How to Thank Someone for an Interview (20 Cool Samples)

You nailed the interview, and now it’s time to take the next crucial step: thanking your interviewer.

Expressing gratitude after an interview not only shows your appreciation for the opportunity but also reinforces your interest in the position.

It’s a simple gesture that can leave a lasting positive impression.

So, how do you craft the perfect thank-you message?

We’ve got you covered with 20 cool samples that will help you stand out from the crowd.

From heartfelt emails to creative gestures, these examples will inspire you to express your gratitude memorably.

How to Thank Someone for an Interview

Check out these 20 sample thank-you messages to inspire you:

1. The Heartfelt Email

Subject: Thank You for the Opportunity

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I want to express my sincere gratitude for taking the time to meet with me today. Our conversation about the [position] role at [company name] was truly insightful and has further solidified my enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Your dedication to fostering a collaborative and innovative work environment resonated with me deeply. I was particularly impressed by the company’s commitment to [specific aspect discussed in the interview].

I am confident that my skills and experience align well with the requirements of the role, and I am eager to contribute to the team’s success. If there is any additional information you need or if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you again for your time and consideration. I look forward to the next steps in the process.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: This email strikes a balance between professionalism and personalization. It highlights specific points discussed during the interview, reiterates the candidate’s interest in the role, and offers to provide additional information if needed. This type of message is suitable for most interview situations, particularly for more formal or corporate roles.

2. The Creative Text Message

Hey [Interviewer’s Name]! Just wanted to say a quick thanks for the great chat today. Your passion for [specific aspect discussed] is truly inspiring. I’m even more excited about the possibility of joining the [company name] team! Let me know if there’s anything else you need from me. Have an awesome day!

Commentary: This text message is a more casual and friendly approach to expressing gratitude. It’s brief but still manages to convey enthusiasm and reinforce key points from the interview. This style is best suited for roles in more relaxed or creative industries, or if the interviewer has explicitly stated a preference for informal communication.

3. The Grateful Voicemail

Hi [Interviewer’s Name], this is [Your Name]. I just wanted to leave a quick message to say thank you so much for meeting with me today to discuss the [position] role. I enjoyed learning more about the innovative projects [company name] is working on.

Our discussion confirmed my belief that this position aligns perfectly with my skills and career goals. If there’s any additional information I can provide to support my application, please let me know. Thanks again for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Commentary: Leaving a voicemail allows you to convey your gratitude and enthusiasm with a personal touch. This approach works well if you’ve established a friendly rapport with the interviewer and feel comfortable reaching out via phone. Keep your message concise, upbeat, and professional.

4. The Thoughtful Thank-You Card

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I wanted to express my heartfelt appreciation for taking the time to meet with me yesterday. Our conversation about [company name]’s mission and the [position] role was truly engaging and thought-provoking.

Your insights into the company culture and the team’s collaborative spirit have only deepened my interest in joining your organization. I was particularly inspired by your personal story and career trajectory within the company.

Thank you for considering my application and for the valuable information you shared. I am excited about the opportunity to potentially contribute my skills and experience to [company name]’s continued success.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: A handwritten thank-you card adds a personal and memorable touch to your post-interview gratitude. This approach is particularly effective if you discuss something unique or personal during the interview that you can reference in your message. It shows that you were fully engaged and valued the connection you made.

5. The LinkedIn Skill Endorsement

Hi [Interviewer’s Name],

I just wanted to reach out and thank you for the insightful conversation we had during my interview for the [position] role. Your expertise in [specific skill or area] is truly impressive, and I learned so much from our discussion.

I’ve taken the liberty of endorsing you for [specific skill] on LinkedIn. Your knowledge in this area is invaluable, and I believe others should know about it too.

Thank you again for your time and for sharing your experiences with me. I am even more excited about the possibility of joining the [company name] team and contributing my skills to the innovative work you’re doing.

Best wishes, [Your Name]

Commentary: Endorsing your interviewer’s skills on LinkedIn is a creative way to express your gratitude and demonstrate that you were actively listening during the interview. This approach works best if you discuss a specific skill or area of expertise at length and genuinely feel that the interviewer excels in that domain. It’s a subtle way to build a professional connection and show your appreciation.

6. The Appreciative Team Email

Subject: Thank You, [Company Name] Team!

Dear [Interviewer Names],

I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to each of you for taking the time to meet with me today. Our discussions about the [position] role and [company name]’s innovative projects were truly inspiring.

[Interviewer 1 Name], your insights into the company’s growth strategy and future vision were eye-opening. I was particularly impressed by the team’s commitment to [specific aspect discussed].

[Interviewer 2 Name], your passion for [specific area or project] is contagious, and I loved hearing about your experience leading cross-functional teams to success.

