry trend or challenge]. I recently came across an article that offers some valuable insights on this topic: [Link to relevant article or resource].

The article discusses [summary of key points] and provides some actionable strategies for companies looking to [desired outcome]. I thought this information might be helpful as your team navigates this complex landscape.

I am excited about the opportunity to bring my industry knowledge and experience to help [Company Name] tackle these challenges and achieve your goals. If you have any other questions or would like to discuss the article further, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you again for the engaging conversation. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to [Company Name]’s success in this dynamic and evolving industry.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message showcases your industry expertise and knowledge by sharing a relevant article or resource with the interviewer. By demonstrating that you are actively engaged with industry trends and challenges, you position yourself as a valuable asset who can bring fresh insights and ideas to the role. This approach works well for specialized or rapidly evolving industries where staying up-to-date is critical for success.

17. The Constructive Feedback

Subject: Thank You & Feedback Request

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday to discuss the [Job Title] position. I appreciate the opportunity to learn more about [Company Name]’s goals and challenges, and I enjoyed our conversation about [specific topic or project].

While I remain enthusiastic about the possibility of joining your team, I understand that you have a difficult decision to make. If you determine that I am not the best fit for the role, I would be grateful if you could provide some constructive feedback on how I could improve my candidacy for future opportunities.

I am committed to continuous growth and development, and I believe that receiving honest feedback is essential to that process. Any insights you could share about my interview performance, resume, or overall fit with the company would be invaluable as I continue my job search.

Thank you again for the engaging discussion and for considering my application. Regardless of the outcome, I am grateful for the opportunity to connect with you and learn more about your impressive organization.


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message takes a bold approach by directly asking for feedback if you are not selected for the role. By framing the request as an opportunity for growth and development, you demonstrate your commitment to self-improvement and your respect for the interviewer’s opinion. While not all employers will feel comfortable providing feedback, making the request shows that you are open to constructive criticism and eager to learn from the experience.

17. The Constructive Feedback

Subject: Thank You & Feedback Request

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday to discuss the [Job Title] position. I appreciate the opportunity to learn more about [Company Name]’s goals and challenges, and I enjoyed our conversation about [specific topic or project].

While I remain enthusiastic about the possibility of joining your team, I understand that you have a difficult decision to make. If you determine that I am not the best fit for the role, I would be grateful if you could provide some constructive feedback on how I could improve my candidacy for future opportunities.

I am committed to continuous growth and development, and I believe that receiving honest feedback is essential to that process. Any insights you could share about my interview performance, resume, or overall fit with the company would be invaluable as I continue my job search.

Thank you again for the engaging discussion and for considering my application. Regardless of the outcome, I am grateful for the opportunity to connect with you and learn more about your impressive organization.


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message takes a bold approach by directly asking for feedback if you are not selected for the role. By framing the request as an opportunity for growth and development, you demonstrate your commitment to self-improvement and your respect for the interviewer’s opinion. While not all employers will feel comfortable providing feedback, making the request shows that you are open to constructive criticism and eager to learn from the experience.

18. The LinkedIn Connection

Subject: Thank You & LinkedIn Connection

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I wanted to reach out and thank you for the wonderful conversation we had during my interview for the [Job Title] position. I truly enjoyed learning more about [Company Name]’s innovative approach to [industry or function] and hearing your insights on the future of the field.

As we discussed, I believe my experience in [relevant skill or achievement] would allow me to hit the ground running and make valuable contributions to your team. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique perspective and collaborative approach to [Company Name].

I’ve taken the liberty of sending you a connection request on LinkedIn. I would be honored to join your professional network and stay up-to-date on [Company Name]’s achievements and growth.

Thank you again for your time and consideration. I look forward to the next steps in the process and the potential to work together in the future.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message combines a standard thank you with a request to connect on LinkedIn. By moving your relationship to a professional networking platform, you create an opportunity for ongoing engagement and demonstrate your interest in the company beyond the immediate job opportunity. Just be sure to keep your LinkedIn profile up-to-date and professional before sending the connection request.

19. The Referral Offer

Subject: Thank You & Referral Offer

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I appreciated the opportunity to learn more about your team’s goals and challenges, and I enjoyed our discussion about [specific topic or project].

While I believe my skills and experience align well with the role requirements, I understand that you may have other highly qualified candidates in consideration. If you determine that I am not the best fit for this particular position, I would be happy to refer any colleagues or connections who may be suitable for the job.

I am committed to helping [Company Name] find the right talent to drive your mission forward, and I would be glad to leverage my network to support your hiring needs. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you would like me to make any introductions.

Thank you again for the engaging conversation and the opportunity to learn more about your impressive organization.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message takes a unique approach by offering to refer other qualified candidates if you are not selected for the role. By positioning yourself as a connector and resource, you demonstrate your commitment to the company’s success and your willingness to add value even if you don’t get the job. This can be a memorable way to stay top-of-mind and build goodwill with the hiring team.

20. The Personalized Touch

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I want to express my heartfelt thanks for the fantastic conversation we had yesterday. Your passion for [specific aspect of company or role] was truly inspiring, and I left our meeting feeling energized and excited about the possibility of joining your team.

I particularly enjoyed our discussion about [personal anecdote or shared interest]. It’s rare to find someone who shares my enthusiasm for [topic], and it made our conversation all the more meaningful.

Beyond our connection, I am confident that my skills in [relevant skill] and experience with [relevant project or achievement] align perfectly with the goals you outlined for this role. I am eager to bring my unique perspective and drive to your team and contribute to [Company Name]’s continued success.

Thank you again for your time, insights, and the genuine connection we formed. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and your exceptional team.

With sincere appreciation,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message combines a personal touch with a focus on your relevant skills and experiences. By highlighting a shared interest or personal anecdote from your conversation, you demonstrate that you formed a genuine connection with the interviewer. This approach is highly effective when you feel a strong rapport and want to emphasize the unique value you could bring to the team.

Other Ways to Show Gratitude

In addition to sending a thoughtful message, there are several other ways to express your gratitude and reinforce your interest in the position:

  • Share a relevant article or resource that relates to a topic you discussed during the interview
  • Connect with your interviewer on LinkedIn and engage with their content or updates
  • If you were interviewed by multiple people, consider sending each of them a unique, personalized message
  • Follow up with any additional information or work samples you promised to provide during the interview
  • If you receive an offer, express your excitement and gratitude for the opportunity when accepting

By going above and beyond with your thank-you efforts, you demonstrate your genuine interest, thoughtfulness, and commitment to the role and the company.

Conclusion: Thanking Your Interviewer

Expressing gratitude after a job interview is a critical step in the hiring process.

A well-crafted thank you message not only shows your appreciation for the interviewer’s time but also reinforces your interest in the position and highlights your unique qualifications.

By using one of the 20 sample messages provided as a starting point and tailoring it to your specific situation, you can create a compelling, personalized thank you that sets you apart from other candidates.

Remember to be authentic, specific, and enthusiastic in your message, and don’t hesitate to showcase your relevant skills and experiences.

In addition to sending a thank you message, consider going the extra mile by connecting on LinkedIn, sharing relevant resources, or providing additional information as promised.

These small gestures can make a big impact and demonstrate your commitment to the opportunity.

Ultimately, expressing gratitude after an interview is about more than just following up; it’s an opportunity to continue building a relationship with your potential employer and showcasing the unique value you bring to the table.

By putting thought and care into your thank-you efforts, you increase your chances of landing the job and starting your new role on a positive note.