15 Sample Letters of Association between Two Companies

In the fast-paced world of business, forging strategic alliances can be the key to unlocking new opportunities and achieving unprecedented success.

Letters of association serve as the foundation for these powerful partnerships, outlining the terms, expectations, and mutual benefits that two companies can expect from their collaboration.

Sample Letters of Association between Two Companies

Sample Letters of Association between Two Companies

Join us as we explore 15 expertly crafted sample letters of association, designed to inspire and guide you in creating your successful business alliances.

Letter One: Mutual Marketing Agreement

Subject: Mutual Marketing Agreement between [Company A] and [Company B]

Dear [Name],

We are pleased to propose a mutual marketing agreement between [Company A] and [Company B]. By combining our marketing efforts, we believe that both companies can benefit from increased exposure, expanded reach, and enhanced brand recognition.

Under the terms of this agreement, [Company A] will feature [Company B]’s logo and a brief description of its services on our website and promotional materials. In return, [Company B] will do the same for [Company A]. Additionally, both companies will collaborate on joint marketing campaigns, such as co-branded email newsletters, social media promotions, and webinars.

We believe that this partnership will be mutually beneficial and help both companies grow their customer base. If you agree with the terms outlined above, please sign and return a copy of this letter.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company A]

Letter Two: Joint Venture Proposal

Subject: Joint Venture Proposal between [Company A] and [Company B]

Dear [Name],

[Company A] is excited to propose a joint venture with [Company B] to develop and launch a new product line. By combining our expertise, resources, and market presence, we believe that this joint venture will be highly successful and profitable for both companies.

Under the terms of this joint venture, [Company A] will be responsible for product development, manufacturing, and distribution, while [Company B] will handle marketing, sales, and customer support. Profits will be shared equally between the two companies, and any intellectual property developed during the joint venture will be jointly owned.

We believe that this partnership will allow both companies to enter new markets, expand their product offerings, and increase their revenue streams. If you are interested in pursuing this joint venture, please let us know, and we can arrange a meeting to discuss the details further.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company A]

Letter Three: Strategic Alliance Agreement

Subject: Strategic Alliance Agreement between [Company A] and [Company B]

Dear [Name],

[Company A] proposes a strategic alliance with [Company B] to collaborate on a series of projects that will benefit both companies. By pooling our resources, knowledge, and skills, we believe that we can achieve better results and gain a competitive edge in our respective industries.

Under the terms of this strategic alliance, [Company A] and [Company B] will work together on [project description], sharing the workload, costs, and benefits equally. Both companies will also share any relevant information, data, and insights that can help improve the quality and efficiency of the projects.

We believe that this alliance will foster innovation, growth, and mutual success for both companies. If you are interested in forming this strategic alliance, please sign and return a copy of this letter, and we can begin planning our first project together.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company A]

Letter Four: Cross-Promotion Agreement

Subject: Cross-Promotion Agreement between [Company A] and [Company B]

Dear [Name],

[Company A] would like to propose a cross-promotion agreement with [Company B] to help increase brand visibility and drive sales for both companies. By promoting each other’s products or services to our respective customer bases, we believe that we can tap into new markets and create a win-win situation for both parties.

Under the terms of this agreement, [Company A] will feature [Company B]’s products or services in our newsletter, blog, and social media channels, and offer a special discount or promotion to our customers who purchase from [Company B]. In return, [Company B] will do the same for [Company A]’s products or services.

We believe that this cross-promotion will be an effective way to expand our reach, attract new customers, and boost sales for both companies. If you are interested in this collaboration, please let us know, and we can discuss the specifics of the promotion and the timeline for implementation.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company A]

Letter Five: Referral Partnership Agreement

Subject: Referral Partnership Agreement between [Company A] and [Company B]

Dear [Name],

[Company A] proposes a referral partnership with [Company B] to help generate new business opportunities for both companies. By referring potential clients to each other, we believe that we can expand our customer base and create a mutually beneficial relationship.

Under the terms of this partnership, [Company A] will refer clients to [Company B] who need [specific services or products offered by Company B]. In return, [Company B] will refer clients to [Company A] who require [specific services or products offered by Company A]. For each successful referral that results in a sale, the referring company will receive a [percentage or fixed amount] commission.

We believe that this referral partnership will be an effective way to generate new leads, increase revenue, and foster a strong relationship between our two companies. If you are interested in this collaboration, please sign and return a copy of this letter, and we can begin exchanging referrals.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company A]

Letter Six: Co-Branding Agreement

Subject: Co-Branding Agreement between [Company A] and [Company B]

Dear [Name],

[Company A] is excited to propose a co-branding agreement with [Company B] to create a new line of products that combines the strengths and expertise of both companies. By leveraging our complementary skills and resources, we believe that we can develop innovative and high-quality products that will appeal to a wide range of customers.

