6 Nomination Speech Examples

Nomination speeches are a powerful way to honor and recognize someone for their accomplishments, leadership, or character.

Whether you’re nominating a colleague for an award, a friend for a position, or a loved one for a special recognition, crafting the right words can make all the difference.

Nomination Speech Examples

Nomination Speech Examples

In this article, we’ve compiled six nomination speech examples of varying lengths to inspire and guide you.

From short and sweet to longer and more detailed, these speeches showcase different approaches you can take to effectively highlight your nominee’s qualifications and qualities.

Without further delay, let’s explore these inspiring examples.

Short Nomination Speech (300 words)

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great pleasure to nominate Sarah Thompson for the Employee of the Year Award. Sarah has been an integral part of our marketing team for the past five years, consistently going above and beyond in her role.

Sarah’s creativity and innovative thinking have led to several successful marketing campaigns that have significantly increased our brand awareness and customer engagement. Her ability to think outside the box and develop unique strategies has set her apart as a true leader in our department.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Sarah is also an outstanding team player. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to her colleagues and mentor new team members. Her positive attitude and collaborative spirit have contributed to a strong sense of camaraderie within our department.

Additionally, Sarah’s dedication to her work is unmatched. She often puts in extra hours to ensure projects are completed on time and to the highest standard. Her attention to detail and commitment to excellence have earned her the respect and admiration of her peers and supervisors alike.

To sum up, Sarah Thompson is an exceptional employee who embodies the values and qualities we seek in our Employee of the Year. Her skills, dedication, and positive influence make her a truly deserving candidate for this prestigious award. Thank you for considering my nomination.


Commentary: This short nomination speech concisely highlights the nominee’s key achievements, qualities, and contributions to the team. It’s suitable for employee recognition events or award ceremonies where brevity is appreciated.

Medium-length Nomination Speech (500 words)

It is my honor to stand before you today to nominate Dr. Michael Chen for the Outstanding Educator Award. Dr. Chen has been a pillar of our university’s science department for over a decade, and his contributions to both his students and the field of research are truly remarkable.

As a professor, Dr. Chen has an innate ability to make complex concepts accessible and engaging for his students. His lectures are known for their clarity, humor, and real-world examples that bring the subject matter to life. He has a genuine passion for teaching that shines through in every interaction with his students, whether in the classroom, during office hours, or through mentorship.

Dr. Chen’s impact extends far beyond the walls of our university. His groundbreaking research in the field of molecular biology has garnered international recognition and has been published in numerous prestigious journals. His work has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of genetic disorders and pave the way for new treatments and therapies.

Despite his many accomplishments, Dr. Chen remains humble and dedicated to his craft. He is always seeking new ways to improve his teaching methods and stay at the forefront of his field. He regularly attends conferences and workshops to stay current with the latest developments and brings that knowledge back to his students.

Moreover, Dr. Chen is a true advocate for his students. He goes above and beyond to support their academic and personal growth, often taking the time to write thoughtful letters of recommendation or connect students with research opportunities. His door is always open, and he creates a welcoming and inclusive environment where students feel valued and heard.

In a world where educators play such a crucial role in shaping the minds of the next generation, Dr. Michael Chen stands out as a shining example of excellence. His passion, dedication, and impact make him an ideal candidate for the Outstanding Educator Award. I cannot think of a more deserving individual to receive this recognition.

Thank you for considering my nomination of Dr. Michael Chen. His contributions to our university, his students, and the field of science are immeasurable, and I believe this award would be a fitting testament to his outstanding work.


Commentary: This medium-length nomination speech provides a well-rounded picture of the nominee, emphasizing their professional achievements, teaching abilities, and personal qualities. It’s suitable for academic or professional settings where a more detailed account of the nominee’s accomplishments is appropriate.

Long Nomination Speech (700 words)

It is with great pleasure that I rise to nominate Emily Johnson for the Community Leader of the Year Award. Emily has been a tireless advocate for our community, dedicating countless hours to various initiatives and causes that have made a significant impact on the lives of many.

I have had the privilege of working alongside Emily on several projects, and I can attest to her unwavering commitment to making our community a better place. Her passion for service is evident in everything she does, from organizing fundraisers for local charities to advocating for policy changes that benefit our most vulnerable residents.

