How to Thank Job References (20 Cool Samples)

You just landed your dream job, and you couldn’t have done it without the glowing recommendations from your professional references.

These individuals took time out of their busy schedules to vouch for your skills, experience, and character.

Now it’s time to express your gratitude and let them know how much their support means to you.

Sending a thoughtful thank-you note is not only a classy gesture, but it also helps maintain strong relationships with your references for future opportunities.

In this article, we’ll explore 20 creative and meaningful ways to thank your job references, complete with sample messages and tips for crafting the perfect expression of appreciation.

How to Thank Job References

How to Thank Job References

Whether you prefer to express your gratitude verbally, through a heartfelt email, or with a handwritten note, these 20 sample messages will inspire you to craft the perfect thank-you for your job references.

1. The Heartfelt Voicemail

“Hi [Reference’s Name], it’s [Your Name]. I wanted to reach out and express my heartfelt gratitude for being one of my references during my job search. Your endorsement played a crucial role in helping me land my dream position at [Company Name]. I am truly grateful for your support and the time you took to speak on my behalf. Thank you so much!”

Commentary: This voicemail message is perfect for expressing your gratitude when you’re unable to reach your reference directly. It’s sincere, concise, and acknowledges the specific impact their recommendation had on your job search success.

2. The Appreciative Email

Subject: Thank You for Your Support!

Dear [Reference’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for serving as one of my professional references. Your glowing recommendation undoubtedly contributed to my success in securing the [Job Title] position at [Company Name].

Your mentorship and guidance have been invaluable throughout my career, and I am truly grateful for your unwavering support. I look forward to keeping in touch and hopefully returning the favor someday.

Thank you again for everything!

Best regards, [Your Name]

Commentary: An email thank-you allows you to express your gratitude in a more detailed and formal manner. This sample message not only thanks the reference for their recommendation but also acknowledges their role as a mentor and the lasting impact they’ve had on your career.

3. The Grateful Text

“Hey [Reference’s Name]! Just wanted to say a quick thank you for being one of my references. Your endorsement helped me land the job at [Company Name]! I really appreciate your support. Let’s catch up soon!”

Commentary: A text message is a great option when you want to send a brief, informal thank you. This sample text conveys your appreciation while also suggesting an opportunity to reconnect with your reference shortly.

4. The LinkedIn Shout-Out

“I’d like to take a moment to publicly thank [Reference’s Name] for being an incredible mentor and professional reference. Your endorsement played a significant role in helping me secure my new position at [Company Name]. I am truly grateful for your support and guidance throughout my career. Thank you for being an invaluable part of my professional journey!”

Commentary: Expressing your gratitude on LinkedIn not only shows appreciation for your reference but also showcases your professional relationship to your network. This sample post highlights the reference’s role as a mentor and acknowledges its impact on your career success.

5. The Handwritten Note

Dear [Reference’s Name],

I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for serving as one of my professional references. Your glowing recommendation undoubtedly contributed to my success in landing the [Job Title] position at [Company Name].

Your mentorship and guidance have been invaluable throughout my career, and I am truly thankful for your unwavering support. I look forward to staying in touch and hopefully returning the favor someday.

Thank you again for everything!

Warm regards, [Your Name]

Commentary: A handwritten thank-you note adds a personal touch that shows your reference how much you value their support. This sample message is similar to the email version but feels more intimate and thoughtful when written by hand.

6. The Coffee Chat

“Hi [Reference’s Name]! I just wanted to let you know that I landed the job at [Company Name], and I couldn’t have done it without your support. Your recommendation made a huge difference. Can I treat you to coffee next week as a small token of my appreciation? I’d love to catch up and share more about my new role. Let me know when you’re available!”

Commentary: Inviting your reference for a coffee chat is a wonderful way to express your gratitude in person while also strengthening your professional relationship. This sample message shows appreciation and offers an opportunity to update your reference for your new job.

7. The Video Message

“Hey [Reference’s Name]! I wanted to send you a quick video message to say thank you for being one of my references. Your endorsement played a crucial role in helping me secure my dream job at [Company Name]. I am so grateful for your support and guidance throughout my career. Thank you for always being there for me. I hope we can catch up soon!”

Commentary: A video message allows you to convey your gratitude in a more personal and engaging way. This sample script is perfect for a short, heartfelt video that acknowledges your reference’s impact on your job search success and expresses your desire to stay connected.

8. The Thank-You Gift

“Dear [Reference’s Name],

I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for being one of my professional references. Your glowing recommendation undoubtedly contributed to my success in landing the [Job Title] position at [Company Name].

As a small token of my appreciation, I’ve enclosed a gift card to [Store/Restaurant Name]. I hope you’ll enjoy treating yourself to something special as a thank-you for your unwavering support.

Thank you again for everything!

Best regards, [Your Name]”

Commentary: Sending a small gift along with a thank-you note is a thoughtful way to show your appreciation for your reference’s support. This sample message pairs a heartfelt note with a gift card, allowing your reference to indulge in something they enjoy.

9. The Recommendation Reciprocation

“Hi [Reference’s Name]! I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to reach out and thank you once again for being one of my references. Your endorsement played a significant role in helping me land my new job at [Company Name].

