6 Jury Speech Examples

As a trial lawyer, delivering a powerful and persuasive jury speech is crucial to winning your case.

The right words, tone, and structure can make all the difference in swaying the jury to see the case from your perspective.

Jury Speech Examples

Jury Speech Examples

In this article, we’ll explore six compelling jury speech examples that showcase effective strategies and techniques.

By studying these examples, you’ll gain valuable insights into crafting your persuasive jury speeches.

Example 1: Opening Statement in a Personal Injury Case

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client, John Doe, was an ordinary man living an ordinary life until the day that changed everything. On the morning of June 15th, 2019, John was driving to work when a distracted driver ran a red light and slammed into his car. In an instant, John’s life was forever altered.

The impact of the collision was so severe that John suffered multiple fractures, including a shattered femur and a fractured skull. He underwent multiple surgeries and endured months of painful rehabilitation. The once active and vibrant man now struggles with chronic pain and mobility issues. His ability to work and provide for his family has been severely impacted.

Throughout this trial, we will present evidence that demonstrates the negligence of the defendant. We will show how their reckless actions directly caused John’s injuries and the immense suffering he has endured. It is our goal to ensure that justice is served and that John receives the compensation he deserves to help rebuild his life.

As you listen to the testimony and review the evidence, I ask that you keep an open mind. Put yourself in John’s shoes and consider the impact this accident has had on his life. Together, we can hold the defendant accountable for their actions and provide John with the support he needs to move forward. Thank you.


Commentary: This short opening statement sets the stage for a personal injury case, painting a vivid picture of the plaintiff’s life before and after the accident. It appeals to the jury’s sense of empathy and justice, urging them to consider the impact of the defendant’s negligence. This speech is suitable for the beginning of a personal injury trial, where the goal is to establish the foundation of the case and create a compelling narrative.

Example 2: Closing Argument in a Criminal Case

Members of the jury, throughout this trial, you have heard compelling evidence that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant, James Smith, is guilty of the crime he stands accused of. The prosecution has presented a clear and convincing case, supported by eyewitness testimony, physical evidence, and expert analysis.

We have shown that on the night of September 23rd, 2020, James Smith willfully and deliberately took the life of his neighbor, Robert Johnson. The motive was clear: a long-standing dispute over property lines that had escalated in recent months. The defendant’s own words, captured on a voicemail message left for the victim just hours before the murder, reveal his intent to harm Mr. Johnson.

The defense has tried to cast doubt on the evidence, suggesting alternative theories and pointing fingers at other individuals. However, their arguments are based on speculation and conjecture, not facts. The truth remains clear: James Smith had the means, motive, and opportunity to commit this heinous crime.

As you deliberate, I urge you to consider the weight of the evidence and the credibility of the witnesses. Think about the impact this crime has had on the victim’s family and the community at large. You must hold the defendant accountable for his actions and deliver justice for Robert Johnson.

The prosecution has met the burden of proof, and it is now in your hands to render a verdict. I am confident that after careful consideration of the facts, you will find James Smith guilty of murder. Thank you for your time and attention throughout this trial.


Commentary: This medium-length closing argument in a criminal case summarizes the key evidence and arguments presented by the prosecution. It highlights the defendant’s motive and the strength of the evidence against him while refuting the defense’s attempts to create doubt. The speech appeals to the jury’s sense of duty and justice, urging them to consider the impact of the crime on the victim’s family and the community. This type of speech is appropriate for the end of a criminal trial, where the goal is to reinforce the prosecution’s case and persuade the jury to deliver a guilty verdict.

Example 3: Opening Statement in a Medical Malpractice Case

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, today we embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind the tragic events that forever changed the life of my client, Sarah Thompson. Sarah, a young mother of two, placed her trust in the hands of Dr. John Davis, a renowned surgeon with years of experience. She believed that he would perform her routine appendectomy with the utmost care and skill, ensuring her swift recovery and return to her family.

