How to Thank Repeat Customers (20 Cool Samples)

In the world of business, few things are as valuable as a loyal, repeat customer.

These are the people who keep coming back, time and again, to support your brand and buy your products or services. They are the lifeblood of any successful enterprise.

So how do you show your appreciation for these VIP customers?

How do you let them know just how much their continued patronage means to you?

In this article, we’ll explore 20 creative and memorable ways to say “thank you” to your most loyal supporters.

How to Thank Repeat Customers

How to Thank Repeat Customers

From heartfelt notes to exclusive perks, here are 20 sample messages and gestures that will make your repeat customers feel truly special:

1. The Personal Touch

Dear [Name],

I just wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for being such a valued customer over the years. It’s loyal patrons like you who are the heart and soul of our business. Your continued support means the world to us.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. We look forward to serving you for many years to come!


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Commentary: This message takes a warm, personal tone that feels sincere and appreciative. It’s ideal for a small business owner who knows many repeat customers by name and wants to extend a heartfelt thank you.

2. The VIP Treatment

As one of our most loyal VIP customers, we wanted to extend our deepest gratitude for your continued patronage. To show our appreciation, please enjoy this exclusive 20% off coupon on your next purchase. Simply enter code LOYALVIP at checkout.

Thank you for being such an important part of the [Brand] family! We are honored to serve you.

Commentary: Offering an exclusive discount or perk makes repeat customers feel valued and special. This type of message is perfect for a marketing email or text promoting a customer loyalty program.

3. The Birthday Surprise

Happy birthday [Name]!

As one of our most cherished repeat customers, we wanted to celebrate your special day with a gift – enjoy $15 off your next purchase at [Brand]!

Thank you for your loyal support over the years. Wishing you a fantastic birthday and a wonderful year ahead!

Your friends at [Brand]

Commentary: Recognizing a customer’s birthday with a special discount or freebie is a thoughtful gesture that strengthens brand loyalty. This casual, friendly message is perfect as an email or text.

4. The Handwritten Note

[Handwriting font]

Dear [Name],

In this age of automation, I wanted to take the time to write you a personal note of thanks. Your repeat business and loyalty to [Brand] is so deeply appreciated. Customers like you are the reason we do what we do.

Thank you for being such an important part of our story. It is a true pleasure to serve you!

With gratitude,



Commentary: Few things feel as special and personal as a handwritten thank you card. This message has an intimate, genuine tone perfect for a small business or service provider to send to top clients.

5. The Social Shoutout

We just have to give a special shoutout to [@CustomerName] for being such an incredible brand supporter over the years! Your loyalty means everything to us. Thank you for being the best of the best – we appreciate you more than words can say! #loyalcustomers #gratitude

Commentary: Publicly thanking a loyal customer on social media makes them feel celebrated and special. The casual, enthusiastic tone and emojis are perfect for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

6. The Sneak Peek

You’re receiving this message because you’re part of our inner circle of VIP customers. As a token of our appreciation, we wanted you to be the first to know about our upcoming new product line! Here’s an exclusive sneak peek just for you: [photo]

Keep an eye on your inbox for the official launch announcement and a special loyalty discount. Thank you for your continued support – it means the world to us!

Commentary: Giving loyal customers early access or a special preview of new products is a great way to thank them and generate excitement. This email message has an exclusive, appreciative tone perfect for a repeat customer.

7. The Surprise Upgrade

As a small token of our immense appreciation for your loyal patronage over the years, we’ve upgraded your [service/product] to the next tier, completely free of charge! You’ll now enjoy [list of premium features].

Thank you for being such an incredible customer and friend. We are so grateful for your support!

Commentary: Surpringing a repeat customer with a free upgrade to a premium offering is an amazing way to show gratitude and exceed expectations. This message communicates the surprise with a tone of delight and appreciation.

8. The Referral Reward

Dear [Name],

Did you know that [X]% of our new customers come from referrals by satisfied patrons like you? Your word-of-mouth support is the highest compliment we could receive!