I also wanted to let you know that I’d be more than happy to return the favor and serve as a reference for you anytime. If there’s ever an opportunity for me to sing your praises, please don’t hesitate to reach out. It would be my pleasure to support you as you’ve supported me.

Thank you again for everything!

Best, [Your Name]”

Commentary: Offering to reciprocate the favor and serve as a reference for your reference is a meaningful way to express your gratitude. This sample message not only thanks the reference for their support but also shows your willingness to advocate for them in the future.

10. The LinkedIn Endorsement

“I had the pleasure of working with [Reference’s Name] at [Company Name], and I can confidently say that they are an exceptional [Reference’s Job Title]. [Reference’s Name] consistently demonstrated [Skill 1], [Skill 2], and [Skill 3], making them an invaluable asset to any team. I highly recommend [Reference’s Name] for any opportunity that aligns with their skills and expertise.”

Commentary: Endorsing your reference’s skills on LinkedIn is a public way to express your gratitude and support your professional growth. This sample endorsement highlights the reference’s specific skills and recommends them for future opportunities.

11. The Mentor Appreciation Speech

“I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to [Reference’s Name], who has been an incredible mentor and professional reference. Your guidance, support, and unwavering belief in my abilities have been instrumental in shaping my career.

When I first started working with you, I was a eager but inexperienced professional. You took me under your wing, shared your wisdom, and provided me with countless opportunities to grow and learn. Your mentorship has not only helped me develop my skills but also instilled in me the confidence to pursue my dreams.

Your glowing recommendation played a crucial role in helping me secure my current position, and I am forever grateful for your support. Thank you for being an outstanding mentor, a trusted advisor, and a true friend. I hope to one day pay forward the kindness and guidance you’ve shown me.

Thank you, [Reference’s Name], for everything you’ve done for me. I am truly blessed to have you in my life.”

Commentary: If you have the opportunity to thank your reference in person, a heartfelt speech can be a powerful way to express your gratitude. This sample speech is suitable for a mentor who has significantly impacted your personal and professional growth. It acknowledges their role in your success and expresses your desire to pay it forward.

12. The Thoughtful Postcard

“Dear [Reference’s Name],

Greetings from [City/Country]! I’m currently on vacation, but I couldn’t stop thinking about how grateful I am for your support. Your recommendation played a significant role in helping me land my dream job. Thank you for always believing in me and being an incredible reference.

I hope you’re doing well and enjoying some well-deserved rest too. Let’s catch up when I’m back in town!

With gratitude, [Your Name]”

Commentary: Sending a postcard from your vacation destination is a thoughtful and unique way to thank your reference. This sample message shows that you’re thinking of them even while you’re away and expresses your desire to reconnect upon your return.

13. The Social Media Shout-Out

“I want to give a massive shout-out to [Reference’s Name] for being an incredible professional reference! Your endorsement helped me land my dream job at [Company Name]. I’m so grateful for your support and guidance throughout my career. Thank you for being an amazing mentor and friend!”

Commentary: Expressing your gratitude on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook allows you to publicly acknowledge your reference’s support. This sample post is perfect for a more casual, informal thank-you that showcases your appreciation to your network.

14. The Personal Phone Call

“Hi [Reference’s Name], it’s [Your Name]. I hope I’m not catching you at a bad time. I wanted to call and personally thank you for being one of my references. Your endorsement played a crucial role in helping me secure my new position at [Company Name].

I am so grateful for your support and guidance throughout my career. Your mentorship has been invaluable, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without you. Thank you for always believing in me and being an incredible reference.

I’d love to treat you to lunch or coffee soon as a small token of my appreciation. Let me know when you’re available!”

Commentary: A personal phone call allows you to express your gratitude directly and have a more in-depth conversation with your reference. This sample script is perfect for thanking a mentor who has significantly impacted your career. It also includes an invitation to meet in person and catch up.

15. The Thank-You Poem

“To [Reference’s Name], my mentor and friend, Your support has been a godsend. You vouched for me with glowing praise, Helping me land my dream job in just days.

Your guidance has been invaluable, it’s true, I’m so grateful for all you do. Thank you for being an incredible reference, And for your unwavering confidence.

I promise to pay it forward someday, And help others along their way. But for now, I just want to say, Thank you for everything, in every way!”

Commentary: If you want to get creative with your thank-you message, a poem can be a fun and memorable way to express your gratitude. This sample poem is lighthearted and sincere, acknowledging the reference’s support and promising to pay it forward in the future.

16. The Volunteer Offer

“Hi [Reference’s Name]! I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to reach out and express my heartfelt gratitude for being one of my professional references. Your endorsement played a significant role in helping me land my new job at [Company Name].

I know how passionate you are about [Cause/Organization Name], and I’d love to give back and support a cause that’s important to you. If there are any upcoming volunteer opportunities or events, please let me know. I’d be more than happy to lend a helping hand as a small token of my appreciation for all you’ve done for me.

Thank you again for your unwavering support and guidance!

Best, [Your Name]”

Commentary: Offering to volunteer for a cause or organization that your reference is passionate about is a meaningful way to show your gratitude. This sample message not only thanks the reference for their support but also demonstrates your willingness to give back and support their interests.