However, what should have been a straightforward procedure turned into a nightmare. During the surgery, Dr. Davis made a critical error, severing Sarah’s intestine and causing massive internal bleeding. Rather than acknowledging his mistake and taking immediate action to rectify it, Dr. Davis attempted to conceal the damage, leaving Sarah to suffer the consequences.

In the days following the surgery, Sarah experienced excruciating pain and rapidly deteriorating health. It was only when she was rushed back to the hospital in septic shock that the truth was revealed. The damage caused by Dr. Davis’s negligence was so severe that Sarah required multiple additional surgeries and prolonged hospitalization. She faced life-threatening complications and endured months of painful recovery.

The impact of this ordeal on Sarah and her family cannot be overstated. She suffered physical pain and emotional trauma, but she also lost precious time with her young children and was unable to return to work, resulting in significant financial strain.

Throughout this trial, we will present evidence that demonstrates Dr. Davis’s negligence and the devastating consequences of his actions. We will hear testimony from medical experts who will explain the standard of care that Dr. Davis failed to meet and the severity of the harm he caused.

As you listen to the evidence and witness testimony, I ask that you consider the trust that Sarah placed in Dr. Davis and the betrayal of that trust. Consider the pain, suffering, and loss that Sarah and her family have endured due to his negligence.

It is our goal to hold Dr. Davis accountable for his actions and to secure the compensation that Sarah deserves to help rebuild her life. No amount of money can erase the trauma she has experienced, but it can provide the resources necessary for her ongoing medical care and support for her family.

Thank you for your time and attention. Together, we will seek justice for Sarah and ensure that the truth is brought to light.


Commentary: This long opening statement in a medical malpractice case sets the stage for the plaintiff’s argument by telling a compelling story of trust, betrayal, and the devastating consequences of a surgeon’s negligence. It highlights the physical, emotional, and financial impact on the plaintiff and her family, creating a strong emotional appeal to the jury. The speech also previews the evidence and testimony that will be presented to support the plaintiff’s case. This type of opening statement is suitable for complex medical malpractice cases where it is essential to establish a clear and persuasive narrative from the outset.

Example 4: Closing Argument in a Product Liability Case

Members of the jury, over the past several weeks, you have heard compelling evidence that demonstrates the negligence and recklessness of Acme Corporation in the design, manufacture, and distribution of their defective XYZ product. The testimony of expert witnesses, internal company documents, and the heartbreaking stories of those affected by this product have painted a clear picture of a company that prioritized profits over the safety and well-being of consumers.

We have shown that Acme Corporation was aware of the potential risks associated with the XYZ product long before it was released to the market. Internal memos and emails reveal that engineers raised concerns about the product’s design flaws and the potential for catastrophic failure. Yet, despite these warnings, Acme Corporation chose to push forward with production, disregarding the safety of the very people they claimed to serve.

The consequences of their actions have been devastating. You have heard the testimony of our clients, the Smith family, who lost their beloved son, Michael, in a tragic accident caused by the failure of the XYZ product. Michael was only 25 years old, with a bright future ahead of him. He had just graduated from college and was about to start his dream job. However due to Acme Corporation’s negligence, Michael’s life was cut short, leaving behind a grieving family and a community in shock.

The Smith family is not alone in their suffering. Countless other individuals and families have been impacted by the defective XYZ product. From serious injuries to the loss of loved ones, the harm caused by Acme Corporation’s reckless disregard for safety is immeasurable.

Throughout this trial, the defense has attempted to shift blame and minimize their responsibility. They have argued that the product met industry standards and that the accidents were the result of user error. However, the evidence tells a different story. The industry standards cited by the defense were woefully inadequate, and Acme Corporation knew this. They had a duty to go above and beyond to ensure the safety of their product, but they chose not to.

As you deliberate, I ask that you consider the evidence presented and the impact of Acme Corporation’s actions on the lives of innocent people. Consider the pain and suffering endured by the Smith family and all those affected by the defective XYZ product. You must hold Acme Corporation accountable for their negligence and to send a clear message that prioritizing profits over safety is unacceptable.

The plaintiffs have met their burden of proof, demonstrating that Acme Corporation’s negligence directly caused the harm suffered by the Smith family and countless others. It is now in your hands to deliver justice and to ensure that Acme Corporation is held responsible for its actions.

