25 Ways to Thank Someone for a Compliment

Receiving a compliment can be a delightful experience, affirming our efforts and boosting our mood. However, the art of accepting compliments gracefully is often overlooked.

It’s important to acknowledge the giver’s kindness and thoughtfulness in noticing your qualities or achievements.

how to thank someone for a complement

How to Thank Someone for a Compliment: 25 Ideas

This article will explore 25 ways to express gratitude when someone offers you a compliment, explaining why each approach is effective and suggesting the most appropriate occasions for their use.

1. Acknowledge with a Simple Thank You

“Thank you so much, I really appreciate your kind words!”

Why It Works: A simple thank you is universally understood and conveys your appreciation clearly and effectively.

When to Use It: This is always appropriate, whether the compliment is about your work, appearance, or any other aspect.

2. Express How the Compliment Made You Feel

“Your words made my day! I’m so glad to hear that.”

Why It Works: Sharing how the compliment affected you personally reinforces the positive connection and makes the interaction more meaningful.

When to Use It: When you feel particularly uplifted or happy about the compliment.

3. Highlight the Effort Behind the Achievement

“Thank you! I put a lot of effort into this, and I’m glad it’s being recognized.”

Why It Works: This response acknowledges the effort behind your achievement and shares the credit with the compliment giver for noticing.

When to Use It: When the compliment is about a specific project, task, or achievement that required significant effort.

4. Give Credit to Others if Appropriate

“Thanks! I couldn’t have done it without my team/support system.”

Why It Works: Recognizing others’ contributions shows humility and appreciation for the collaborative effort.

When to Use It: When the compliment is about something that was a team effort or when others played a significant role in your achievement.

5. Return a Compliment

“Thank you! I’ve always admired your [specific quality or achievement] as well.”

Why It Works: Reciprocating with a sincere compliment can strengthen relationships and create mutual appreciation.

When to Use It: When you genuinely admire something about the person who complimented you.

6. Share the Joy

“That means a lot to me, thank you! I’m really happy with how it turned out.”

Why It Works: Expressing your own satisfaction or joy about the achievement or quality being complimented shows that you value the recognition.

When to Use It: When the compliment aligns with your own feelings of pride or happiness about something you’ve done or a quality you possess.

7. Acknowledge the Significance

“Thank you! Your words are especially meaningful to me because [reason].”

Why It Works: Providing context for why the compliment is particularly significant to you adds depth to your gratitude.

When to Use It: When the compliment touches on something that is deeply important or personal to you.

8. Mention the Positive Impact

“Thanks so much! Knowing that [specific aspect] made a difference really motivates me.”

Why It Works: This response indicates that the compliment has encouraged or motivated you, providing positive reinforcement to the giver.

When to Use It: When the compliment is about something that you were hoping would have a specific impact or be noticed.

9. Acknowledge the Thoughtfulness

“I appreciate that, thank you. It’s really thoughtful of you to notice.”

Why It Works: This response acknowledges the effort or attentiveness required to notice and mention the complimented attribute or achievement.

When to Use It: When the compliment seems particularly observant or insightful.

10. Show Enthusiasm

“Wow, thank you! I’m thrilled to hear you think so!”

Why It Works: An enthusiastic response demonstrates that you value and are energized by the compliment.

When to Use It: When the compliment excites or pleases you significantly.

11. Be Modest but Accepting

“That’s very kind of you to say. I’m glad [the aspect complimented] was well-received.”

Why It Works: This response accepts the compliment with humility and grace, without diminishing its value.

When to Use It: When you want to accept the compliment modestly, especially in a professional or formal setting.

12. Reinforce the Positive Behavior

“Thank you for noticing! I’ve been really focusing on [the aspect complimented], so your words mean a lot.”

Why It Works: This approach reinforces the behavior or achievement being complimented and shows that the recognition is aligned with your own goals or values.

When to Use It: When the compliment is about a behavior, skill, or attribute you have been consciously working to improve or develop.

13. Suggest Continual Improvement

“Thank you! I’m always striving to do better, so your feedback is encouraging.”

Why It Works: This response shows a growth mindset and appreciation for the compliment as a form of positive feedback.

When to Use It: When you are in a process of growth or continual improvement, whether in personal or professional capacities.