To show our thanks, we’ve added a $20 credit to your account for each new customer you’ve referred. Thank you for spreading the love!

We appreciate your loyalty more than we can say.


The [Brand] Team

Commentary: Thanking customers for referrals and offering a reward incentivizes word-of-mouth marketing. The tone here is upbeat, friendly, and thankful – perfect for an email marketing message.

9. The Holiday Appreciation

Season’s Greetings [Name]!

During this special time of year, we wanted to pause and express our heartfelt gratitude for your continued loyalty to [Brand]. Customers like you who have supported us year after year are the greatest gift an organization could ask for.

Please accept this token of appreciation for being part of our family: [branded holiday gift]

Wishing you love and joy this holiday season!


Commentary: Thanking loyal customers during the holidays is a beautiful way to spread some cheer. This message has a warm, appreciative tone that feels personal and special, making it ideal for an email or card.

10. The Anniversary Acknowledgement

Happy [5 years, 10 years, etc] anniversary [Name]! Today marks a momentous milestone – you’ve been part of the [Brand] family for [X] amazing years.

Please know how deeply we value your loyalty and friendship over the years. You’ve been with us through many chapters, and your unwavering support means more than we can say.

We can’t thank you enough for being on this journey with us. Here’s to many more years together!

With gratitude,

[Name + Title]

Commentary: Recognizing a customer’s anniversary with the brand is a powerful way to demonstrate appreciation. The tone is warm, celebratory, and sentimental, ideal for an email marking a milestone anniversary.

11. The Video Shoutout

Hey [Name]! I just wanted to send you a quick personal message to let you know what an absolute rock-star customer you are! [Switch to casual/enthusiastic voice]: “You have been such an incredible supporter over the years, and all of us at [Brand] are just blown away by your loyalty. Customers like you are the reason we do what we do. Seriously, you’re amazing and we appreciate you SO much! Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you!” [Smile and wave]

Commentary: Sending a personalized video message from the founder or staff adds an extra special touch to a thank you. The casual, enthusiastic tone and personal delivery make the customer feel truly valued. Great for an email follow-up after a big purchase or customer anniversary.

12. The Feedback Thanks

Dear [Name],

We wanted to extend a sincere thank you for taking the time to provide your candid feedback about your experience with [Brand]. It’s through thoughtful comments from loyal customers like you that we’re able to learn, grow, and continuously elevate our service.

Please know that we take your insights to heart. We will be implementing [change] based on your valued suggestion.

Thank you for being an integral part of our improvement journey. Your support means everything!



Commentary: Thanking a customer for specific feedback or suggestions shows that the brand is listening and values their perspective. The tone is appreciative and action-oriented, perfect for an email reply to a customer survey or review.

13. The Insider Offer

As one of our highly-valued VIP customers, we wanted to extend you an offer that’s exclusively for our loyal inner circle. For the next 24 hours, enjoy a whopping 40% off your entire purchase! Simply use code VIPINSIDER at checkout.

Thank you for being such an incredibly supportive customer over the years. It’s patrons like you who keep our business thriving, and we are endlessly grateful for you!

Commentary: Providing limited-time, exclusive offers to repeat customers is a great way to demonstrate their VIP status. The tone here is enthusiastic and appreciative, perfect for a text or email promotion.

14. The Philanthropic Partnership

Dear [Name],

Your loyal support over the years has meant the world to us. To pay your generosity forward, we’ve made a donation in your name to [charity].

[Short description of charity and its impact]. We thought this cause would resonate with you given [personal detail].

Thank you for being a cherished customer and friend. Your patronage allows us to make a positive impact together.

With gratitude,


Commentary: Making a charitable donation on behalf of a loyal customer is a heartfelt way to say thank you while making a difference. The tone is appreciative, personal, and impact-focused, ideal for an email or letter.

15. The Free Gift

Your surprise gift has arrived! [Image of gift]

We hope this [gift description] brings a smile to your face. Think of it as a big bear hug from all of us at [Brand], thanking you for being such an incredible part of our family through the years.

Your loyalty is the greatest gift, and we couldn’t be more grateful for wonderful customers like you!

