6 Older Sister Wedding Speech Examples

As the older sister, your wedding speech for your younger sibling is a heartfelt way to share your love, memories, and well-wishes on their special day.

It’s a moment to celebrate the bond you share and to welcome your new brother- or sister-in-law into the family.

Older Sister Wedding Speech Examples

Older Sister Wedding Speech Examples

Whether you opt for a short and sweet toast or a longer, more emotional tribute, your words will be cherished by the happy couple and all who hear them.

To help you craft the perfect message, we’ve gathered six stunning examples of older sister wedding speeches that are sure to inspire.

Short Speech – 300 words

[Bride/Groom’s Name], my dear [brother/sister], I can’t believe this day has finally arrived.

It seems like only yesterday we were playing make-believe weddings in the backyard, and now here you are, standing beside the love of your life, ready to embark on this incredible journey together. I’ve watched you grow from a mischievous little [boy/girl] into the amazing [man/woman] you are today.

Your kindness, your humor, and your unwavering loyalty are just a few of the qualities that make you so special. And [Partner’s Name], I couldn’t have hand-picked a more perfect match for my [brother/sister]. Your love for each other is a beautiful thing to witness.

As you start this new chapter, I want to share a few pieces of advice. Always communicate openly and honestly with each other. Never go to bed angry. Celebrate each other’s successes and support each other through challenges. And most importantly, never forget to laugh together, even when life gets tough.

[Bride/Groom’s Name], [Partner’s Name], I wish you a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness. May your marriage be filled with endless adventures, deep understanding, and unwavering devotion. Cheers to the happy couple!


Commentary: This short and sweet speech is perfect for a brief toast. It’s ideal if you want to share a few heartfelt sentiments without taking up too much time. The speech focuses on childhood memories, the couple’s compatibility, and wishes for their future together.

Medium-length Speech – 500 words

Growing up with [Bride/Groom’s Name] was an adventure, to say the least.

As the older sister, I took my job very seriously. I was the protector, the teacher, and sometimes, the instigator of mischief. [Bride/Groom’s Name], you were always my willing accomplice, my built-in best friend, and my confidant. I recall the time we decided to start a band in the garage. I was on the drums, you were on the guitar, and our poor parents were the unwitting audience.

We made so much noise, but in our minds, we were rock stars. That’s just one of the countless memories I cherish from our childhood. As we grew older, our bond only deepened. You became not just my sibling, but my trusted friend. I watched with pride as you handled the ups and downs of life, always staying true to yourself and your values. And when you met [Partner’s Name], I saw a light in your eyes that I’d never seen before. [Partner’s Name], from the moment I met you, I knew you were special. The way you love and support [Bride/Groom’s Name] is truly inspiring.

You bring out the best in each other, and your relationship is built on a foundation of respect, trust, and endless laughter. As you embark on this new journey together, I want to offer a few words of wisdom. Always be each other’s biggest cheerleaders. Find joy in the little moments. And when times get tough, recall the love that brought you together.

[Bride/Groom’s Name], [Partner’s Name], your love story is just beginning. I know that with the two of you by each other’s side, you can weather any storm and celebrate any triumph. I’m so honored to be a part of your special day and to officially welcome [Partner’s Name] into our family. Let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing year, and may your life together be filled with all the joy, adventure, and love you both so richly deserve. Cheers!


Commentary: This medium-length speech allows you to explore your relationship with your sibling more deeply and share more memories and advice. It’s suitable for a reception dinner or a more intimate gathering where you have a bit more time to speak.

Long Speech – 700 words

It’s hard to put into words how much [Bride/Groom’s Name] means to me.

As the older sister, I’ve had the privilege of watching [him/her] grow from a curious, energetic child into the incredible [man/woman] [he/she] is today. … [Bride/Groom’s Name], [Partner’s Name], as you start this new chapter in your lives, I want you to know that you have an entire village of people who love and support you. We’re here to celebrate with you during the good times and to lift you during the challenging ones.

Always remember that your love for each other is the most powerful force in the universe. So let’s raise a toast to the newlyweds. May your love be modern enough to survive the times, but old-fashioned enough to last forever.

May your home be filled with laughter, your hearts filled with love, and your lives filled with joy. And [Bride/Groom’s Name], never forget that no matter where life takes you, you’ll always have a big sister who loves you to the moon and back. Congratulations and cheers to a lifetime of happiness!


Commentary: A longer speech like this allows you to paint a picture of your sibling’s journey, from childhood through finding their soulmate. It’s perfect for a reception where you want to share more detailed stories and reflections.

Long Speech – 800 words

[Bride/Groom’s Name], my dear [brother/sister], and [Partner’s Name], my new [brother/sister]-in-law, what a joyous occasion this is.

It’s not every day that I get to stand up here and embarrass my sibling in front of all their nearest and dearest. But that’s what big sisters are for, right? … [Bride/Groom’s Name], [Partner’s Name], I couldn’t be happier to see you two starting this new chapter together. Your love is a testament to the power of patience, perseverance, and partnership.

You’ve already weathered so many storms together, and I know that with each other by your side, you can face anything that comes your way. So let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple. To a lifetime of love, laughter, and happily ever after.

May your love be as endless as the ocean, as timeless as the stars, and as strong as the bond of family. And [Bride/Groom’s Name], always remember that no matter how old you get, you’ll never be too old for your big sister to put you in a headlock and give you a noogie. I love you both so much. Cheers!


