How to Thank Parents for Wedding (20 Cool Samples)

Your parents have been there for you through thick and thin, and now they’ve played a crucial role in making your wedding day unforgettable.

Expressing your gratitude is essential, but finding the right words can be challenging.

That’s where this guide comes in handy—we’ve crafted 20 heartfelt sample messages to help you convey your appreciation in the most genuine way possible.

Whether you’re looking for the perfect words to include in your wedding speech or seeking inspiration for a heartfelt note, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s explore some creative ways to say “thank you” and make your parents feel truly cherished.

How to Thank Parents for Wedding

How to Thank Parents for Wedding

Here are 20 sample messages to express your gratitude to your parents for their love, support, and involvement in your special day:

1. A Heartfelt Speech

Mom and Dad, words cannot express how grateful we are for your unwavering love and support. You’ve been our guiding light, and your presence has made this day even more magical. Thank you for being the most amazing parents a couple could ask for. We love you more than you could ever imagine.

Commentary: This message is perfect for a wedding speech. It’s heartfelt, genuine, and expresses deep gratitude for the parents’ love and support. It’s suitable for a couple who wants to publicly acknowledge their parents’ role in their lives and wedding day.

2. A Touching Text

Hey Mom & Dad, just wanted to take a moment to say how much we appreciate you. Your love and guidance have been the foundation of our relationship. Thank you for being there every step of the way. We’re so lucky to have you as our parents. Love you always!

Commentary: This message is ideal for a quick text to parents on the wedding day or shortly after. It’s short, sweet, and conveys the couple’s gratitude for their parents’ love and support. It’s perfect for couples who want to send a more casual but still meaningful message.

3. An Emotional Email

Subject: Thank You for Everything

Dear Mom and Dad,

As we reflect on our wedding day, we can’t help but think of how instrumental you’ve been in making it happen. Your love, guidance, and unwavering support have been the backbone of our relationship. We couldn’t have asked for better parents or role models.

Thank you for all the late-night phone calls, the words of wisdom, and the countless ways you’ve shown your love. Your presence at our wedding meant the world to us, and we’ll cherish those memories forever. We’re so grateful to have you in our lives.

With all our love,

[Your Names]

Commentary: This email is perfect for couples who want to express their gratitude in a more detailed and heartfelt manner. It acknowledges the specific ways in which the parents have supported the couple and expresses deep appreciation for their presence at the wedding. It’s suitable for sending a few days after the wedding when the couple has had time to reflect on the special day.

4. A Poetic Expression

In the tapestry of our lives, You’ve woven love and care, Your guidance and support, Have always been there.

On our wedding day, Your presence shone so bright, A testament to your love, And the strength of our ties.

Thank you, Mom and Dad, For being our pillars of strength, For showing us what love is, And for walking with us, every step.

Commentary: This poetic message is perfect for couples who want to express their gratitude creatively and artistically. It uses metaphorical language to convey the deep impact the parents have had on the couple’s lives and acknowledges their presence and support on the wedding day. This message is suitable for incorporating into a wedding speech or a handwritten note.

5. A Heartfelt Dedication

Mom and Dad, this day wouldn’t have been possible without your love, support, and countless sacrifices. You’ve been our rock, our inspiration, and our guiding light. We dedicate this special day to you and promise to carry forward the values you’ve instilled in us. Thank you for being the most incredible parents. We love you endlessly.

Commentary: This message is a beautiful dedication to the parents, acknowledging their sacrifices and the role they’ve played in shaping the couple’s lives. It’s perfect for incorporating into a wedding speech or a heartfelt letter. It expresses gratitude and promises to carry forward the values learned from the parents.

6. A Humorous Twist

Dear Mom and Dad,

Remember when you said, “One day, you’ll thank us for all of this”? Well, today’s the day! Thank you for putting up with our teenage antics, for always being there with a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on, and for teaching us the value of love and family. We wouldn’t be here today without you. You’re the real MVPs!


Your Grateful (and now married!) Children

Commentary: This message adds a touch of humor to the expression of gratitude, making it perfect for parents who appreciate a good laugh. It acknowledges the parents’ support through the couple’s growing years and thanks them for their patience and guidance. This message is suitable for a wedding speech or a note, especially for couples who share a fun, lighthearted relationship with their parents.

7. A Sentimental Memory

Mom and Dad,

Remember when we were little, and you always told us that love is the most important thing in life? Well, you were right. Your love has been the foundation of our lives, and it’s because of your example that we know how to love deeply and unconditionally. Thank you for being our first teachers, our biggest supporters, and our forever role models. We love you more than words can express.

Commentary: This message incorporates a sentimental memory, making it perfect for couples who want to reminisce about their childhood and the lessons learned from their parents. It acknowledges the parents’ role in teaching the couple about love and expresses deep gratitude for their support and guidance. This message is suitable for a heartfelt speech or a handwritten letter.

