15 Sample Letters of Complaint Against a Police Officer

Imagine the frustration and anger of being mistreated, harassed, or wrongfully accused by a police officer – someone who is supposed to protect and serve.

If you find yourself in such a situation, one of the most effective ways to seek justice and hold the officer accountable is by writing a formal letter of complaint.

Sample Letters of Complaint Against a Police Officer

Sample Letters of Complaint Against a Police Officer

In this article, we will provide you with 15 sample letters that demonstrate how to articulate your grievances clearly and assertively, increasing the likelihood of a thorough investigation and appropriate action being taken.

1. Excessive Use of Force

Subject: Complaint Against Officer John Doe – Excessive Use of Force

Dear Chief of Police,

I am writing to file a formal complaint against Officer John Doe, badge number 1234, for the excessive use of force during an incident that occurred on July 1, 2023, at approximately 3:00 PM on the corner of Main Street and First Avenue.

While I was peacefully protesting with a group of individuals, Officer Doe approached us aggressively and began pushing and shoving protesters without provocation. When I attempted to ask him why he was using such force, he grabbed me by the arm, twisted it behind my back, and slammed me to the ground. I sustained bruises and lacerations on my face and arms as a result of his actions.

I believe Officer Doe’s use of force was excessive, unwarranted, and a violation of my constitutional rights. I request a thorough investigation into this incident and appropriate disciplinary action against Officer Doe.


[Your Name]

2. Racial Profiling

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Jane Smith – Racial Profiling

Dear Internal Affairs,

I am writing to file a complaint against Officer Jane Smith for racial profiling and discrimination. On June 15, 2023, at approximately 6:00 PM, I was driving on Highway 101 when Officer Smith pulled me over. When I asked her why I had been stopped, she stated that my vehicle fit the description of a suspect in a recent robbery.

Despite providing my identification and explaining that I had no involvement in any criminal activity, Officer Smith insisted on searching my vehicle without probable cause. During the search, she made several derogatory comments about my race and accused me of being a “typical criminal.”

I believe Officer Smith’s actions were motivated by racial bias and constitute a violation of my civil rights. I request a full investigation into this incident and appropriate consequences for Officer Smith’s discriminatory behavior.


[Your Name]

3. Abuse of Authority

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Michael Johnson – Abuse of Authority

Dear Police Commissioner,

I am writing to file a formal complaint against Officer Michael Johnson for abuse of authority. On May 30, 2023, at approximately 8:00 PM, I was walking home from work when Officer Johnson approached me and demanded to see my identification. When I asked him why he needed to see my ID, he became aggressive and started yelling at me, threatening to arrest me for “resisting an officer.”

Despite complying with his demands and providing my identification, Officer Johnson continued to berate me and make baseless accusations. He searched my person without my consent and without any reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing.

Officer Johnson’s actions were an abuse of his authority and a violation of my Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure. I request an investigation into this incident and appropriate disciplinary measures against Officer Johnson.


[Your Name]

4. Failure to Provide Medical Assistance

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Sarah Davis – Failure to Provide Medical Assistance

Dear Chief of Police,

I am writing to file a complaint against Officer Sarah Davis for failing to provide medical assistance during an emergency. On April 20, 2023, at approximately 2:00 PM, I witnessed a severe car accident at the intersection of Elm Street and Second Avenue. One of the drivers was seriously injured and in need of immediate medical attention.

I called 911 and Officer Davis arrived on the scene. However, instead of assisting the injured driver or calling for an ambulance, Officer Davis spent several minutes questioning bystanders and taking statements. Despite my repeated pleas for her to help the injured person, she dismissed my concerns and continued with her questioning.

The delay in providing medical assistance could have had severe consequences for the injured driver. I believe Officer Davis’s actions were negligent and a dereliction of her duty to protect and serve. I request a thorough investigation into this incident and appropriate consequences for Officer Davis’s failure to act.


[Your Name]

5. Unprofessional Conduct

Subject: Complaint Against Officer David Brown – Unprofessional Conduct

Dear Internal Affairs,

I am writing to file a complaint against Officer David Brown for unprofessional conduct. On March 10, 2023, at approximately 10:00 AM, I visited the police station to file a report about a stolen bicycle. Officer Brown was the officer assigned to assist me.

Throughout my interaction with Officer Brown, he was dismissive, rude, and condescending. He made several inappropriate jokes about the theft and suggested that I was wasting his time with a “trivial matter.” When I asked for a copy of the police report, he rolled his eyes and told me to “figure it out myself.”

Officer Brown’s behavior was unprofessional and undermined my confidence in the police department’s ability to take my concerns seriously. I request an investigation into this incident and appropriate disciplinary action to ensure that all officers treat citizens with respect and professionalism.


