How to Thank Interviewer after Rejection (20 Cool Samples)

Job hunting can be an emotional rollercoaster, filled with exhilarating highs and gut-wrenching lows.

One moment you’re excitedly preparing for an interview, full of hope and possibility.

The next, you’re reading a rejection email, feeling deflated and discouraged.

But wait!

Before you wallow in self-pity or move on to the next opportunity, there’s one crucial step you shouldn’t overlook: thanking your interviewer.

Yes, even after a rejection.

Expressing gratitude can leave a positive lasting impression, showcase your professionalism, and maybe even open doors for future opportunities.

How to Thank an Interviewer after Rejection

How to Thank an Interviewer After Rejection

So how exactly do you thank someone who just shattered your employment dreams?

Here are 20 templates to help you craft the perfect post-rejection thank-you.

1. The Gracious Acceptance

Dear [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me and consider me for the [job title] position. While I’m disappointed not to be selected, I understand your decision and appreciate you letting me know promptly.

I enjoyed learning more about [company name] and the exciting work you’re doing in [industry/field]. If any other relevant positions open up in the future, I would love to be considered.

Thanks again for the opportunity. I wish you and the [company name] team all the best.


[Your Name]

Commentary: This email strikes a gracious and understanding tone while still expressing interest in future opportunities. It’s suitable for most professional rejections, especially after an in-person interview or later-stage rejection.

2. The Optimistic Outlook

Hi [Interviewer Name],

I appreciate you informing me of your hiring decision. While the news wasn’t what I hoped for, I’m grateful for the chance to interview and learn more about [company name]’s [department name] team.

I’m optimistic that the right role for me is out there, and the interview process with your team has only strengthened my interest in [industry/field]. If you become aware of any other positions that might be a good fit, please keep me in mind.

Wishing [company name] continued success, and thanks again for your consideration.

All the best,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message conveys a positive, forward-looking attitude despite the disappointment of rejection. It reaffirms your interest without appearing desperate and could be used for a first-round or phone interview rejection.

3. The Valuable Insight

Dear [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for getting back to me about the [job title] role, even if it wasn’t the news I was hoping for. I appreciate the time you took to consider my application and provide feedback.

Your insights into where I could strengthen my skills and experience are invaluable. I plan to take your advice and focus on developing my abilities in [specific area]. I’m grateful for the chance to learn and grow from this process.

If you have any other suggestions for my job search or professional development, I’m always eager to learn.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message shows appreciation for constructive feedback and a commitment to self-improvement based on that insight. It’s appropriate when an interviewer has given you specific guidance, whether solicited or not.

4. The Referral Request

Hi [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for the update, though I’m sorry to hear I wasn’t selected for the [job title] position. I enjoyed our conversation and the chance to learn about [company name]’s innovative work in [industry/field].

Since you felt my skills and experience weren’t quite the right fit for this particular role, I wonder if you might know of any other companies or positions that could be a good match? I would appreciate any referrals you feel comfortable sharing.

Thanks again for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

Commentary: While it can feel bold to request a referral after being rejected if done politely, it shows continued interest and initiative. This message is best used with an interviewer you built a good rapport with.

5. The Feedback Follow-up

Dear [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for informing me of your decision regarding the [job title] role. While disappointed, I’m grateful for the opportunity to interview and learn more about the great work [company name] is doing.

If you’re willing to share any feedback on how I could improve my interviewing skills or candidacy, I would greatly appreciate your insights. I’m always striving to learn and grow as a professional.

Thanks again for your time and consideration, and I hope our paths cross again in the future.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

Commentary: Politely requesting feedback demonstrates maturity, self-awareness, and a growth mindset. Use this message if you feel the interview went well overall and want to understand areas for improvement.

6. The Gracious Short and Sweet

Dear [Interviewer Name],

Thanks for letting me know about your decision. While it’s not the outcome I hoped for, I appreciate your time and consideration.

All the best,

[Your Name]

Commentary: When you don’t have much to say, a short and sweet message still shows you’re courteous and professional. This works well for brief screening interviews or impersonal rejections.

7. The Lesson Learned

Hi [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for the update on the [job title] position. I appreciate you taking the time to inform me of your decision.

While I’m disappointed, I’m grateful for the chance to practice my interviewing skills and gain a better understanding of what [company name] is looking for in this role. I definitely learned a lot from our conversation!

Thanks again for the opportunity to interview. I hope we cross paths again in the future.