8. A Future Promise

Dear Mom and Dad,

As we embark on this new chapter in our lives, we want to take a moment to thank you for everything you’ve done to get us here. Your unwavering love and support have been our anchor, and we promise to carry forward the values you’ve instilled in us. We hope to be as amazing parents as you’ve been to us. Thank you for being our shining example.


Your Grateful Children

Commentary: This message expresses gratitude for the parents’ love and support while also acknowledging the couple’s future aspirations. It promises to carry forward the values learned from the parents and aspires to be equally amazing parents themselves. This message is perfect for a speech or a note, especially for couples who are planning to start a family of their own.

9. An Inside Joke

Hey Mom and Dad,

Remember when you said you’d dance on our wedding day if we promised to do the dishes for a month? Well, it’s time to put on your dancing shoes! Thank you for being the most incredible parents and for always knowing how to make us laugh. Your love and support mean the world to us, and we promise to keep the laughter going for years to come.


Your (Dish-Washing) Children

Commentary: This message incorporates an inside joke, making it perfect for parents who appreciate humor and have a close, fun-loving relationship with their children. It expresses gratitude for the parent’s love and support while also adding a lighthearted touch. This message is suitable for a speech or a note, especially for couples who want to share a laugh with their parents on their special day.

10. A Grateful Accolade

Mom and Dad,

Today, we stand here as a testament to your love, your guidance, and your unwavering support. You’ve been our biggest cheerleaders, our wisest advisors, and our most loving critics. We wouldn’t be the people we are today without your influence. Thank you for being the most incredible parents anyone could ask for. We are forever grateful for your love.

Commentary: This message expresses deep gratitude for the parents’ love, guidance, and support. It acknowledges their role in shaping the couple into the people they are today and thanks them for being incredible parents. This message is perfect for a heartfelt speech or a note, especially for couples who want to express their gratitude sincerely and straightforwardly.

11. A Childhood Memory

Dear Mom and Dad,

Remember when we were little, and you used to read us bedtime stories about princes and princesses finding their happily ever after? Well, today, we’ve found ours, and it’s all thanks to you. Your love has been the foundation of our lives, and your guidance has led us to this magical moment. Thank you for being our real-life fairy godparents. We love you more than words can say.

Commentary: This message incorporates a sweet childhood memory, making it perfect for couples who want to reminisce about their early years and the role their parents played in shaping their ideas about love and happiness. It expresses gratitude for the parent’s love and guidance and acknowledges their part in the couple’s journey to finding their own happily ever after. This message is suitable for a heartfelt speech or a handwritten note.

12. An Appreciation for Values

Mom and Dad,

Today, as we celebrate our love and commitment, we want to take a moment to thank you for the values you’ve instilled in us. Your unwavering integrity, your dedication to family, and your selfless love have been our guiding light. We promise to carry these values forward in our marriage and to always honor the example you’ve set. Thank you for being our moral compass and our forever role models.

Commentary: This message expresses appreciation for the values the parents have instilled in the couple. It acknowledges the parents’ integrity, dedication to family, and selfless love, and promises to carry these values forward in the couple’s marriage. This message is perfect for a speech or a note, especially for couples who want to emphasize the importance of family values and honor their parents’ example.

13. A Teary-Eyed Thank You

tearfully Mom, Dad… I don’t know where to begin. Your love has been my constant, and your support is my strength. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you. Thank you for always believing in me, for catching me when I fell, and for loving me unconditionally. I hope to be half the parent you’ve been to me. I love you more than words can express.

Commentary: This message is perfect for a tear-jerking moment during a wedding speech. It expresses deep gratitude for the parents’ love, support, and belief in their child. It acknowledges the parents’ role in shaping their child into the person they are today and aspires to be a similarly amazing parent. This message is suitable for a child who wants to express their heartfelt emotions during their wedding speech.

14. A Sibling Shoutout

Mom, Dad, and my amazing siblings,

Today wouldn’t be complete without acknowledging the incredible family that’s stood by my side through thick and thin. Your love, laughter, and unwavering support have been my anchor. Thank you for being my first friends, my biggest cheerleaders, and my forever confidants. I’m so lucky to have grown up with you by my side. I love you all more than words can say.

Commentary: This message includes a special shoutout to siblings, making it perfect for couples who want to acknowledge their entire family’s support and love. It expresses gratitude for the family’s laughter, support, and friendship, and emphasizes the luck of having grown up with such an amazing family. This message is suitable for a speech or a note, especially for couples who share a close bond with their siblings.