[Interviewer 3 Name], our conversation about [specific topic] resonated with me deeply, and I appreciate you sharing your journey within the company.

Thank you all for creating such a welcoming and engaging interview experience. I left our conversations even more excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and experiences to the [company name] team.

If there is any additional information I can provide or if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I look forward to the next steps in the process.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Commentary: If you interviewed multiple team members, sending a group email allows you to thank everyone efficiently while still personalizing your message. Mention specific points from each conversation to show that you were fully engaged and value the unique perspectives each interviewer shared. This approach demonstrates your enthusiasm for the role and your ability to connect with various team members.

7. The Follow-Up Question Email

Subject: Thank You and Follow-Up Question

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I wanted to reach out and express my gratitude for the engaging discussion we had during my interview for the [position] role. Your insights into [company name]’s innovative approach to [specific aspect] were truly fascinating.

Upon further reflection, I had one additional question that I believe would help me better understand the role and the team’s expectations. [Insert your follow-up question here].

I appreciate your time and expertise, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts. If there is any additional information I can provide to support my application, please let me know.

Thank you again for the opportunity to interview with [company name] and for considering my candidacy.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Commentary: Asking a thoughtful follow-up question in your thank-you email demonstrates your genuine interest in the role and your desire to learn more. This approach works well if a specific topic from the interview sparked your curiosity or if you want to clarify an aspect of the role. Keep your question concise and relevant to show that you’re proactive and engaged.

8. The Referral Appreciation Email

Subject: Thank You for the Referral and Interview

Dear [Referrer’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for referring me to the [position] role at [company name]. Thanks to your recommendation, I had the opportunity to interview with [interviewer’s name] today.

The conversation was engaging and insightful, and I left feeling even more excited about the possibility of joining the team. [Interviewer’s name] was incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about the company’s mission and values.

I truly appreciate you thinking of me for this opportunity and vouching for my skills and experiences. Your support means a great deal to me, and I am grateful to have you as a professional connection.

Thank you again for the referral and your continued support. I will keep you updated on the progress of my application.

Warm regards, [Your Name]

Commentary: If you secured an interview through a referral, it’s essential to express your gratitude to the person who recommended you. This email template acknowledges their role in helping you connect with the company and shows your appreciation for their support. It also demonstrates your enthusiasm for the opportunity and your commitment to keeping them informed about your progress.

9. The Appreciative Lunch Invitation

Subject: Thank You and Lunch Invitation

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for taking the time to meet with me today and discuss the [position] role at [company name]. Our conversation was truly enlightening, and I enjoyed learning more about your experience and the company’s growth plans.

As a token of my gratitude, I would love to invite you to lunch at [restaurant name] next week. It would be an honor to continue our discussion in a more casual setting and learn more about your career journey.

Please let me know if you’re available on [date] at [time], or feel free to suggest an alternative that works better with your schedule.

Thank you again for the engaging interview and for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to [company name]’s success.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Commentary: Inviting your interviewer to lunch is a bold and creative way to express your gratitude and build a stronger professional connection. This approach works best if you establish a strong rapport during the interview and feel confident that the invitation will be well-received. Be sure to choose a restaurant that is convenient for the interviewer and be flexible with scheduling.

10. The Shared Connection Email

Subject: Thank You and [Shared Connection]’s Recommendation

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me today and discuss the [position] role at [company name]. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation and learning more about the innovative projects your team is working on.

I also wanted to mention that [shared connection’s name], who works in [department] at [company name], is a close friend of mine. After our interview, I reached out to them and discovered that they had nothing but wonderful things to say about your leadership style and the team’s collaborative spirit.

Hearing [shared connection]’s glowing recommendation only reinforced my excitement about the opportunity to join [company name] and contribute to the groundbreaking work you’re doing.

Thank you again for considering my application. If there is any additional information I can provide, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I look forward to the next steps in the process.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Commentary: If you discover that you have a shared connection with your interviewer or someone else at the company, mentioning it in your thank-you note can help establish a stronger sense of rapport and shared values. This approach works well if you have a genuine connection and if the shared contact has positive things to say about the company and the interviewer. Be sure to keep the tone professional and avoid name-dropping just for the sake of it.

11. The Genuine Video Message

Subject: Thank You for Your Time and Insights

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to send a quick video to express my heartfelt appreciation for the opportunity to interview with you today.

[Embed a brief video message, around 30-60 seconds]

In the video:

“Hi [Interviewer’s Name], I just wanted to say thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me today. Our discussion about [specific topic] was truly insightful, and I appreciated learning more about your experience and [company name]’s unique approach to [industry or challenge].

Your passion for [aspect discussed] resonated with me deeply, and I left our conversation feeling even more excited about the possibility of contributing my skills to the team.