One of Emily’s most notable achievements has been her work with the homeless population in our city. She recognized a need for more resources and support for individuals experiencing homelessness and took action. Emily founded a non-profit organization that provides temporary housing, job training, and mental health services to those in need. Her organization has helped hundreds of individuals get back on their feet and find stable housing and employment.

Beyond her work with the homeless community, Emily has also been a strong advocate for education. She served on the local school board for several years, fighting for increased funding and resources for our public schools. Her efforts led to the implementation of new programs and initiatives that have improved the quality of education for students across the district.

Emily’s leadership skills are truly remarkable. She has a unique ability to bring people together and inspire them to work towards a common goal. She is always willing to listen to different perspectives and find common ground, even in the face of adversity. Her inclusive and collaborative approach has earned her the respect and admiration of community members from all walks of life.

Furthermore, Emily’s compassion and empathy are unparalleled. She has a deep understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized communities and works tirelessly to address systemic inequalities. She is not afraid to speak up for what she believes in and has been a vocal advocate for social justice and equality.

In addition to her formal roles and responsibilities, Emily is also known for her personal acts of kindness. She regularly volunteers at local soup kitchens, organizes clothing drives for families in need, and mentors youth in our community. Her generosity and willingness to help others have touched the lives of countless individuals and have inspired others to follow in her footsteps.

Emily Johnson embodies the very best of what it means to be a community leader. Her dedication, compassion, and tireless work ethic have made a lasting impact on our city. She has shown us that one person can make a difference and that by working together, we can create positive change in the world.

These are the reasons and so many more that I wholeheartedly nominate Emily Johnson for the Community Leader of the Year Award. She is a true hero in our community and deserves to be recognized for her outstanding contributions. Thank you for considering my nomination.


Commentary: This long nomination speech provides a comprehensive overview of the nominee’s achievements, leadership qualities, and personal character. It highlights specific examples of their impact on the community and the reasons why they are deserving of the award. This type of speech is suitable for community awards or events where a more detailed account of the nominee’s contributions is warranted.

Long Nomination Speech (800 words)

It is my great honor to stand before you today to nominate Captain Michelle Thompson for the Firefighter of the Year Award. Captain Thompson has been a member of our city’s fire department for over 15 years, and her dedication, bravery, and leadership have made her an invaluable asset to our community.

Throughout her career, Captain Thompson has consistently demonstrated exceptional courage and skill in the face of danger. She has responded to countless emergency situations, risking her own life to save others. Her quick thinking and decisive actions have been instrumental in preventing the loss of life and property on numerous occasions.

One particularly noteworthy incident occurred last year when a massive fire broke out in a multi-story apartment complex. Captain Thompson was one of the first responders on the scene, and she immediately took charge of the situation. She quickly assessed the severity of the fire and coordinated the efforts of her team to evacuate residents safely. Despite the intense heat and smoke, Captain Thompson fearlessly entered the burning building multiple times to ensure that no one was left behind.

Her bravery and selflessness that day saved countless lives, and her actions serve as a testament to her unwavering commitment to her duties as a firefighter. Captain Thompson’s heroism did not go unnoticed, and she was awarded a commendation for her exceptional service.

Beyond her remarkable courage in the face of danger, Captain Thompson is also an outstanding leader and mentor within the fire department. She has taken on various leadership roles throughout her career, including serving as a training officer and a member of the department’s incident management team.

As a training officer, Captain Thompson has been instrumental in developing and implementing new training programs that have enhanced the skills and capabilities of our firefighters. She has a keen eye for identifying areas where improvements can be made and works tirelessly to ensure that her fellow firefighters are well-prepared to handle any situation they may encounter.

Captain Thompson’s leadership extends beyond the fire department as well. She is actively involved in various community outreach programs, educating the public about fire safety and prevention. She regularly visits schools and community centers to teach children and adults about the importance of fire safety and what to do in the event of an emergency.

Her commitment to public education has undoubtedly saved lives and has helped foster a stronger sense of trust and partnership between the fire department and the community we serve.

Moreover, Captain Thompson is a role model and mentor to many of her colleagues, particularly to the younger firefighters who look up to her for guidance and support. She takes the time to listen to their concerns, offer advice, and help them tackle the challenges of their demanding profession.

Her approachable and compassionate nature has created a positive and supportive work environment within the fire department, where every member feels valued and respected.

