6 Joint Best Man Speech Examples

As co-best men, delivering a heartfelt and entertaining speech at your best friend’s wedding is an incredible honor.

But writing the perfect joint best man speech can feel like an overwhelming task.

Don’t worry though, we’ve got you covered!

Joint Best Man Speech Examples

Joint Best Man Speech Examples

In this article, you’ll find six stellar examples of joint best man speeches that are sure to inspire and guide you as you create your unforgettable toast.

So grab your writing partner, pour a couple of glasses of your favorite beverage, and let’s explore these amazing joint best man speech examples that will have you well on your way to wowing the happy couple and all the wedding guests.

Trust us, with these samples as your guide, your joint speech will be the highlight of the reception!

Joint Best Man Speech Example 1

[Sean]: Hey everyone, I’m Sean.

[Mike]: And I’m Mike. We’re Tom’s best men and brothers. Well, technically I’m the best man, and Sean’s just…okay.

[Sean]: Very funny Mike. We both know I’m Mom’s favorite. [turns to bride and groom] Anyway, Tom and Lisa, congratulations!

[Mike]: We’ve watched Tom grow from an awkward teenager with a terrible haircut to…well an awkward adult with a slightly less terrible haircut.

[Sean]: But in all seriousness, it’s been amazing to see the man and partner he’s become, especially since meeting you Lisa.

[Mike]: Tom, you’ve always had the biggest heart. Like that time you took in that stray dog, even though you’re allergic.

[Sean]: And Lisa, we couldn’t picture a more perfect match for our brother. Your kindness, humor, and love for 90s boy bands are just a few reasons why.

[Mike]: Welcome to the family Lisa. You make Tom so happy and we couldn’t be more thrilled to officially call you our sister.

[Sean]: Always keep in mind, that marriage isn’t always 50/50. Some days it’s 60/40, others it’s 90/10.

[Mike]: But it’s those challenging days that make your partnership even stronger. And from what we’ve seen, you two can handle anything together.

[Sean]: So here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and slightly less terrible haircuts! We love you both. To Tom and Lisa!

[Mike]: To Tom and Lisa!


Commentary: This lighthearted and sentimental speech is filled with playful banter between the two brothers while still conveying their deep love and admiration for the couple. The personal anecdotes and words of wisdom make it suitable for brothers of the groom looking to deliver a speech that’s equal parts humorous and heartfelt.

Joint Best Man Speech Example 2

[John]: Good evening everyone, I’m John and this is my fellow best man and partner-in-crime, David.

[David]: We’ve had the pleasure of being friends with Steven for over 20 years now. And let me tell you, it’s been quite an adventure.

[John]: From our mischievous childhood antics to our slightly more responsible adult shenanigans, Steven has always been the glue that’s held our trio together.

[David]: But everything changed when he met Emily. Suddenly, our late-night video game sessions turned into hearing Steven gush about this incredible woman who stole his heart.

[John]: And when we finally met Emily, it was crystal clear why. Her warmth, intelligence, and ability to put up with Steven’s corny jokes made her an instant hit with us.

[David]: Steven, you’ve always been the most loyal and caring friend a guy could ask for. Seeing you find your perfect match in Emily has been nothing short of amazing.

[John]: And Emily, thank you for making our best friend the happiest we’ve seen him. Your love has brought out the best in him and we’re so grateful to welcome you into our little group.

[David]: As you begin this new chapter, always keep in mind to cherish the little moments. The impromptu dance parties in the kitchen, the lazy Sunday mornings, and even the silly arguments over whose turn it is to do the dishes.

[John]: Because it’s those everyday moments that build a beautiful life together. And we do not doubt that yours will be extraordinary.

[David]: So let’s raise a glass to the happy couple! May your love story be filled with endless laughter, unwavering support, and an abundance of joy.

[John]: To Steven and Emily!


Commentary: This heartwarming speech showcases the deep bond between three lifelong friends and the impact the bride has had on their group dynamic. The best men share relatable stories and insights, making it an excellent choice for friends who have known the groom for many years and want to celebrate the couple’s love while also highlighting the importance of cherishing life’s simple moments.

Joint Best Man Speech Example 3

[Chris]: Hi everyone, I’m Chris.

[James]: And I’m James. We’ve been best friends with Mark since our university days and we’re thrilled to be here today celebrating his marriage to the incredible Sophie.

[Chris]: When Mark first told us about Sophie, we could immediately tell she was special. The way his face lit up when he talked about her, we knew this was the real deal.

