How to Thank Recommender after Acceptance (20 Cool Samples)

Receiving an acceptance letter is exhilarating, especially after all the hard work you put into your application.

However, it’s important not to forget the people who helped you along the way, particularly those who wrote your letters of recommendation.

Expressing your gratitude to your recommenders is not only a kind gesture but also strengthens your professional relationships and keeps the door open for future opportunities.

If you’re unsure how to thank your recommender, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered with 20 cool sample messages to inspire you.

How to Thank Recommender after Acceptance

How to Thank Recommender after Acceptance

Here are 20 sample thank-you messages to help you express your appreciation to your recommenders:

1. Short and Sweet

Thank you so much for your letter of recommendation! Your support was instrumental in helping me gain acceptance to [School/Company Name]. I deeply appreciate you taking the time to vouch for me.

Commentary: This message is brief but sincere. It’s a good option if you want to send a quick text or email to your recommender.

2. Heartfelt and Detailed

Dear [Recommender’s Name],

I wanted to reach out and express my heartfelt gratitude for writing such a glowing letter of recommendation on my behalf. I was thrilled to learn that I’ve been accepted to [School/Company Name], and I know that your endorsement played a significant role in this outcome.

Your mentorship and guidance have been invaluable to me, not only during the application process but throughout my academic/professional journey. I feel incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from you and grow under your tutelage.

Thank you for believing in me and for going above and beyond to support my aspirations. I am deeply grateful for your unwavering support and encouragement.


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message is longer and more detailed, making it suitable for an email or handwritten note. It expresses deep gratitude and acknowledges the recommender’s role as a mentor.

3. Future Plans

Dear [Recommender’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share the exciting news that I’ve been accepted to [School/Company Name]! I am thrilled about this opportunity and eager to embark on this new chapter.

I also wanted to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for your letter of recommendation. Your words of support undoubtedly strengthened my application and helped me stand out among the pool of candidates.

As I prepare for this next step, I would love to keep in touch and update you on my progress. Your continued guidance and advice would be invaluable to me.

Thank you again for your unwavering support. I am incredibly grateful to have you as a mentor and recommender.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message not only expresses gratitude but also shares future plans and invites the recommender to stay involved as a mentor. It’s a great way to keep the lines of communication open and nurture the professional relationship.

4. Excited About the Future

[Recommender’s Name], guess what? I got accepted to [School/Company Name]! I couldn’t have done it without your fantastic letter of recommendation. I’m so excited about this new chapter and all the opportunities ahead. Thank you for being such an important part of my journey. I’m incredibly grateful for your support!

Commentary: This message is upbeat and conveys excitement about the future. The emoji adds a friendly touch, making it suitable for a recommender you have a casual relationship with.

5. Owe My Success

Dear [Recommender’s Name],

I hope you’re doing well! I wanted to share the fantastic news that I’ve been accepted to [School/Company Name]. This achievement wouldn’t have been possible without your incredible support and recommendation.

I truly owe my success to you and your unwavering belief in my abilities. Your guidance and mentorship have been instrumental in shaping my path, and I am forever grateful for the time and effort you’ve invested in me.

Thank you for being such an exceptional role model and advocate. I hope to make you proud as I embark on this new journey.

With heartfelt gratitude,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message emphasizes the recommender’s role in the writer’s success and expresses a desire to make them proud in the future. It’s a heartfelt way to show deep appreciation and respect.

6. You’re the Best!

[Recommender’s Name], I have the best news – I got into [School/Company Name]! I couldn’t have asked for a more incredible recommender. Your letter was absolute fire! Thank you for being so amazing and supportive. You’re seriously the best!

Commentary: This message is very casual and enthusiastic, using slang and multiple emojis. It’s best suited for a recommender you have a very friendly, informal relationship with.

7. Inspired to Give Back

Dear [Recommender’s Name],

I am thrilled to share that I have been accepted to [School/Company Name]! As I reflect on this achievement, I am filled with gratitude for your support and the profound impact you’ve had on my journey.

Your letter of recommendation not only strengthened my application but also served as a testament to the power of mentorship. The guidance and wisdom you’ve shared have been invaluable in shaping my path and inspiring me to pursue my dreams.

As I move forward, I am committed to paying it forward and being a mentor to others, just as you have been to me. I hope to make a positive difference in someone else’s life, as you have in mine.

Thank you for being an extraordinary role model and for believing in me. I am forever grateful for your support.