Under the terms of this agreement, [Company A] will be responsible for [specific aspects of product development, manufacturing, or distribution], while [Company B] will handle [other specific aspects]. Both companies will collaborate on the design, branding, and marketing of the products, and will share the costs and profits equally.

We believe that this co-branding partnership will allow both companies to enter new markets, diversify their product offerings, and enhance their brand reputation. If you are interested in pursuing this collaboration, please let us know, and we can schedule a meeting to discuss the details and timeline for the project.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company A]

Letter Seven: Technology Licensing Agreement

Subject: Technology Licensing Agreement between [Company A] and [Company B]

Dear [Name],

[Company A] proposes a technology licensing agreement with [Company B] to allow [Company B] to use our proprietary technology in its products or services. By licensing our technology, we believe that [Company B] can enhance the functionality, performance, and competitiveness of its offerings, while [Company A] can generate additional revenue and expand the reach of our technology.

Under the terms of this agreement, [Company A] will grant [Company B] a non-exclusive, royalty-bearing license to use [specific technology or intellectual property] in its products or services. [Company B] will pay [Company A] a [one-time fee, annual fee, or percentage of sales] for the use of the technology, and will comply with all applicable terms and conditions of the license.

We believe that this licensing agreement will be mutually beneficial for both companies, allowing [Company B] to improve its offerings and [Company A] to monetize its technology. If you are interested in this arrangement, please sign and return a copy of this letter, and we can proceed with drafting a formal licensing agreement.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company A]

Letter Eight: Supplier-Distributor Agreement

Subject: Supplier-Distributor Agreement between [Company A] and [Company B]

Dear [Name],

[Company A] would like to propose a supplier-distributor agreement with [Company B] to help expand the distribution and sales of our products. By leveraging [Company B]’s extensive distribution network and market presence, we believe that we can increase our brand visibility, reach new customers, and grow our revenue.

Under the terms of this agreement, [Company A] will supply [specific products or product lines] to [Company B] at a [discounted or wholesale] price. [Company B] will be responsible for distributing, marketing, and selling these products to its customers, and will retain a [percentage or fixed amount] of the sales revenue as its distribution fee.

We believe that this partnership will be mutually beneficial, allowing [Company A] to expand its market reach and [Company B] to offer a wider range of high-quality products to its customers. If you are interested in this collaboration, please let us know, and we can discuss the specific terms and conditions of the agreement.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company A]

Letter Nine: Collaborative Research Agreement

Subject: Collaborative Research Agreement between [Company A] and [Company B]

Dear [Name],

[Company A] proposes a collaborative research agreement with [Company B] to jointly explore and develop new technologies or products in [specific field or industry]. By combining our research capabilities, expertise, and resources, we believe that we can accelerate innovation, reduce costs, and create groundbreaking solutions that will benefit both companies and our customers.

Under the terms of this agreement, [Company A] and [Company B] will form a joint research team to work on [specific research project or area of focus]. Both companies will contribute [financial resources, personnel, equipment, or facilities] to support the research, and will share any resulting intellectual property or commercialization rights based on [agreed-upon terms].

We believe that this collaborative research will foster knowledge sharing, technological advancement, and mutual growth for both companies. If you are interested in this partnership, please sign and return a copy of this letter, and we can begin planning the research project in more detail.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company A]

Letter Ten: Shared Services Agreement

Subject: Shared Services Agreement between [Company A] and [Company B]

Dear [Name],

[Company A] would like to propose a shared services agreement with [Company B] to help optimize our operations, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. By sharing certain back-office functions or support services, we believe that both companies can benefit from economies of scale, standardized processes, and access to specialized expertise.

Under the terms of this agreement, [Company A] and [Company B] will share [specific services or functions, such as HR, IT, accounting, or legal] based on a [cost-sharing or service-level] model. Each company will contribute [resources, personnel, or infrastructure] to support the shared services, and will have access to the same level of service quality and performance.

We believe that this shared services arrangement will help both companies streamline their operations, reduce overhead costs, and focus on their core competencies. If you are interested in this collaboration, please let us know, and we can discuss the scope, terms, and governance structure of the shared services agreement.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company A]

Letter Eleven: Joint Training and Development Agreement

Subject: Joint Training and Development Agreement between [Company A] and [Company B]

Dear [Name],

[Company A] proposes a joint training and development agreement with [Company B] to help enhance the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of our employees. By collaborating on training programs, workshops, and knowledge-sharing sessions, we believe that both companies can benefit from a more skilled and engaged workforce, as well as foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Under the terms of this agreement, [Company A] and [Company B] will jointly develop and deliver [specific training programs or initiatives] for our employees. Both companies will contribute [resources, expertise, or facilities] to support the training, and will share the costs and benefits of the program based on [agreed-upon terms].