Cheers to you!

[Brand name]

Commentary: Sending loyal customers a surprise-free gift is an incredibly powerful thank-you gesture. The tone of this email or card is celebratory, playful, and warmly appreciative.

16. The Recognition Reward

Congratulations [Name]! We are thrilled to announce that you are the winner of our [Loyalty Recognition Program]!

Your steadfast support over the years has earned you the top spot among our most loyal patrons. As a token of our immense gratitude, please enjoy [luxe reward].

We are so incredibly thankful to have a customer and friend like you. Cheers to you!

Commentary: Publicly recognizing top customers through a formal loyalty program is an impactful show of appreciation. The tone here is congratulatory and thankful, perfect for an email announcing the reward.

17. The Progress Report

[Name], thanks to your loyal support over the past year, we’ve been able to:

  • Accomplish [milestone 1]
  • Launch [new offering]
  • Expand our team by [X]%
  • Donate [$$] to [cause]

We couldn’t have achieved any of this without incredible customers like you by our side. As we reflect on an amazing year of growth, we are filled with deep gratitude for your continued trust and patronage.

Thank you for being an integral part of the [Brand] story. We look forward to continuing this journey together!

Commentary: Updating repeat customers on how their support has fueled the company’s growth is a great way to make them feel invested in the brand. The tone is appreciative, personal, and forward-looking – ideal for an annual recap email.

18. The Red Carpet Treatment

[Name], as one of our most cherished VIP customers, we would like to cordially invite you to an exclusive event in your honor: [Event Name].

This special evening will be a celebration of your loyalty and a heartfelt thank you for your unwavering support through the years. Prepare to be pampered with [event details]!

We do hope you’ll join us in toasting to you, our guest of honor. Please RSVP by [date].

It is our privilege to serve you and our joy to call you part of the [Brand] family. Thank you for your continued loyalty!

Commentary: Hosting a special event or experience to honor repeat customers makes them feel like true VIPs. The tone is formal, exclusive, and reverent – perfect for a printed or email invitation.

19. The Customer Spotlight

Today we’re shining the spotlight on one of our most incredible customers: [Name]!

[Name] has been a cherished member of the [Brand] family for over [X] years. We are constantly inspired by [his/her/their] [special quality], and are so thankful to be [his/her/their] trusted [product/service] provider.

[Include customer quote if available]

[Name], we appreciate your loyalty more than words can express. Thank you for being such a phenomenal part of our story! We raise our glass to you!

Commentary: Featuring a loyal customer in the brand’s newsletter or blog is a public display of appreciation. The tone is celebratory and admiring, with specific details that make the customer feel special and seen.

20. The Simple and Sweet

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

Your continued support means everything. We appreciate you so much!

❤ [Brand]

Commentary: Sometimes the most impactful messages are short, sweet and to the point! This succinct note of thanks is earnest and enthusiastic – perfect for a quick email, social comment, or text.

Other Ways to Thank Loyal Customers

In addition to verbal or written appreciation, here are some other thoughtful gestures to thank your repeat customers:

  • Send them a memorable branded swag item
  • Provide a significant discount on their birthday or customer anniversary
  • Feature their photo and story on your website or social media
  • Send them a gift card to their favorite local restaurant or shop
  • Provide a complimentary service upgrade or VIP experience

In the end, a little appreciation goes a long way. By taking the time to consistently recognize and thank your loyal customers, you’ll fortify those vital relationships and keep patrons coming back for years to come.

Wrapping Up: Thanking Your Repeat Customers

An attitude of gratitude is one of the most powerful business strategies at your disposal.

Consistently appreciating your repeat customers will make them feel valued, fortify their loyalty, and turn them into raving fans.

The 20 sample scripts and gestures we explored are just a starting point! Get creative in dreaming up unique ways to celebrate your VIP patrons.

The more personal and memorable, the better.

At the end of the day, never underestimate the power of a heartfelt “thank you.”

Those two little words can make all the difference in letting your best customers know what their loyalty means to you.