Thank you again for considering my application. If there is any additional information I can provide, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I look forward to the next steps and the opportunity to potentially work together. Have a great rest of your day!”

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: Sending a video message is a creative and memorable way to express your gratitude and stand out from other candidates. This approach allows you to convey your enthusiasm and personality in a more dynamic way than a written message. Keep your video brief, professional, and focused on expressing your appreciation and reiterating your interest in the role.

12. The Social Media Shoutout

Subject: Thank You for the Inspiring Interview

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I wanted to reach out and express my gratitude for the fantastic interview experience today. Our discussion about [company name]’s mission and innovative approach to [industry or challenge] was truly inspiring.

I was so impressed by the company’s commitment to [specific aspect or value] that I couldn’t help but share my excitement on [social media platform]. I’ve tagged [company name]’s official account in my post, as I believe your work deserves to be celebrated and shared with a wider audience.

Thank you again for taking the time to meet with me and for considering my application. I am more motivated than ever to contribute my skills and passion to [company name]’s groundbreaking work.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: Giving your interviewer’s company a shoutout on social media is a creative way to express your enthusiasm and gratitude. This approach works well if you have a strong social media presence and if the company has an active online community. Be sure to keep your post professional and focus on the aspects of the company that genuinely inspired you during the interview.

13. The Personalized Skills Highlight

Subject: Thank You and My Key Takeaways

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the engaging interview today. Our discussion about the [position] role and [company name]’s unique challenges was truly enlightening.

Upon reflection, I realized that my experience with [specific skill or project] aligns perfectly with the key objectives you mentioned for this role. In my previous position at [company], I successfully [brief example of relevant achievement], which I believe demonstrates my ability to hit the ground running and make a positive impact on your team.

Thank you again for taking the time to discuss this exciting opportunity with me. I am confident that my skills and experiences would allow me to contribute to [company name]’s continued success, and I look forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: Highlighting a specific skill or experience that aligns with the role’s key requirements shows that you were actively listening during the interview and that you understand the company’s needs. This approach allows you to reinforce your qualifications and demonstrate your value as a candidate. Be sure to choose an example that is directly relevant to the role and that showcases your ability to deliver results.

14. The Shared Article Email

Subject: Thank You and Relevant Article

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you so much for the fascinating conversation today about [company name]’s approach to [specific challenge or industry trend]. Your insights into the future of [industry] and the innovative strategies you’re implementing were truly thought-provoking.

After our discussion, I came across this article that I thought you might find interesting: [link to relevant article]. It explores some of the key points we discussed and provides additional perspectives on [topic].

I would love to hear your thoughts on the article and continue our conversation about how [company name] is positioning itself as a leader in this space.

Thank you again for your time and consideration. I am genuinely excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and ideas to your team and help drive [company name]’s mission forward.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: Sharing a relevant article with your interviewer demonstrates that you are proactive, engaged, and genuinely interested in the industry and the company’s challenges. This approach works well if you discuss a specific trend or topic at length during the interview and if you can find an article that adds value to the conversation. Be sure to choose a reputable source and provide a summary of why you found the article interesting.

15. The Gratitude for Feedback Email

Subject: Thank You for Your Valuable Feedback

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for taking the time to interview me today and provide such constructive feedback on my application. Your insights into how I can better highlight my [specific skill or experience] were invaluable, and I truly appreciate your guidance.

After our conversation, I took some time to reflect on your suggestions and have already started implementing them in my job search strategy. I am confident that your advice will help me better showcase my strengths and experiences to potential employers.

Thank you again for your generosity in sharing your expertise and for considering my application for the [position] role at [company name]. I am excited about the opportunity to put your recommendations into practice and contribute my skills to your team.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Commentary: If your interviewer provided specific feedback or advice during the interview, expressing your gratitude and sharing how you plan to implement their suggestions demonstrates your coachability and commitment to personal growth. This approach works well if the interviewer takes extra time to offer guidance or if you discuss areas for improvement in your application. Be sure to keep the tone positive and focus on how their feedback will help you succeed in your job search and career.

16. The Bonus Material Email

Subject: Thank You and Additional Resources

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for the fantastic conversation today about the [position] role and [company name]’s exciting projects in the pipeline. I particularly enjoyed our discussion about [specific topic or challenge] and how my experience with [relevant skill or project] could contribute to the team’s success.

As promised during our interview, I have attached some additional materials that showcase my work in this area, including [a brief description of attached files, e.g., writing samples, portfolio pieces, or case studies].

I believe these examples demonstrate my ability to [key skill or requirement] and deliver results in a [adjective, e.g., fast-paced, collaborative, or innovative] environment, which aligns well with [company name]’s values and objectives.