I am confident that after careful consideration of the evidence, you will find Acme Corporation liable for the damages caused by their defective product. Your verdict will provide the Smith family with the compensation they deserve and also serve as a catalyst for change, ensuring that other companies prioritize the safety of consumers over their financial gain.

Thank you for your time, attention, and dedication throughout this trial. Together, we can hold Acme Corporation accountable and deliver justice for the Smith family and all those affected by the defective XYZ product.


Commentary: This long closing argument in a product liability case summarizes the key evidence and arguments presented by the plaintiff, highlighting the defendant’s negligence and the tragic consequences of their actions. It emphasizes the human impact of the defective product, using the story of a specific family to create an emotional connection with the jury. The speech also addresses and refutes the defense’s arguments, reinforcing the strength of the plaintiff’s case. It concludes with a powerful call to action, urging the jury to hold the defendant accountable and deliver justice for the affected families. This type of closing argument is suitable for complex product liability cases where it is crucial to summarize the evidence, create an emotional impact, and motivate the jury to find in favor of the plaintiff.

Example 5: Opening Statement in a Wrongful Termination Case

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client, James Thompson, was a dedicated employee who gave 15 years of his life to ABC Company. He was a hardworking, loyal, and highly skilled manager who consistently received glowing performance reviews and was praised for his contributions to the company’s success. However, when James raised concerns about unethical practices he witnessed within the company, he was swiftly and unjustly terminated from his position.

The evidence will show that James’ termination was not based on his performance or any legitimate business reasons, but rather in retaliation for his whistleblowing activities. James had uncovered a pattern of fraudulent behavior by senior executives, including the falsification of financial records and the misappropriation of company funds. As a man of integrity, James could not stand idly by and watch this misconduct continue. He bravely came forward and reported his concerns to the appropriate authorities within the company, trusting that his employer would do the right thing.

Instead of addressing the issues raised by James and investigating the alleged misconduct, ABC Company chose to silence him. Just days after he made his report, James was called into a meeting with human resources and informed that his position was being eliminated due to “corporate restructuring.” However, the timing of this decision and the lack of any prior indication of a restructuring raise serious questions about the true motivations behind James’ termination.

Throughout this trial, we will present evidence that demonstrates the retaliatory nature of James’ termination. We will hear testimony from coworkers who will attest to James’ exceptional performance and the positive impact he had on the company. We will also present documents and communications that show the direct link between James’ whistleblowing activities and his sudden dismissal.

The impact of ABC Company’s actions on James and his family has been devastating. He lost his livelihood and suffered significant emotional distress and damage to his professional reputation. The message sent by the company’s actions is clear: employees who speak out against wrongdoing will face severe consequences.

It is our goal to hold ABC Company accountable for their retaliatory and unlawful termination of James Thompson. We seek to ensure that justice is served and that James is compensated for the harm he has suffered. No employee should fear retaliation for doing the right thing and standing up against unethical behavior.

As you listen to the evidence and witness testimony, I ask that you consider the courage it took for James to come forward and the price he has paid for his integrity. Consider the chilling effect that ABC Company’s actions could have on other employees who may witness misconduct but fear speaking out.

Together, we will send a powerful message that retaliation against whistleblowers will not be tolerated and that companies must be held accountable for their actions. Thank you for your time and attention.


Commentary: This lengthy opening statement in a wrongful termination case sets the stage for the plaintiff’s argument by telling the story of a loyal employee who was unjustly fired for speaking out against unethical practices within the company. It highlights the plaintiff’s courage and integrity, while also emphasizing the retaliatory nature of the termination and its impact on the plaintiff and his family. The speech previews the evidence and testimony that will be presented to support the plaintiff’s case and sends a strong message about the importance of protecting whistleblowers. This type of opening statement is suitable for wrongful termination cases involving retaliation against employees who report misconduct, as it establishes a compelling narrative and appeals to the jury’s sense of fairness and justice.