15. A Cultural Tribute

In native language [Translation: Mom and Dad, today we honor you and the rich cultural heritage you’ve passed down to us. Your love and guidance have been the foundation of our lives, and we promise to carry forward the traditions and values you’ve instilled in us. Thank you for being our cultural compass and for teaching us to embrace our roots. We love you beyond measure.]

Commentary: This message incorporates a cultural tribute, making it perfect for couples who want to honor their parents and their cultural heritage. It expresses gratitude for the parents’ love, guidance, and the cultural values they’ve passed down. This message is suitable for a speech or a note, especially for couples who want to emphasize the importance of their cultural roots and honor their parents’ role in preserving them.

16. A Message of Growth

Mom and Dad,

As we stand here today, we’re filled with gratitude for the love and lessons you’ve given us over the years. You’ve taught us to be strong, to be kind, and to always chase our dreams. Your unwavering support has been our launching pad, and your guidance our safety net. Thank you for being our biggest advocates and our most loving critics. We wouldn’t be who we are today without you.

Commentary: This message focuses on personal growth and the lessons learned from parents. It expresses gratitude for the parents’ love, support, and the values they’ve instilled, such as strength, kindness, and the pursuit of dreams. This message is perfect for a speech or a note, especially for couples who want to acknowledge their parents’ role in their personal development and express appreciation for their unwavering support.

17. A Lighthearted Confession

Mom and Dad,

We have a confession to make… We didn’t clean our rooms all those times you told us to. But we did learn the value of hard work, perseverance, and the importance of family. Thank you for being our guiding light, our moral compass, and our forever cheerleaders. We promise to always make our bed and to love each other as deeply as you’ve loved us.

Commentary: This message incorporates a lighthearted confession, making it perfect for couples who want to add a touch of humor to their expression of gratitude. It acknowledges the lessons learned from parents, such as hard work, perseverance, and the importance of family, while also adding a playful twist. This message is suitable for a speech or a note, especially for couples who share a fun, lighthearted relationship with their parents.

18. A Message of Inspiration

Dear Mom and Dad,

Your love story has been our greatest inspiration. Watching the way you’ve loved and supported each other through life’s ups and downs has taught us what true partnership means. Thank you for setting the bar high and for showing us that love can conquer all. We hope to build a marriage as strong and beautiful as yours. You’re our forever role models.

Commentary: This message focuses on the parents’ love story as an inspiration for the couple. It expresses gratitude for the parents’ example of love, support, and partnership, and aspires to build a similarly strong and beautiful marriage. This message is perfect for a speech or a note, especially for couples who have been inspired by their parents’ enduring love and want to acknowledge their role in shaping their own relationship goals.

19. A Message of Strength

Mom and Dad,

Life hasn’t always been easy, but your love has been our constant. Through every challenge and every triumph, you’ve been our rock, our haven, and our biggest supporters. Thank you for showing us what unconditional love looks like and for giving us the strength to face anything that comes our way. We are forever grateful for your love and resilience.

Commentary: This message acknowledges the challenges faced and the strength drawn from the parents’ love and support. It expresses gratitude for the parents’ unconditional love, their role as a haven, and the resilience they’ve instilled in their children. This message is perfect for a speech or a note, especially for couples who have faced adversity and want to acknowledge their parents’ role in helping them overcome challenges.

20. A Legacy of Love

Dear Mom and Dad,

As we start this new chapter in our lives, we carry with us the legacy of love you’ve built. Your commitment to each other, your unwavering faith, and your selfless love have been our guiding light. We promise to honor your legacy by loving each other deeply, by always choosing forgiveness, and by putting family first. Thank you for being our forever inspiration. We love you endlessly.

Commentary: This message focuses on the legacy of love built by the parents and the couple’s promise to honor it. It expresses gratitude for the parents’ commitment, faith, and selfless love, and vows to carry forward these values in the couple’s marriage. This message is perfect for a speech or a note, especially for couples who want to acknowledge the lasting impact of their parents’ love and promise to continue their legacy.

Wrapping Up: How to Thank Parents for Wedding

In addition to expressing your gratitude through words, there are many other meaningful ways to show your appreciation for your parents’ love and support. Here are a few ideas:

  • Present them with a heartfelt gift, such as a personalized photo album or a custom piece of art that celebrates your family bond.
  • Dedicate a special dance or song to them during the reception, and take a moment to publicly acknowledge their importance in your life.
  • Plan a special outing or trip with them after the wedding to create new memories and strengthen your bond.
  • Make a charitable donation in their honor to a cause that’s close to their hearts.
  • Create a video tribute that showcases your favorite memories together and the lessons they’ve taught you over the years.

Remember, the most important thing is to express your love and gratitude in a way that feels authentic and heartfelt to you.

Your parents will cherish your words and gestures, no matter how big or small, because they come from the heart.