With sincere appreciation,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message goes beyond expressing gratitude and shares how the recommender’s mentorship has inspired the writer to give back and become a mentor. It’s a thoughtful way to show the profound impact the recommender has had.

8. Couldn’t Have Done It Without You

[Recommender’s Name], I DID IT! I got accepted to [School/Company Name]! I’m over the moon and I couldn’t have done it without your amazing support. Your letter of recommendation was the cherry on top of my application sundae. Thank you for being the best recommender a [guy/gal] could ask for. I owe you big time!

Commentary: This message is playful and humorous, using food analogies and emojis to convey excitement and gratitude. It’s a fun option for a recommender you have a warm, friendly rapport with.

9. Voicemail

Hey [Recommender’s Name],

it’s [Your Name]! I just got the incredible news that I’ve been accepted to [School/Company Name] and I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your amazing letter of recommendation. Your support means the world to me and I couldn’t have achieved this without you. I’m so grateful to have you as a mentor and recommender. Thank you for everything! I’ll be in touch soon to share more details. Have a fantastic day!

Commentary: Leaving a voicemail is a more personal touch than a text or email. This message is brief but sincere and promises more details to come in a future conversation.

10. You’re a Lifesaver!

[Recommender’s Name], you’re a total lifesaver! I just found out that I got into [School/Company Name] and it’s all thanks to your incredible letter of recommendation. Seriously, you saved my application from the brink of despair. I can’t thank you enough for being such a rock-star recommender. You’ve got a friend for life in me!

Commentary: This message uses exaggeration and humor to convey gratitude, comparing the recommender to a lifesaver and rock star. The tone is very casual and friendly, suitable for a close relationship.

11. Let’s Celebrate!

Dear [Recommender’s Name],

I have fantastic news to share – I’ve been accepted to [School/Company Name]! I am overjoyed and incredibly grateful for your support throughout this process.

Your letter of recommendation was a key factor in my acceptance, and I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to advocate on my behalf. Your words truly made a difference.

I would love to celebrate this milestone with you and thank you in person. If you’re available, let’s grab coffee or lunch soon – my treat! ☕

Thank you again for being such an amazing recommender and mentor. I couldn’t have done it without you!


[Your Name]

Commentary: This message expresses a desire to celebrate together and thank the recommender in person. Offering to treat them to a meal is a nice gesture of appreciation.

12. Acceptance Photo

[Send a photo of yourself holding your acceptance letter or celebrating the good news]

[Recommender’s Name], I wanted to share this moment with you because you played such a huge role in making it happen! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your incredible letter of recommendation. Your support means everything to me. I am so grateful to have you in my corner!

Commentary: Sending a photo of your acceptance celebration is a fun, visual way to share your excitement and gratitude with your recommender. It makes the message more personal and engaging.

13. You’re the Reason

Dear [Recommender’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share some wonderful news with you – I have been accepted to [School/Company Name]!

As I reflect on this achievement, I can’t help but think of the pivotal role you played in making it happen. Your letter of recommendation was the cornerstone of my application, and I do not doubt that your words were the reason I stood out among the sea of candidates.

Your unwavering support and belief in me have been a constant source of motivation throughout this journey. I am incredibly fortunate to have you as a mentor and advocate.

Thank you for being the reason behind my success. I am forever grateful for your guidance and the profound impact you’ve had on my life.

With deepest appreciation,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message directly attributes the acceptance to the recommender’s endorsement, emphasizing their role as the reason behind the writer’s success. It’s a powerful way to express gratitude and highlight the significance of their support.

14. You Inspire Me

[Recommender’s Name], I have amazing news – I got accepted to [School/Company Name]! Your letter of recommendation was a masterpiece and I know it made a huge impact.

But more than that, I want to thank you for being such an incredible role model and inspiration to me. Your guidance and wisdom have shaped me in so many ways, and I am forever grateful to have you as a mentor.

You inspire me to dream big, work hard, and never give up on my goals. Thank you for being a shining example of what’s possible with dedication and passion.

I hope to make you proud as I embark on this new chapter. Thank you for everything! ✨

Commentary: This message goes beyond thanking the recommender for their letter and expresses gratitude for their role as an inspiration and role model. It’s a heartfelt way to acknowledge their impact on a personal and professional level.

15. Funny Meme or GIF

[Send a humorous meme or GIF about being accepted or expressing gratitude]

[Recommender’s Name], I GOT IN! And it’s all thanks to your incredible letter of recommendation. Seriously, you nailed it! I don’t know how I can ever repay you, but I promise to name my firstborn after you. Thank you for being the best recommender a [gal/guy] could ask for!