Example 6: Closing Argument in a Breach of Contract Case

Members of the jury, throughout this trial, we have presented clear and convincing evidence that the defendant, XYZ Corporation, breached the contract they entered into with my client, Sarah Johnson. The evidence has shown that XYZ Corporation failed to fulfill its obligations under the agreement, causing significant financial harm and damages to Sarah’s business.

Let’s review the key facts of this case. Sarah Johnson, an experienced software developer, was contracted by XYZ Corporation to create a custom software solution for their company. The contract, which was signed by both parties, clearly outlined the scope of the project, the deliverables, and the timeline for completion. Sarah invested countless hours and resources into developing the software, meeting all the specified requirements and deadlines.

However, when it came time for XYZ Corporation to fulfill their end of the bargain and make the final payment, they refused. They claimed that the software did not meet their expectations, even though Sarah had delivered exactly what was outlined in the contract. XYZ Corporation’s refusal to pay was not based on any legitimate issues with the software but rather a desire to avoid their contractual obligations.

The defense has tried to argue that the contract was ambiguous and that Sarah did not meet the terms of the agreement. However, the evidence presented in this trial tells a different story. The contract was clear and specific, leaving no room for interpretation. Sarah fulfilled her obligations, and XYZ Corporation had no justifiable reason to withhold payment.

The actions of XYZ Corporation have had a devastating impact on Sarah and her business. The unpaid invoice represents a significant portion of her annual revenue, and the lack of payment has put her in a precarious financial position. She has struggled to pay her employees, cover her business expenses, and maintain her professional reputation in the industry.

Moreover, the breach of contract by XYZ Corporation sends a troubling message to other small business owners and contractors. It suggests that large corporations can enter into agreements, benefit from the work and expertise of others, and then simply walk away without fulfilling their obligations. This is unjust and undermines the very foundation of contractual agreements and the trust that is essential in business relationships.

As you deliberate, I ask that you consider the evidence presented and the clear breach of contract by XYZ Corporation. Consider the hardship and financial damage that Sarah Johnson has suffered as a result of their actions. You must hold XYZ Corporation accountable for their breach and to ensure that justice is served.

The plaintiff has met the burden of proof, demonstrating that XYZ Corporation breached the contract and caused substantial harm to Sarah Johnson. It is now in your hands to render a verdict in favor of the plaintiff and award the damages sought.

Your decision in this case will provide Sarah Johnson with the compensation she deserves and also send a powerful message to other businesses that contractual obligations must be taken seriously and that there are consequences for breaching them.

Thank you for your time, attention, and careful consideration of the evidence presented. I am confident that you will find XYZ Corporation liable for breach of contract and deliver justice for Sarah Johnson.


Commentary: This lengthy closing argument in a breach of contract case summarizes the key evidence and arguments presented by the plaintiff, highlighting the defendant’s failure to fulfill their contractual obligations and the resulting harm to the plaintiff’s business. It emphasizes the clarity of the contract and the plaintiff’s fulfillment of her obligations, while also addressing and refuting the defense’s arguments. The speech also touches on the broader implications of the defendant’s actions, suggesting that a ruling in favor of the plaintiff would send a message about the importance of honoring contractual agreements. It concludes with a strong call to action, urging the jury to hold the defendant accountable and deliver justice for the plaintiff. This type of closing argument is suitable for breach of contract cases where it is essential to summarize the evidence, highlight the defendant’s wrongdoing, and motivate the jury to find in favor of the plaintiff.


Writing a persuasive jury speech requires a combination of compelling storytelling, clear argumentation, and emotional appeal.

By studying these six examples, ranging from short to lengthy, you can gain valuable insights into the structure, tone, and strategies used in effective jury speeches.

Remember, each case is unique, and your speech should be tailored to the specific facts, evidence, and themes of your case.

Use these examples as inspiration and guidance, but always adapt them to your style and the needs of your client.

As a trial lawyer, your words have the power to influence the jury’s decision and shape the outcome of the case.

By honing your skills in crafting persuasive jury speeches, you can become a more effective advocate for your clients and a force for justice in the courtroom.