[Your Name]

Commentary: Expressing appreciation for the learning experience shows maturity and a positive attitude. This suits entry-level roles or interviews where you feel you could have performed better.

8. The Recommendation Request

Dear [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for the update, and for the opportunity to interview for the [job title] role. It was a pleasure to learn more about the great work you’re doing at [company name].

I’m disappointed that I wasn’t selected, but I understand this was a competitive process. If you were impressed by my skills and experience, even if they weren’t the perfect fit for this position, I would greatly appreciate if you could provide a brief recommendation on my LinkedIn profile.

Thanks again for your consideration.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: If you feel you performed well in the interview, it doesn’t hurt to nicely ask for a recommendation. This can lend credibility to your profile when applying to other jobs.

9. The LinkedIn Connection

Dear [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for informing me of your hiring decision. While I’m disappointed, I very much enjoyed our conversation and appreciated the chance to learn more about [company name]’s goals and upcoming projects.

If you’re open to it, I would love to connect on LinkedIn to stay in touch. I admire the work you’re doing in [industry/field] and hope we can continue to talk shop, even if a position wasn’t available at this time.


[Your Name]

Commentary: Proposing to connect on LinkedIn shows you valued the relationship, not just the job prospect. This laid-back message works well if you built a good rapport with the interviewer.

10. The Alternate Role Inquiry

Hi [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for letting me know the outcome of the [job title] search, even if it wasn’t the news I hoped for. I appreciated the chance to learn more about [company name] and the exciting work you’re doing in [department].

During our conversations, you mentioned some other roles that may be opening up soon in [alternate department]. If you think my skills could be a good fit for any of those positions, I would love to be considered as they become available. Please let me know if there are any other opportunities where I could contribute to the [company name] mission.

Thanks again,

[Your Name]

Commentary: If you discussed other potential roles during the interview process, a rejection could be a chance to pivot and express interest in those opportunities instead.

11. The Future Consideration

Dear [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for taking the time to inform me of your hiring decision. While disappointed, I understand you have to make the choice that’s best for [company name] at this time.

I remain very interested in working with your team and contributing to your mission of [company mission or goal]. If any other relevant positions open up in the coming months, I hope you’ll keep me in mind as a candidate.


[Your Name]

Commentary: Graciously expressing continued interest can keep you on the company’s radar for future openings. This forward-thinking message suits a company you’re eager to work for when you were a close runner-up.

12. The Thankful Throwback

Hi [Interviewer Name],

Thanks for calling to share your decision about the [job title] role. While it wasn’t the outcome I’d hoped for, I so appreciated the chance to have such a thoughtful, engaging discussion with you last [day of interview].

Our conversation about [interesting topic] really stuck with me, and I’ve continued reflecting on the insights you shared. Wishing you and the team all the best as you continue that important work.


[Your Name]

Commentary: Mentioning a memorable moment shows the interview had an impact and creates a personal connection. This message suits an interviewer you genuinely enjoyed talking with and want to flatter.

13. The Vote of Confidence

Dear [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for informing me of your decision. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have interviewed for the [job title] position and learned more about [company name]’s innovative efforts in [industry].

While disappointed that I wasn’t the right fit at this time, I have no doubt the person you selected will be a valuable addition to your talented team. I hope to have the chance to work together in the future.


[Your Name]

Commentary: Expressing confidence in their choice and team shows good sportsmanship and may encourage them to consider you for future openings. This suits a company whose work you admire.

14. The “Stay in Touch”

Dear [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for getting back to me about your hiring decision. While I’m disappointed I wasn’t selected, I truly enjoyed meeting you and the team and learning more about the innovative work [company name] is doing in [field].

I would love to stay in touch and perhaps grab a coffee sometime to talk more about [shared interest or industry topic]. I’m always eager to connect with like-minded professionals. Let me know if you’re open to that!

Thanks again for the opportunity to interview. Wishing you all the best.


[Your Name]

Commentary: If you genuinely enjoyed meeting the interviewer, there’s no harm in suggesting you keep in touch, perhaps with a one-on-one meetup. Just keep it casual and avoid seeming desperate or like you have ulterior motives.

15. The Enthusiastic Endorsement

Hi [Interviewer Name],

Thanks for calling to share the news about the [job title] position. I so appreciated the chance to interview and learn more about [company name]’s mission and goals.