Commentary: Sending a funny meme or GIF along with a humorous message is a lighthearted way to express gratitude and share your excitement. This approach works well for recommenders you have a playful, casual relationship with.

16. LinkedIn Shoutout

[Recommender’s Name], I wanted to give you a public shoutout on LinkedIn for being an incredible mentor and recommender. Your support was instrumental in helping me gain acceptance to [School/Company Name]. I am so grateful for your guidance and belief in my potential. Thank you for being such an important part of my journey! #Gratitude #Mentorship #CareerGoals

Commentary: A LinkedIn post is a unique way to publicly acknowledge your recommender and highlight their role in your success. Just make sure your recommender is comfortable with public recognition before posting.

17. Hand-Drawn Thank You Card

[Pen thoughtful thank you message accompanied by a hand-drawn illustration or design elements]

Commentary: A personalized, hand-drawn thank you card shows that you put time and effort into expressing your gratitude. This is a meaningful gesture that your recommender is sure to appreciate and treasure.

18. Treat or Gift

Hey [Recommender’s Name], I have great news – I got into [School/Company Name]! I couldn’t have done it without your amazing letter of recommendation. To say thanks, I’d love to treat you to coffee/lunch or drop off a small token of my appreciation. You’ve been such an important part of my success and I want to celebrate with you! Let me know what works best for your schedule.

Commentary: Offering to treat your recommender to a meal or giving them a small gift is a thoughtful way to show your appreciation. This message is casual and friendly, making it appropriate for a text or email to a recommender you have a warm relationship with.

19. Specific Impact

Dear [Recommender’s Name],

I recently learned that I have been accepted to [School/Company Name], and I wanted to share this wonderful news with you and express my deepest gratitude for your letter of recommendation.

During my interview, the admissions committee specifically mentioned how impressed they were by your endorsement and the specific examples you provided of my leadership skills and innovative thinking. Your words truly made a difference and helped me stand out as a top candidate.

I feel incredibly fortunate to have had your support throughout this process. Your mentorship has been invaluable in shaping my journey thus far, and I am excited to carry the lessons I’ve learned from you into this next chapter.

Thank you for being such an influential figure in my life and career. I could not have achieved this milestone without you.

With gratitude,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This message highlights the specific impact the recommender’s letter had on the acceptance decision. It’s a powerful way to show your recommender that their efforts directly contributed to your success.

20. Success Update

Dear [Recommender’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out and share an exciting update with you. Since being accepted to [School/Company Name], which was made possible in large part due to your incredible letter of recommendation, I have [share a success update – e.g., won an award, landed a prestigious internship, published research].

As I reflect on my journey thus far, I am filled with gratitude for your unwavering support and mentorship. Your guidance has been instrumental in helping me navigate my path and achieve my goals.

I wanted to express my heartfelt appreciation once again for your role in my success. I am forever grateful for your belief in me and for going above and beyond to support my aspirations.

Thank you for being an extraordinary mentor and recommender. I look forward to staying in touch and sharing more updates with you in the future.

Warmest regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: Sending an update about your successes is a fantastic way to reconnect with your recommender and express your ongoing gratitude. This message shows that their support continues to positively impact your journey long after the initial acceptance.

Other Ways to Show Your Appreciation

In addition to sending a thoughtful message, there are other gestures you can make to show your gratitude to your recommender:

  • Send a small gift, such as a gift card, book, or specialty food item
  • Offer to assist them with a project or task
  • Publicly acknowledge their mentorship on social media or in your bio
  • Keep them updated on your progress and successes
  • Pay it forward by offering to be a mentor or recommender for someone else

Wrapping Up: Expressing Gratitude to Your Recommender

Receiving an acceptance letter is a momentous occasion that deserves celebration.

As you bask in the excitement of this achievement, don’t forget to take a moment to thank those who helped you along the way, especially your recommenders.

Your recommenders invested time and effort into crafting compelling letters on your behalf, and their words undoubtedly played a significant role in your acceptance.

Expressing your gratitude not only shows your appreciation but also strengthens your professional relationship and keeps the door open for future opportunities.

Use the sample messages provided as inspiration to craft your own heartfelt thank you.

Whether you send a text, email, handwritten note, or LinkedIn shoutout, the most important thing is to express your sincere appreciation for their support and mentorship.

Remember, a little gratitude goes a long way.

By taking the time to thank your recommenders, you’re not only showing your appreciation but also demonstrating your professionalism and strengthening your network.