Captain Michelle Thompson embodies the very best of what it means to be a firefighter. Her bravery, dedication, leadership, and commitment to serving others are truly exceptional. She has made a profound impact on our community and has earned the respect and admiration of her colleagues and the public alike.

These are the reasons that I wholeheartedly nominate Captain Michelle Thompson for the Firefighter of the Year Award. She is a shining example of the courage and selflessness that define our profession, and I can think of no one more deserving of this recognition.

Thank you for considering my nomination, and I hope that you will join me in honoring Captain Thompson for her outstanding service to our community.


Commentary: This long nomination speech provides a detailed account of the nominee’s accomplishments, heroism, and leadership qualities. It highlights specific examples of their bravery and impact on the community, as well as their role as a mentor and educator. This type of speech is suitable for awards ceremonies or events where a more comprehensive account of the nominee’s contributions is appropriate, particularly in fields where courage and selflessness are highly valued.

Lengthy Nomination Speech (1000 words)

It is my great privilege to nominate Dr. Elizabeth Nguyen for the Lifetime Achievement Award in Medical Research. Dr. Nguyen’s groundbreaking work in the field of oncology has revolutionized cancer treatment and has given hope to countless patients and their families.

Over the course of her remarkable career, spanning more than three decades, Dr. Nguyen has made numerous significant contributions to the understanding and treatment of various types of cancer. Her pioneering research has led to the development of new therapies and diagnostic tools that have improved patient outcomes and quality of life.

One of Dr. Nguyen’s most notable achievements was her discovery of a novel molecular pathway that plays a crucial role in the progression of breast cancer. This breakthrough finding opened up new avenues for targeted therapies and has since become the foundation for numerous clinical trials and treatment protocols worldwide.

Her work in this area has been widely recognized by the scientific community, and she has been invited to present her findings at prestigious conferences and symposia around the globe.

Beyond her groundbreaking research, Dr. Nguyen is also an exceptional clinician and educator. She has mentored countless young researchers and physicians, sharing her knowledge and expertise with the next generation of medical professionals. Her dedication to teaching and training has helped foster a culture of innovation and excellence within the field of oncology.

As a practicing oncologist, Dr. Nguyen is known for her compassionate and patient-centered approach to care. She takes the time to listen to her patients’ concerns, explain complex medical concepts in accessible terms, and involve them in the decision-making process regarding their treatment. Her empathy and kindness have earned her the trust and admiration of her patients and their families.

Dr. Nguyen’s commitment to improving cancer care extends beyond the walls of her laboratory and clinic. She has been a tireless advocate for increased funding for cancer research and has worked closely with policymakers and advocacy groups to raise awareness about the importance of early detection and prevention.

Her efforts have helped secure critical resources for research and patient support programs, making a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.

Furthermore, Dr. Nguyen’s leadership and vision have helped shape the direction of cancer research on a global scale. She has served on numerous national and international advisory boards and committees, where she has helped develop strategic priorities and research agendas that have advanced the field as a whole.

Her insights and expertise have been sought after by researchers, clinicians, and policymakers alike, and her influence can be felt in the work of countless individuals and institutions around the world.

Despite her many accomplishments and accolades, Dr. Nguyen remains humble and dedicated to her mission of improving the lives of those affected by cancer. She continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in cancer research and treatment, always seeking new ways to make a difference in the fight against this devastating disease.

These are the reasons and so many more that I wholeheartedly nominate Dr. Elizabeth Nguyen for the Lifetime Achievement Award in Medical Research. Her contributions to the field of oncology have been nothing short of extraordinary, and her impact on the lives of patients and their families is immeasurable.

She is a true visionary and a shining example of what can be achieved through dedication, perseverance, and a deep commitment to improving the human condition. I cannot think of a more deserving recipient for this prestigious honor.

Thank you for considering my nomination, and I hope that you will join me in celebrating the remarkable career and achievements of Dr. Elizabeth Nguyen.


Commentary: This lengthy nomination speech provides a comprehensive overview of the nominee’s achievements, leadership, and impact in their field. It highlights their groundbreaking research, clinical work, mentorship, and advocacy efforts, painting a picture of a visionary and dedicated professional. This type of speech is suitable for major awards ceremonies or events where a thorough account of the nominee’s lifetime contributions is warranted, particularly in fields where research and innovation are highly valued.