Commentary: With an 800-word speech, you have plenty of room to combine humor, sentiment, and sage advice. This length works well if you’re the only one giving a speech or if you have a bit more time allotted for your toast.

Lengthy Speech – 1000 words

[Bride/Groom’s Name], [Partner’s Name], as I look at the two of you today, I’m filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude.

Joy, because I’ve never seen my [brother/sister] so blissfully happy. And gratitude, because I know that [he/she] has found a partner who will love, support, and cherish [him/her] for the rest of their lives. Your love story is one for the ages. From the moment you met, it was clear that you had something special.

You’ve faced challenges and triumphs, tears and laughter, and through it all, your love has only grown stronger. As you embark on this new adventure together, I want to share a few pieces of wisdom that I’ve learned along the way.

First, always make time for each other. In the chaos of work, family, and life’s many obligations, it’s easy to let your relationship fall by the wayside. But the little moments – the quiet conversations, the stolen kisses, the inside jokes – those are the moments that will keep your love strong.

Second, never stop growing together. Life is a journey of constant learning and discovery, and the most beautiful part is that you get to do it side by side. Encourage each other’s passions, support each other’s dreams, and never stop seeking new adventures together.

And finally, always remember the love that brought you here today. There will be times when life gets tough, when you’re tired and frustrated and maybe even a little bit angry. But in those moments, look back on this day.

Remember the love in your eyes, the joy in your hearts, and the promise you made to each other. Let that love be your guiding light, your north star, your constant. [Bride/Groom’s Name], [Partner’s Name], I couldn’t be happier to welcome you into our family. You’re not just gaining a spouse today – you’re gaining a whole tribe of people who will love and support you through every twist and turn of life’s great adventure.

We’re here to celebrate with you, to cry with you, to laugh with you, and to remind you, every single day, just how loved you are. So let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple. May your love be a beacon of light in this world, a testament to the power of partnership, and a reminder that true happiness is found in the arms of the one you love.

Congratulations, [Bride/Groom’s Name] and [Partner’s Name]. Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happily ever after. Cheers!]


Commentary: A 1000-word speech allows you to take your audience on a true journey, weaving together anecdotes, insights into the couple’s relationship, and your hopes for their future. This length is ideal for a wedding where speeches are a central part of the celebration.

Lengthy Speech – 1000+ words

[Bride/Groom’s Name], [Partner’s Name], as I stand here today, I’m overwhelmed with emotion.

I’m so incredibly happy for you both, and so honored to be a part of your special day. Your love story will be told for generations. It’s a story of two people who found each other against all odds, who fell in love despite the challenges, and who built a relationship on a foundation of trust, respect, and unwavering devotion. I’ve had the privilege of watching your love grow from the very beginning.

I remember the first time [Bride/Groom’s Name] told me about you, [Partner’s Name]. [His/Her] eyes lit up in a way I’d never seen before. [He/She] talked about your kindness, your humor, your intelligence, and I knew right then and there that you were something special. And then I met you, and I saw firsthand the love you have for my [brother/sister]. The way you look at [him/her], the way you support [him/her], the way you make [him/her] laugh – it’s a beautiful thing to witness. You bring out the best in each other, and your love is a shining example of what a true partnership should be.

As you start this new chapter in your life, I want to share a few words of wisdom that I’ve learned along the way. Above all, always put your relationship first. In the chaos of life, it’s easy to let other things take priority – work, friends, hobbies. But at the end of the day, your marriage is the foundation upon which everything else is built. Nurture it, cherish it, and never take it for granted.

Additionally, always be each other’s biggest cheerleaders. Life will throw you curveballs – that’s just a fact. But when you have someone by your side who believes in you, who supports you, who lifts you when you’re feeling down – that’s when you can face anything. Be each other’s rock, each other’s haven, each other’s biggest fan.

And finally, never stop making each other laugh. Laughter is the glue that holds a relationship together. It’s the light in the darkness, the joy in the sorrow, the spark that keeps the flame of love burning bright. Find humor in the little things, in the inside jokes and the silly moments. And when times get tough, never underestimate the power of a well-timed joke to ease the tension and remind you of the love you share.

[Bride/Groom’s Name], [Partner’s Name], your love is a gift. It’s a treasure that not everyone is lucky enough to find. So cherish it, protect it, and never take it for granted. And know that no matter where life takes you, you’ll always have a family who loves you, who supports you, and who will always be there to cheer you on. So let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple. To a love that knows no bounds, a partnership that can weather any storm, and a future filled with all the joy, laughter, and happiness that you both so richly deserve.

Congratulations, [Bride/Groom’s Name] and [Partner’s Name]. May your love be a light in this world, and may your happily ever after be everything you’ve ever dreamed of and more. Cheers!</antSpeech>


Commentary: For a truly epic toast, a 1000+ word speech gives you the freedom to include all the elements you want: humor, nostalgia, advice, and of course, your love and support for the couple. Just make sure you have the green light to speak for a bit longer!


No matter the length of your older sister’s wedding speech, the most important thing is that it comes from the heart.

Your sibling and their spouse will cherish your words, not because they’re perfectly polished, but because they reflect your unique bond and the love you share.

So take a deep breath, raise your glass, and let your love and pride shine through.

Your heartfelt message will be a highlight of this unforgettable day—a testament to the enduring power of family, and a celebration of the new chapter that’s just beginning.

Cheers to the happy couple, and the unbreakable bond of siblings!