Thank you again for considering my application and for the engaging discussion. I am thrilled about the opportunity to bring my skills and experiences to your team and contribute to [company name]’s continued growth and success.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: If you promised to send additional materials during the interview or if you have work samples that are particularly relevant to the role, including them in your thank-you email can help reinforce your qualifications and showcase your value as a candidate. Be sure to choose examples that are directly applicable to the position and that demonstrate your ability to deliver results in a similar context.

17. The Cultural Fit Appreciation

Subject: Thank You for the Inspiring Conversation

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I wanted to reach out and express my sincere appreciation for the wonderful conversation we had during today’s interview. Your passion for [company name]’s mission and values was truly infectious, and I left our meeting feeling more inspired than ever to contribute to your team’s important work.

Throughout our discussion, I was struck by how closely [company name]’s culture aligns with my own personal and professional values. Your commitment to [specific value or mission] resonates deeply with me, and I am thrilled at the prospect of joining an organization that places such a strong emphasis on [another value or aspect of company culture].

Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences and insights with me, and for considering my application for the [position] role. I am confident that my skills and passion for [industry or cause] would enable me to make a positive impact on your team and contribute to [company name]’s continued success.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: If you felt a genuine connection with the company’s culture and values during the interview, expressing your appreciation for this alignment can help demonstrate your fit and enthusiasm for the role. This approach works well if the interviewer spoke at length about the company’s mission, values, or unique aspects of their culture. Be sure to highlight specific examples of how your values and experiences align with the company’s ethos.

18. The Interview Technique Praise

Subject: Thank You for the Engaging Interview

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the fantastic interview experience today. Your unique approach to the interview process, particularly the [specific technique or aspect, e.g., case study, role-playing exercise, or behavioral questions], was both challenging and refreshing.

I appreciated the opportunity to showcase my skills and problem-solving abilities in a real-world context, and I believe this approach provided valuable insights into how I would perform in the role and contribute to the team’s success.

Your dedication to finding the right fit for both the position and the company culture is truly commendable, and I am grateful for the chance to participate in such a thoughtful and engaging interview process.

Thank you again for your time and consideration. I am even more excited about the prospect of joining [company name] and collaborating with a team that values innovation and creative problem-solving.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: If your interviewer used a unique or particularly effective interview technique, acknowledging and praising their approach can demonstrate your appreciation for their effort and your engagement with the process. This approach works well if you found the interview challenging but rewarding, and if you believe the technique provided valuable insights into your fit for the role and the company.

19. The Shared Passion Email

Subject: Thank You for the Inspiring Discussion

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible conversation we had during today’s interview. Your passion for [specific topic or cause] and your commitment to making a positive impact through your work at [company name] were truly inspiring.

As someone who shares your deep enthusiasm for [topic or cause], I was thrilled to learn more about the innovative projects and initiatives your team is working on in this area. Your insights into the challenges and opportunities in [industry or field] resonated strongly with me, and I am excited about the prospect of contributing my skills and experiences to help drive your mission forward.

Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge and perspectives with me, and for considering my application for the [position] role. I am more motivated than ever to join a team that is so deeply committed to making a difference in [area or community].

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Commentary: If you and your interviewer bonded over a shared passion or interest during the interview, highlighting this connection in your thank-you note can help reinforce your fit with the company’s mission and values. This approach works well if you had an in-depth discussion about a particular topic or cause that is closely related to the company’s work or the specific role you’re applying for.

20. The LinkedIn Connection

[Interviewer’s Name], I wanted to reach out and express my gratitude for the opportunity to interview with you today. Our discussion about [specific aspect] was truly enlightening, and I’m excited about the potential to contribute to [company name]’s mission. I’ve sent you a LinkedIn connection request and would be honored to stay in touch. Thank you again for your time and insight!

Commentary: This message is designed to be sent as a LinkedIn connection request note. It’s concise, professional, and shows a desire to maintain a long-term connection with the interviewer. This approach is particularly useful for roles in industries where networking is crucial, such as business development or sales.

Other Ways to Show Gratitude

In addition to sending a thank-you message, there are several other gestures you can make to show your appreciation:

  • Send a handwritten thank-you note for a more personal touch
  • Share a relevant article or resource related to a topic discussed in the interview
  • Connect with the interviewer on professional social media platforms like LinkedIn
  • Offer to provide additional references or work samples
  • Follow up with a brief phone call to reiterate your gratitude and interest in the role

Wrapping Up: Thanking Someone After an Interview

Expressing gratitude after an interview is a small but powerful way to differentiate yourself from other candidates.

Whether you choose to send a formal email, a friendly text message, or a handwritten note, the key is to be authentic, specific, and timely.

Remember, a well-crafted thank-you message not only shows your appreciation but also reinforces your interest in the role and the company.

So take the time to craft a genuine and memorable message – it might just be the extra step that lands you your dream job.