Lengthy Nomination Speech (1000+ words)

It is my great honor to stand before you today to nominate Michael Thompson for the Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Michael’s visionary leadership, innovative spirit, and unwavering commitment to excellence have transformed the business landscape and have set a new standard for entrepreneurship in our industry.

Michael’s entrepreneurial journey began over two decades ago when he founded his first company, a small tech startup that aimed to revolutionize the way businesses interact with their customers. Despite the challenges and uncertainties that come with starting a new venture, Michael’s vision and determination never wavered.

He assembled a team of talented individuals who shared his passion for innovation and worked tirelessly to develop cutting-edge solutions that addressed the needs of their clients.

Under Michael’s leadership, the company quickly gained traction and began to attract the attention of investors and industry leaders. His ability to identify emerging trends and anticipate the needs of the market allowed him to stay ahead of the curve and position his company for success.

As the company grew, Michael remained committed to fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration. He encouraged his team to think outside the box, take risks, and push the boundaries of what was possible. His leadership style was one of empowerment and trust, and he gave his employees the autonomy and resources they needed to bring their ideas to life.

One of Michael’s most significant achievements was the development of a groundbreaking software platform that streamlined business operations and improved efficiency across multiple industries. The platform was a game-changer, and its success catapulted the company to new heights.

Michael’s vision and execution were widely recognized, and the company quickly became a leader in its field.

However, Michael’s impact extends far beyond the success of his own company. He has been a tireless advocate for entrepreneurship and has worked to create opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs in our community. He has served as a mentor and advisor to countless startups, sharing his knowledge and expertise to help them tackle the challenges of starting and growing a business.

Michael’s commitment to giving back is evident in his philanthropic efforts as well. He has been a generous supporter of various charitable organizations and has used his platform to raise awareness about important social and environmental issues. His dedication to making a positive impact on the world has inspired others to follow in his footsteps and has helped create a culture of social responsibility within the business community.

Moreover, Michael’s leadership and vision have helped shape the direction of our industry as a whole. He has been a vocal advocate for innovation and has pushed for greater collaboration and knowledge-sharing among companies. His efforts have helped foster a spirit of cooperation and have led to the development of new technologies and solutions that have benefited businesses and consumers alike.

Despite his many successes, Michael remains humble and grounded. He is quick to credit his team for their contributions and is always looking for ways to support and empower those around him. His leadership style is one of servant leadership, and he leads by example, always putting the needs of his employees and his community first.

Michael’s impact on the business world has been nothing short of remarkable. His innovative spirit, visionary leadership, and commitment to excellence have set a new standard for entrepreneurship and have inspired a generation of business leaders to follow in his footsteps.

He has shown us that success is not just about building a profitable company, but about creating value for all stakeholders – employees, customers, and the community at large.

These are the reasons and many more that I wholeheartedly nominate Michael Thompson for the Entrepreneur of the Year Award. His contributions to the business world have been extraordinary, and his impact on our industry and our community will be felt for generations to come.

He is a true visionary and a shining example of what can be achieved through hard work, dedication, and a commitment to making a difference in the world. I cannot think of a more deserving recipient for this prestigious honor.

Thank you for considering my nomination, and I hope that you will join me in celebrating the remarkable achievements and contributions of Michael Thompson.


Commentary: This lengthy nomination speech provides an in-depth look at the nominee’s entrepreneurial journey, leadership qualities, and impact on their industry and community. It highlights their innovative spirit, visionary thinking, and commitment to excellence, as well as their efforts to support and empower others. This type of speech is suitable for major business awards or events where a comprehensive account of the nominee’s entrepreneurial achievements and contributions to their field and community is warranted.


Nomination speeches are a powerful way to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments, leadership, and character of outstanding individuals.

Whether you’re nominating a colleague, friend, or community member, taking the time to craft a thoughtful and compelling speech can make a significant impact.

The examples provided in this article demonstrate the range of approaches you can take when writing a nomination speech, from short and sweet to longer and more detailed.

By highlighting your nominee’s specific achievements, qualities, and impact, you can create a memorable and persuasive case for why they deserve recognition.

Remember, a great nomination speech is not just about listing accomplishments, but about telling a story that captures the essence of who your nominee is and what they represent.

By speaking from the heart and conveying your genuine admiration and respect for your nominee, you can create a moment of celebration that they will cherish for years to come.