We believe that this joint training and development initiative will help both companies attract, retain, and develop top talent, as well as promote cross-functional collaboration and innovation. If you are interested in this partnership, please sign and return a copy of this letter, and we can begin planning the training program in more detail.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company A]

Letter Twelve: Co-Sponsorship Agreement

Subject: Co-Sponsorship Agreement between [Company A] and [Company B]

Dear [Name],

[Company A] would like to propose a co-sponsorship agreement with [Company B] for [specific event, conference, or initiative]. By jointly sponsoring this event, we believe that both companies can benefit from increased brand exposure, targeted marketing opportunities, and access to a relevant audience.

Under the terms of this agreement, [Company A] and [Company B] will share the sponsorship costs and benefits equally. Both companies will have their logos and branding featured prominently on event materials, signage, and promotions, and will have the opportunity to distribute marketing collateral or promotional items to attendees.

We believe that this co-sponsorship will be an effective way to enhance our brand visibility, generate new leads, and strengthen our industry presence. If you are interested in this collaboration, please let us know, and we can discuss the specific terms and logistics of the sponsorship.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company A]

Letter Thirteen: Reciprocal Service Agreement

Subject: Reciprocal Service Agreement between [Company A] and [Company B]

Dear [Name],

[Company A] proposes a reciprocal service agreement with [Company B] to help support each other’s business operations and customer needs. By providing complementary services to each other’s clients, we believe that both companies can enhance their value proposition, generate new revenue streams, and foster long-term customer loyalty.

Under the terms of this agreement, [Company A] will provide [specific services] to [Company B]’s clients at a [discounted or preferential] rate, and [Company B] will do the same for [Company A]’s clients. Both companies will promote each other’s services to their respective customer bases and will collaborate on joint service delivery or customer support as needed.

We believe that this reciprocal service arrangement will help both companies expand their service offerings, tap into new market segments, and create a more seamless and integrated customer experience. If you are interested in this partnership, please sign and return a copy of this letter, and we can begin implementing the reciprocal services.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company A]

Letter Fourteen: Joint Venture for Product Development

Subject: Joint Venture for Product Development between [Company A] and [Company B]

Dear [Name],

[Company A] is excited to propose a joint venture with [Company B] to collaborate on the development of a new product line in the [specific industry or market]. By leveraging our complementary strengths, technologies, and market insights, we believe that we can create innovative and differentiated products that will meet the evolving needs of our customers and drive significant growth for both companies.

Under the terms of this joint venture, [Company A] and [Company B] will form a dedicated product development team, with representatives from both companies working together on [product ideation, design, engineering, and testing]. Both companies will contribute [financial resources, intellectual property, or market expertise] to support the product development process, and will share any resulting revenues or intellectual property rights based on [agreed-upon terms].

We believe that this joint venture will enable both companies to accelerate their product innovation, enter new markets, and create a more compelling and competitive product portfolio. If you are interested in this partnership, please let us know, and we can schedule a meeting to discuss the scope, timeline, and governance structure of the joint venture.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company A]

Letter Fifteen: Sustainability Partnership Agreement

Subject: Sustainability Partnership Agreement between [Company A] and [Company B]

Dear [Name],

[Company A] would like to propose a sustainability partnership with [Company B] to collaborate on initiatives that promote environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and sustainable business practices. By working together on sustainability projects, we believe that both companies can enhance their corporate social responsibility, reduce their environmental footprint, and create positive social and economic impact in the communities we serve.

Under the terms of this partnership, [Company A] and [Company B] will jointly develop and implement [specific sustainability initiatives or programs], such as [renewable energy adoption, waste reduction, sustainable sourcing, or community outreach]. Both companies will contribute [resources, expertise, or best practices] to support the initiatives, and will share the costs and benefits of the program based on [agreed-upon terms].

We believe that this sustainability partnership will help both companies demonstrate their commitment to responsible business practices, attract environmentally and socially conscious customers and investors, and create long-term value for all stakeholders. If you are interested in this collaboration, please sign and return a copy of this letter, and we can begin planning the sustainability initiatives in more detail.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company A]


These 15 sample letters of association demonstrate the wide range of strategic partnerships and collaborations that companies can forge to achieve their business objectives, drive innovation, and create shared value.

By tailoring these templates to your specific needs and partnership goals, you can effectively communicate your intentions, establish clear terms and expectations, and lay the foundation for successful and mutually beneficial business alliances.

As you embark on your partnership journey, remember that effective communication, trust, and alignment of interests are key to building strong and lasting relationships between companies.