No hard feelings at all about your decision – I know you have to choose the person who’s the absolute best fit. In fact, I was so impressed by you and your team during the interview process that I’d love to refer a couple colleagues who I think could be great matches for future openings, if you’re open to that. Just let me know the best way to pass along their information.

Thanks again for the opportunity, and I hope our paths cross again soon!


[Your Name]

Commentary: If you were impressed by the company but understand you weren’t the top choice, offering to refer other candidates shows goodwill and may make the interviewer more likely to consider you for future positions or recommend you to their contacts.

16. The Resilient Rebound

Dear [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for letting me know the outcome of the [job title] search. I appreciate your timely response and feedback.

While I had hoped for a different result, I understand that you have to make a difficult choice among many qualified candidates. Please know that this decision only strengthens my interest in [company name]. I plan to continue following your work, and to keep developing my skills in [relevant area] so that I can make an even stronger impression next time an opportunity arises.

Thank you again for the chance to throw my hat in the ring. I look forward to crossing paths again down the road.

With gratitude,

[Your Name]

Commentary: Responding to rejection with a resilient, eager-to-improve attitude demonstrates maturity and persistence. This message works well if you were a close second choice for a desirable role.

17. The Graceful Withdrawal

Hi [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for the update, and no worries about the delay – I know how busy things can get! I appreciate you letting me know where I stand.

To be honest, after learning more about the role throughout the interview process, I’ve realized it may not be the best fit for me at this point in my career. I’ve decided to withdraw my candidacy to focus on opportunities more aligned with my current goals.

I still believe [company name] is doing great work, and I wish your team the best of luck with the [job title] search and beyond. Thanks for your time and consideration.

All the best,

[Your Name]

Commentary: If during the process you decide you’re no longer interested in the role, sending a graceful rejection of your own is a classy move. Just keep it humble and avoid bad-mouthing the company in case you want to apply there again someday.

18. The Courageous Critique

Dear [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for the update on the [job title] role. I appreciate you letting me know of your decision.

To be honest, I was surprised by the outcome, as I felt my skills and experience were an excellent match for the position. If you’re willing to share, I would value your perspective on what was missing from my candidacy. I’m always looking to improve as a professional.

Regardless, I’m grateful for the opportunity to interview and wish you and the [company name] team continued success.


[Your Name]

Commentary: If you genuinely believe you were well-qualified, it’s okay to politely inquire about the reasons behind your rejection. Just be prepared for hard truths and avoid a defensive tone.

19. The Next Steps Question

Hi [Interviewer Name],

Thanks for the quick response regarding my candidacy for the [job title] position. While I’m disappointed that I won’t be moving forward in this process, I appreciated the chance to learn about the role and talk with the [company name] team.

I wonder if you can share any insights into what my next steps should be, whether that’s applying to a different position within [company name] or looking for ways to gain the skills and experience to become a more competitive candidate in the future? Any guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Wishing you and [company name] all the best,

[Your Name]

Commentary: If you’re unsure about your next career move, it doesn’t hurt to ask your interviewer for advice. This message shows humility and could provide some helpful direction.

20. The Resilient Re-apply

Dear [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for the update. I appreciate you and the team taking the time to review my application and meet with me.

While I had hoped for a different outcome, I understand this is a competitive process. The experience has only reinforced my interest in [company name] and passion for [industry/field]. I plan to continue developing my skills in [relevant areas] and would love to re-apply in the future if you think that could make me a stronger candidate.


[Your Name]

Commentary: This brief note shows resilience and a growth mindset by mentioning plans for skill development and openness to re-applying later. It suits an early-stage or less intensive interview process.

Other Ways to Show Gratitude After a Job Rejection

In addition to sending a thank-you email, there are a few other classy gestures to express appreciation post-rejection:

  • Connect with your interviewers on LinkedIn, if you haven’t already, with a personalized request
  • Follow the company on social media and interact with their posts in a genuine way
  • If an interviewer offered to introduce you to any helpful contacts, politely take them up on it
  • Recommend the company to others in your network who might be a good fit for open roles
  • Continue to demonstrate excellence and leadership in your field – you never know who might take notice

Wrapping Up Thanking an Interviewer After “No Thanks”

Thanking an interviewer after a rejection isn’t about kissing up or begging for a job.

It’s about exiting the process with professionalism, positivity, and poise.

You never know when your paths may cross again or what opportunities a graceful follow-up could bring.

So the next time you face job search disappointment, remember: the art of the post-rejection thank-you.

It just might be the plot twist that turns your hiring story around.