[James]: And when we finally had the chance to meet her, it was like she had always been a part of our little group. Her quick wit, kind heart, and ability to keep Mark in line made her the perfect addition.

[Chris]: Mark, you’ve always been the most driven and determined person we know. Watching you pour that same passion into your relationship with Sophie has been truly inspiring.

[James]: And Sophie, thank you for being such a wonderful partner to our best friend. Your love and support have helped him grow in ways we never thought possible.

[Chris]: As you begin this new journey together, keep in mind that a successful marriage is built on a foundation of love, trust, and open communication.

[James]: There will be challenges along the way, but always keep in mind that you’re a team. When you face those obstacles together, there’s nothing you can’t overcome.

[Chris]: Mark and Sophie, your love story is one for the ages and we feel incredibly lucky to have a front-row seat to watch it unfold.

[James]: So let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple! May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing year and may your life together be filled with countless adventures and endless happiness.

[Chris]: To Mark and Sophie!


Commentary: This sweet speech emphasizes the strong bond between university friends and how the bride seamlessly integrated into their group. With its focus on the couple’s inspiring love and the best men’s genuine admiration for their relationship, this speech is perfect for college friends looking to deliver a sincere toast.

Joint Best Man Speech Example 4

[Alex]: Good evening everyone! I’m Alex, and I have the pleasure of being one of Jack’s best men tonight.

[Liam]: And I’m Liam, Jack’s other best man, and partner in crime since childhood. We’ve been through a lot together over the years, but nothing quite compares to the joy of seeing our best friend marry the love of his life.

[Alex]: When Jack first introduced us to Sarah, it was clear that she was someone special. The way they looked at each other, the way they laughed together – it was like watching a real-life fairy tale unfold before our eyes.

[Liam]: And as we got to know Sarah better, we quickly realized that she wasn’t just Jack’s perfect match, but she was also an incredible addition to our friendship group. Her warmth, kindness, and infectious smile made her feel like family from day one.

[Alex]: Jack, you’ve always been the most loyal and supportive friend anyone could ask for. You’ve been there for us through thick and thin, and we couldn’t be happier to see you find your soulmate in Sarah.

[Liam]: And Sarah, we want to thank you for loving our best friend so deeply and unconditionally. Your love has brought out the best in him, and we’re so grateful to officially welcome you into our little family.

[Alex]: As you embark on this new chapter together, keep in mind that marriage is a beautiful adventure filled with ups and downs. There will be days when you feel like you can conquer the world together, and others when you might want to strangle each other with your wedding bands.

[Liam]: But through it all, never forget the love that brought you together in the first place. Cherish the little moments, laugh often, and always be each other’s biggest cheerleaders.

[Alex]: Jack and Sarah, your love story is one for the ages, and we feel so lucky to have a front-row seat to watch it unfold. We know that with your unwavering love and commitment to each other, you’ll be able to weather any storm that comes your way.

[Liam]: So let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple! May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day, and may your life together be filled with endless laughter, joy, and adventure.

[Alex]: To Jack and Sarah!


Commentary: This heartfelt speech perfectly captures the deep bond between childhood friends and the joy of welcoming a new member into their tight-knit group. With its perfect balance of humor, sentimentality, and sage advice, this speech is ideal for best friends who have known the groom since childhood and want to celebrate the couple’s love while also offering some lighthearted words of wisdom for their future together.

Joint Best Man Speech Example 5

[Ryan]: Good evening everyone! For those of you who don’t know us, I’m Ryan.

[Ethan]: And I’m Ethan. We’ve had the privilege of being Daniel’s best friends and partners in crime since our university days.

[Ryan]: When Daniel first told us about Emma, we knew she was someone special. He couldn’t stop talking about her infectious laugh, her kind heart, and her ability to beat him at Mario Kart – which, trust us, is no easy feat.

[Ethan]: And when we finally met Emma, it was like she had always been a part of our little group. Her warmth, intelligence, and quick wit made her an instant hit with all of us.

[Ryan]: Daniel, you’ve always been the most adventurous and spontaneous person we know. Watching you pour that same passion and enthusiasm into your relationship with Emma has been truly inspiring.

[Ethan]: And Emma, thank you for being such an incredible partner to our best friend. Your love and support have helped him grow in ways we never thought possible, and we’re so grateful to have you in our lives.

[Ryan]: As you embark on this new chapter together, keep in mind that marriage is a beautiful journey filled with twists and turns. There will be moments of pure bliss, like when you’re snuggled up on the couch binge-watching your favorite show.