[Your Name]

6. Unlawful Detention

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Jennifer Wilson – Unlawful Detention

Dear Chief of Police,

I am writing to file a formal complaint against Officer Jennifer Wilson for unlawful detention. On February 25, 2023, at approximately 7:00 PM, I was walking in City Park when Officer Wilson approached me and demanded that I leave the area immediately. When I asked her why I needed to leave, she stated that the park was closed and I was trespassing.

I politely informed Officer Wilson that the park’s posted hours of operation indicated that it was open until 9:00 PM and that I had every right to be there. Despite this, she insisted that I leave and threatened to arrest me if I did not comply. Fearing for my safety, I left the park.

Officer Wilson’s actions constituted unlawful detention, as she had no legal basis for forcing me to leave a public space during its posted hours of operation. I request an investigation into this incident and appropriate disciplinary measures to ensure that officers respect citizens’ rights and follow the law.


[Your Name]

7. Failure to Investigate

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Mark Thompson – Failure to Investigate

Dear Internal Affairs,

I am writing to file a complaint against Officer Mark Thompson for failing to properly investigate a crime. On January 15, 2023, at approximately 1:00 PM, I reported a burglary at my home to the police department. Officer Thompson was assigned to investigate the case.

Despite providing Officer Thompson with a detailed list of stolen items and security camera footage of the suspect, he failed to conduct a thorough investigation. He did not follow up on any of the leads I provided, nor did he update me on the progress of the case. When I contacted him several weeks later to inquire about the status of the investigation, he informed me that he had closed the case due to a lack of evidence.

I believe Officer Thompson’s failure to properly investigate the burglary was negligent and a dereliction of his duties. I request an investigation into his handling of the case and appropriate disciplinary action to ensure that all reported crimes are investigated thoroughly and professionally.


[Your Name]

8. Inappropriate Use of Force

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Emily Davis – Inappropriate Use of Force

Dear Chief of Police,

I am writing to file a formal complaint against Officer Emily Davis for the inappropriate use of force. On December 5, 2022, at approximately 11:00 PM, I was pulled over by Officer Davis for a minor traffic violation. During the stop, Officer Davis asked me to step out of my vehicle, which I did without hesitation.

As I was standing next to my car, Officer Davis suddenly grabbed my arm, twisted it behind my back, and pushed me against the vehicle with excessive force. She then proceeded to search my person and my vehicle without my consent or probable cause. Throughout the incident, Officer Davis was verbally aggressive and used profane language.

I believe Officer Davis’s use of force was unnecessary and inappropriate given the nature of the traffic stop. Her actions caused me physical pain and emotional distress. I request a thorough investigation into this incident and appropriate disciplinary measures against Officer Davis.


[Your Name]

9. Failure to Read Miranda Rights

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Daniel Wilson – Failure to Read Miranda Rights

Dear Internal Affairs,

I am writing to file a complaint against Officer Daniel Wilson for failing to read me my Miranda rights during an arrest. On November 20, 2022, at approximately 3:00 PM, I was arrested by Officer Wilson on suspicion of shoplifting. During the arrest, Officer Wilson did not inform me of my rights to remain silent and to have an attorney present during questioning.

After being taken to the police station, I was interrogated by Officer Wilson without being advised of my Miranda rights. As a result, I made self-incriminating statements that were later used against me in court.

Officer Wilson’s failure to read me my Miranda rights was a violation of my Fifth Amendment rights and compromised the fairness of my case. I request an investigation into this incident and appropriate disciplinary action against Officer Wilson to ensure that all officers follow proper arrest procedures and respect citizens’ constitutional rights.


[Your Name]

10. Illegal Search and Seizure

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Samantha Brown – Illegal Search and Seizure

Dear Police Commissioner,

I am writing to file a formal complaint against Officer Samantha Brown for conducting an illegal search and seizure. On October 10, 2022, at approximately 6:00 PM, I was walking in my neighborhood when Officer Brown approached me and demanded to search my backpack. When I asked her if she had a warrant or probable cause, she stated that she did not need one and proceeded to search my belongings without my consent.

During the search, Officer Brown confiscated a legally prescribed medication, claiming that it was a controlled substance. Despite my attempts to explain that I had a valid prescription, she refused to listen and threatened to arrest me for drug possession.

Officer Brown’s actions constituted an illegal search and seizure, as she had no legal basis for searching my belongings or confiscating my medication. I request an investigation into this incident and appropriate disciplinary measures against Officer Brown to ensure that officers respect citizens’ Fourth Amendment rights.