14. Share Your Inspiration or Motivation

“Thanks! I was really inspired by [source of inspiration], and I’m glad it resonated with you too.”

Why It Works: Sharing the source of your inspiration or motivation provides deeper insight into your process and acknowledges the shared value.

When to Use It: When the compliment is about a creative work, idea, or project that had a specific inspiration.

15. Acknowledge a Shared Goal or Value

“I appreciate it, thank you. We’re really aligned on the importance of [shared goal/value], so I’m glad it’s making an impact.”

Why It Works: This response connects the compliment to a larger goal or value that both you and the compliment giver care about.

When to Use It: When the compliment is related to a goal, value, or mission that is shared between you and the compliment giver or within your organization.

16. Express How It Helps You

“Thank you! Hearing that really helps me feel [positive emotion] about [what was complimented].”

Why It Works: Expressing the positive impact of the compliment on your feelings or confidence shows that the recognition is meaningful and supportive.

When to Use It: When the compliment boosts your confidence, reassures you, or supports your self-image in a positive way.

17. Offer Insight into Your Process

“Thanks! A lot of thought went into [the aspect complimented], so I’m glad you noticed.”

Why It Works: Providing insight into your process or effort acknowledges the work behind the complimented result and shares credit with the compliment giver for recognizing it.

When to Use It: When the compliment is about something that required significant thought, planning, or effort.

18. Invite Further Interaction

“Thank you! I’d love to hear your thoughts on how to [extend on what was complimented or related topic].”

Why It Works: This response uses the compliment as an opportunity to deepen the interaction or collaboration on the topic.

When to Use It: When you’re interested in the compliment giver’s opinion or involvement in related areas or future projects.

19. Express Hope for Future Achievements

“Thanks so much! I hope to continue [doing the complimented action or achieving similar results] moving forward.”

Why It Works: This response shows that you’re encouraged by the compliment to continue your efforts or maintain high standards.

When to Use It: When the compliment is about an achievement or quality you intend to continue or replicate in the future.

20. Acknowledge the Pleasure It Brings

“Thank you! It’s always a pleasure to [do the complimented action or produce the complimented result], especially when it’s recognized.”

Why It Works: This response shares your enjoyment or satisfaction in the complimented aspect, reinforcing the positive nature of the activity or attribute.

When to Use It: When the compliment is about something you particularly enjoy or are proud of doing or achieving.

21. Share Gratitude for the Support

“I really appreciate your support. Thanks for acknowledging my [specific effort or achievement].”

Why It Works: Expressing gratitude for the support and recognition reinforces positive relationships and acknowledges the supportive role of the compliment giver.

When to Use It: When the compliment feels supportive or comes from someone whose opinion or recognition is particularly important to you.

22. Acknowledge the Importance of Recognition

“Thank you! Recognition like this really motivates me to keep [doing the complimented action or striving for similar achievements].”

Why It Works: This response acknowledges the motivational role of recognition and shows that the compliment has a positive impact on your motivation.

When to Use It: When the compliment genuinely motivates or encourages you to continue your efforts.

23. Reflect the Compliment Back to the Team

“Thanks! It was a team effort, and I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished together.”

Why It Works: Reflecting the compliment back to the team shows humility and appreciation for collaborative efforts.

When to Use It: When the compliment is about a project or achievement that was the result of team collaboration.

24. Express Excitement for Future Projects

“Thank you! Your encouragement is exciting, and I’m looking forward to [related future projects or goals].”

Why It Works: This response indicates that the compliment not only is appreciated but also fuels excitement for future endeavors.

When to Use It: When you have related upcoming projects, goals, or plans that the compliment ties into or encourages.

25. Convey the Personal Significance

“That means so much to me, thank you. [The complimented aspect] is something I’ve been really focusing on.”

Why It Works: Sharing the personal significance of the complimented aspect adds depth to your gratitude and personalizes the response.

When to Use It: When the compliment touches on something that is significant to you, or something you’ve been actively working on or concerned about.


Accepting a compliment with grace and gratitude not only feels good but also strengthens connections and fosters a positive environment, whether in personal or professional settings. It’s important to respond in a way that feels authentic to you and reflects genuine appreciation.

By thoughtfully acknowledging compliments, you reinforce the value of recognition and encourage a culture of positivity and appreciation.