[Ethan]: And there will be moments of frustration, like when you’re arguing over whose turn it is to do the dishes or take out the trash. But through it all, never forget the love and friendship that brought you together in the first place.

[Ryan]: Always make time for each other, even when life gets hectic. Keep going on adventures, trying new things, and pushing each other to be the best versions of yourselves.

[Ethan]: And most importantly, never stop laughing together. Because laughter is the glue that will hold you together through the ups and downs of married life.

[Ryan]: Daniel and Emma, your love story is one for the ages, and we feel so incredibly lucky to be a part of it. We know that with your unwavering love, unbreakable bond, and shared sense of humor, you’ll be able to conquer anything that comes your way.

[Ethan]: So let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple! May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day, and may your life together be filled with endless laughter, joy, and unforgettable adventures.

[Ryan]: To Daniel and Emma!


Commentary: This delightful speech captures the essence of long-lasting friendship and the joy of seeing a close friend find their perfect match. With its perfect blend of humor, nostalgia, and heartfelt advice, this speech is perfect for university friends who want to celebrate the couple’s love while also sharing some lighthearted anecdotes and words of wisdom for their future together.

Joint Best Man Speech Example 6

[Adam]: Good evening everyone! I’m Adam.

[Josh]: And I’m Josh. We’ve been best friends with Michael since childhood, and we’re honored to be standing here today as his best men.

[Adam]: Michael, we’ve been through a lot together over the years – from our crazy childhood adventures to our slightly less crazy adult misadventures. But nothing quite compares to the joy of seeing you find your perfect match in Kate.

[Josh]: When you first introduced us to Kate, it was clear that she was someone special. The way you two looked at each other, the way you laughed together – it was like watching a real-life rom-com unfold before our eyes.

[Adam]: And as we got to know Kate better, we quickly realized that she wasn’t just your soulmate, but she was also an incredible addition to our little family. Her kindness, intelligence, and wicked sense of humor made her feel like one of us from day one.

[Josh]: Michael, you’ve always been the most loyal and supportive friend anyone could ask for. You’ve been there for us through thick and thin, and we couldn’t be happier to see you find your happily-ever-after with Kate.

[Adam]: And Kate, we want to thank you for loving our best friend so fiercely and unconditionally. Your love has brought out the best in him, and we’re so grateful to officially welcome you into our crazy little circle.

[Josh]: As you embark on this new chapter together, keep in mind that marriage is a beautiful adventure filled with highs and lows. There will be days when you feel like you’re living in a fairy tale, and others when you might want to banish each other to the couch for the night.

[Adam]: But through it all, never forget the love and friendship that brought you together in the first place. Always make time for date nights, even if it’s just ordering takeout and watching Netflix in your pajamas.

[Josh]: Keep making each other laugh, even when life gets tough. Because laughter is the secret ingredient to a happy and long-lasting marriage.

[Adam]: And most importantly, always be each other’s biggest fans. Celebrate each other’s successes, comfort each other through the failures, and never stop believing in the incredible power of your love.

[Josh]: Michael and Kate, your love story is one for the ages, and we feel so incredibly lucky to have a front-row seat to watch it unfold. We know that with your unshakable bond, shared values, and an endless supply of inside jokes, you’ll be able to weather any storm that comes your way.

[Adam]: So let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple! May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing year, and may your life together be filled with endless laughter, love, and unforgettable memories.

[Josh]: To Michael and Kate!


Commentary: This heartwarming speech perfectly encapsulates the joy and emotions of seeing a lifelong friend find their soulmate. With its ideal combination of humor, sentimentality, and words of wisdom, this speech is perfect for childhood friends who want to celebrate the couple’s love while also sharing some entertaining anecdotes and advice for a long and happy marriage. The genuine admiration and affection the best men have for the bride and groom shine through, making this speech a true testament to the power of friendship and love.


Writing the perfect joint best man speech is all about celebrating the happy couple while infusing your unique blend of humor, sincerity, and personal anecdotes.

Whether you’ve known the groom since childhood, university, or anywhere in between, your joint speech should reflect the special bond you share and the joy you feel in welcoming the bride into your lives.

Keep in mind, that the key to a great joint best man speech is collaboration, practice, and a whole lot of heart.

By working together, playing off each other’s strengths, and letting your genuine love and admiration for the couple shine through, you’ll be able to deliver a speech that not only honors the newlyweds but also celebrates the incredible power of friendship and love.

So take a deep breath, raise your glass, and get ready to deliver a joint best man speech that will have the entire room laughing, crying, and toasting the happy couple’s bright future together.