[Your Name]

11. Harassment and Intimidation

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Christopher Davis – Harassment and Intimidation

Dear Internal Affairs,

I am writing to file a complaint against Officer Christopher Davis for harassment and intimidation. On September 5, 2022, at approximately 9:00 PM, I was walking home from a friend’s house when Officer Davis approached me and began questioning me aggressively about my whereabouts and activities. Despite answering his questions truthfully and respectfully, Officer Davis continued to follow me and make threatening comments.

At one point, Officer Davis stated that he could “make my life difficult” if I did not cooperate with his demands. He also made several derogatory comments about my appearance and suggested that I was “up to no good.”

Officer Davis’s behavior was harassing and intimidating and made me fear for my safety. I request a thorough investigation into this incident and appropriate disciplinary action against Officer Davis to ensure that all officers treat citizens with respect and professionalism.


[Your Name]

12. Neglect of Duty

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Jessica Thompson – Neglect of Duty

Dear Chief of Police,

I am writing to file a complaint against Officer Jessica Thompson for neglect of duty. On August 15, 2022, at approximately 4:00 PM, I called 911 to report a domestic disturbance in my neighbor’s apartment. I could hear screaming and sounds of a physical altercation, and I feared for the safety of those involved.

Officer Thompson arrived on the scene approximately 30 minutes after my call. Despite the urgency of the situation, she did not immediately intervene or investigate the disturbance. Instead, she spent several minutes in her patrol car before finally approaching the apartment. By the time she knocked on the door, the disturbance had ended, and the parties involved had left the scene.

I believe Officer Thompson’s delayed response and failure to promptly investigate the domestic disturbance constituted neglect of her duties and potentially put the victims at risk. I request an investigation into this incident and appropriate disciplinary measures to ensure that all officers respond to emergency calls with the urgency and diligence required.


[Your Name]

13. Mishandling of Evidence

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Michael Johnson – Mishandling of Evidence

Dear Internal Affairs,

I am writing to file a complaint against Officer Michael Johnson for the mishandling of evidence in a criminal case. On July 20, 2022, I was a witness to a robbery at a local convenience store. I provided a statement to Officer Johnson and turned over a piece of evidence – a discarded clothing item worn by the suspect – that I had found at the scene.

Several weeks later, I was contacted by the prosecutor’s office and informed that the evidence I had provided was missing from the case file. When I inquired about the missing evidence, I was told that Officer Johnson had failed to properly log and store the item, resulting in its loss.

Officer Johnson’s mishandling of the evidence compromised the integrity of the criminal case and undermined my efforts to assist in the investigation. I request a thorough investigation into this incident and appropriate disciplinary action against Officer Johnson to ensure that all officers handle evidence with the utmost care and professionalism.


[Your Name]

14. Improper Conduct During an Arrest

Subject: Complaint Against Officer William Davis – Improper Conduct During an Arrest

Dear Police Commissioner,

I am writing to file a formal complaint against Officer William Davis for improper conduct during an arrest. On June 5, 2022, at approximately 2:00 AM, I was arrested by Officer Davis for public intoxication. During the arrest, Officer Davis used excessive force, slamming me against a wall and twisting my arm behind my back, despite my compliance with his orders.

Furthermore, Officer Davis made several inappropriate comments about my appearance and personal life, including derogatory remarks about my sexual orientation. His behavior was unprofessional and offensive and added to the trauma of the arrest experience.

I believe Officer Davis’s actions during the arrest were improper and violated my rights. I request an investigation into this incident and appropriate disciplinary measures against Officer Davis to ensure that all officers conduct themselves with professionalism and respect during arrests.


[Your Name]

15. Failure to Report Misconduct

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Amanda Wilson – Failure to Report Misconduct

Dear Internal Affairs,

I am writing to file a complaint against Officer Amanda Wilson for failing to report misconduct by another officer. On May 10, 2022, at approximately 5:00 PM, I was involved in a traffic stop conducted by Officer Wilson and her partner, Officer Robert Thompson. During the stop, Officer Thompson made several racially insensitive comments and conducted an unwarranted search of my vehicle.

Although Officer Wilson was present during the incident and witnessed Officer Thompson’s misconduct, she did not intervene or report his actions to her superiors. When I attempted to file a complaint against Officer Thompson at the police station, I was informed that no report of the incident had been made by Officer Wilson.

Officer Wilson’s failure to report her partner’s misconduct allowed his inappropriate behavior to go unchecked and undermined the public’s trust in the police department. I request an investigation into this incident and appropriate disciplinary action against Officer Wilson for her failure to uphold her duty to report misconduct.


[Your Name]


By using these sample letters as a guide, you can effectively communicate your concerns and hold police officers accountable for their actions.

Remember, your voice matters, and by speaking out against misconduct, you can help create a more just and equitable society.