17. The LinkedIn Recommendation

“I had the pleasure of working with [Reference’s Name] at [Company Name], and I cannot recommend them highly enough. As my [Reference’s Job Title], [Reference’s Name] consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, strategic thinking, and a genuine commitment to mentoring and developing their team.

[Reference’s Name]’s guidance and support have been instrumental in shaping my career. They not only provided me with countless opportunities to grow and learn but also served as an incredible professional reference, helping me secure my current position.

If you’re looking for a talented, dedicated, and supportive [Reference’s Job Title], look no further than [Reference’s Name]. They are an invaluable asset to any organization and a true champion of their team’s success.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with and learned from [Reference’s Name], and I wholeheartedly endorse them for any future endeavors.”

Commentary: Writing a glowing recommendation for your reference on LinkedIn is a powerful way to express your gratitude and support your professional growth. This sample recommendation highlights the reference’s leadership skills, mentorship, and the impact they’ve had on your career. It serves as a strong endorsement for future opportunities.

18. The Grateful Group Message

“Hey everyone! I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to [Reference’s Name 1], [Reference’s Name 2], and [Reference’s Name 3] for being incredible professional references. Your endorsements played a crucial role in helping me land my dream job at [Company Name].

I am so grateful for your support, guidance, and belief in my abilities. Each of you has contributed to my personal and professional growth in unique and valuable ways, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without you.

Thank you for being amazing mentors, colleagues, and friends. I am truly blessed to have you in my life, and I hope to have the opportunity to support you in your own endeavors in the future.

With deepest gratitude, [Your Name]”

Commentary: If you had multiple references who supported your job search, a group message can be an efficient and thoughtful way to express your gratitude. This sample message acknowledges each reference’s unique contributions to your growth and success while expressing your desire to support them in return.

19. The Surprise Treat

“Dear [Reference’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to let you know that I’ve arranged a little surprise for you as a token of my appreciation for being an incredible professional reference. Your endorsement played a significant role in helping me secure my dream job at [Company Name].

I’ve ordered your favorite [treat/meal] from [Restaurant/Bakery Name], and it should be delivered to your office/home this afternoon. I hope you enjoy this small gesture of gratitude for all the support and guidance you’ve provided me throughout my career.

Thank you again for being an amazing mentor and reference. I am truly grateful for everything you’ve done for me.

Best regards, [Your Name]”

Commentary: Surprising your reference with a thoughtful treat, like their favorite meal or dessert, is a sweet way to show your appreciation. This sample message informs the reference of the surprise and expresses your gratitude for their support and guidance.

20. The Networking Introduction

“Hi [Reference’s Name]! I hope you’re having a great week. I wanted to reach out and express my sincere gratitude for being one of my professional references. Your endorsement played a crucial role in helping me land my new position at [Company Name].

I also wanted to let you know that I recently connected with [Industry Expert’s Name], who works in [Industry/Field] and has expertise in [Specific Area]. Given your interest in [Similar Area], I thought you might appreciate an introduction.

If you’re open to it, I’d be more than happy to connect the two of you. I believe you could have a valuable discussion and potentially find opportunities for collaboration or knowledge sharing.

Please let me know if you’d like me to make the introduction. It would be my pleasure to facilitate this connection as a small token of my appreciation for all the support you’ve provided me.

Thank you again for being an incredible reference and mentor!

Best, [Your Name]”

Commentary: Offering to introduce your reference to someone in your network who shares their interests or expertise is a valuable way to express your gratitude. This sample message thanks the reference for their support and proposes an introduction to an industry expert, demonstrating your willingness to leverage your connections to benefit your reference.

Other Thoughtful Gestures to Show Your Appreciation

In addition to expressing your gratitude through words, there are several other ways to show your appreciation for your job references. Here are a few ideas:

  • Send a small gift, such as a gift card, a book related to their interests, or a personalized item that reflects your relationship.
  • Treat your reference to a meal or coffee to catch up and share your new job experiences.
  • Offer to assist your reference with a project or task related to their work or personal interests.
  • Donate to a charity or cause that your reference is passionate about in their honor.
  • Share your reference’s work, articles, or social media posts with your network to help amplify their reach and support their professional goals.

Wrapping Up: The Power of Gratitude in Professional Relationships

Expressing your gratitude to your job references is not only a classy move but also an investment in your long-term professional relationships.

By taking the time to craft a heartfelt thank-you message or gesture, you demonstrate your appreciation for their support and reinforce the value of your connection.

Remember, your references have gone out of their way to vouch for your skills, experience, and character.

They’ve played a significant role in helping you achieve your career goals, and their endorsement can continue to benefit you in future opportunities.

By maintaining strong, positive relationships with your references and consistently expressing your gratitude, you’ll cultivate a powerful network of advocates who will be more than willing to support you throughout your professional journey.

So, take a moment to reflect on the impact your references have had on your career, and use these 20 sample messages as inspiration to create your personalized expressions of gratitude.

Your thoughtfulness and appreciation will not go unnoticed, and your professional relationships will continue to thrive as a result.