15 Sample Letters of Complaint Against Security Guard

Imagine this: You’re a responsible tenant, always paying your rent on time and following the rules.

But lately, you’ve been dealing with a security guard who seems to have it out for you.

Maybe they’re constantly harassing you, making baseless accusations, or even threatening you.

What can you do?

One effective solution is to write a formal letter of complaint to the property management or the security company.

Sample Letters of Complaint Against Security Guard

Sample Letters of Complaint Against Security Guard

 In this article, we’ll provide you with 15 sample letters that you can use as templates for your complaint.

Whether you’re dealing with harassment, discrimination, negligence, or any other issue, these letters will help you assert your rights and demand action. Let’s get started!

1. Harassment Complaint

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Security Guard for Harassment

Dear Property Manager,

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against the security guard stationed at the main entrance of our building. Over the past several weeks, this individual has been consistently harassing me whenever I enter or exit the premises.

On multiple occasions, the guard has made inappropriate comments about my appearance and has even gone so far as to follow me to my apartment door. This behavior is not only unprofessional but also deeply unsettling and has made me feel unsafe in my own home.

I request that immediate action be taken to address this issue. The guard should be reprimanded for their behavior and, if necessary, reassigned to a different post or terminated. I also ask that you review your policies and training procedures to ensure that all security personnel understand the importance of maintaining a respectful and professional demeanor at all times.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and resolution.


[Your Name]

[Your Apartment Number]

2. Discrimination Complaint

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard for Discriminatory Behavior

Dear Security Company Manager,

I am writing to express my deep concern and disappointment regarding the discriminatory behavior exhibited by one of your security guards at [Building Name]. On several occasions, I have witnessed this guard singling out residents of color for unwarranted scrutiny and harassment.

Last week, I observed the guard stopping a Black resident and demanding to see their ID, even though they had already scanned their key fob to enter the building. When I asked the guard why they had stopped this individual, they responded with a dismissive and racist comment.

This type of behavior is entirely unacceptable and goes against the values of inclusivity and equality that our community strives to uphold. I demand that you take swift action to investigate this guard’s conduct and provide sensitivity training to all of your employees.

Furthermore, I request that you review your hiring practices to ensure that you are employing individuals who demonstrate a commitment to fairness and respect for all residents, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

I expect to receive a response detailing the steps you plan to take to address this issue within the next 48 hours. If I do not hear back from you or if the situation is not resolved to my satisfaction, I will escalate this complaint to the property management company and consider taking legal action.


[Your Name]

[Your Apartment Number]

3. Negligence Complaint

Subject: Complaint Regarding Security Guard’s Negligence

Dear Building Management,

I am writing to express my grave concern over the negligence displayed by the security guard on duty last night. At approximately 11:30 pm, I witnessed a group of individuals loitering in the lobby and behaving in a disorderly manner. Despite this, the security guard was nowhere to be found.

Upon further investigation, I discovered that the guard had been sleeping in the security office, leaving the building entirely unattended. This is a severe breach of their responsibilities and puts the safety of all residents at risk.

Had there been an emergency or a crime committed during this time, the consequences could have been disastrous. You must take immediate action to ensure that such negligence does not occur again.

I request that you review the security footage from last night to verify my account and take appropriate disciplinary action against the guard in question. Additionally, I suggest that you implement regular check-ins or patrols to ensure that security personnel remain alert and attentive to their duties at all times.

Please keep me informed of the steps you plan to take to address this serious issue. I am confident that by working together, we can maintain a safe and secure living environment for all residents.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Apartment Number]

4. Unprofessional Behavior Complaint

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard for Unprofessional Conduct

Dear Property Management Team,

I am writing to bring to your attention the unprofessional behavior of the security guard stationed at the front desk of our building. Over the past month, I have observed this individual engaging in several inappropriate activities while on duty.

On numerous occasions, I have seen the guards using their cell phones for extended periods, completely ignoring residents and visitors who approach the desk for assistance. Additionally, the guard has been consistently rude and dismissive when responding to inquiries or concerns.

Just yesterday, I overheard the guard making offensive jokes with a delivery person, using language that was both vulgar and derogatory. This type of conduct is entirely unacceptable and reflects poorly on our community as a whole.

I request that you address this issue promptly by speaking with the guard in question and providing them with additional training on professional conduct and customer service. If their behavior does not improve, I suggest that you consider reassigning or replacing them with someone who better represents the values of our community.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am confident that by addressing these concerns, we can foster a more welcoming and respectful environment for all residents and visitors.


[Your Name]

[Your Apartment Number]

5. Failure to Assist Complaint

Subject: Complaint Regarding Security Guard’s Failure to Assist

Dear Building Management,

I am writing to express my extreme disappointment and frustration with the lack of assistance provided by the security guard on duty last evening. At approximately 8:00 pm, I returned home to find that I had misplaced my keys and was unable to enter my apartment.

I immediately approached the security desk and explained my situation to the guard, asking if they could assist me in contacting the property manager or a locksmith. To my shock and dismay, the guard simply shrugged and told me that it “wasn’t their problem.”

I was left standing in the lobby for over an hour, repeatedly attempting to get help from the guard, who continued to ignore me and refused to make any effort to assist. Eventually, I was forced to call a locksmith myself and incur a significant expense.

The behavior displayed by this security guard was not only unprofessional but also showed a complete lack of empathy and concern for the well-being of a resident in need. It is unacceptable that an individual tasked with ensuring the safety and security of our community would refuse to provide even the most basic level of assistance.

I demand that you investigate this incident and take appropriate action to ensure that all security personnel are properly trained and equipped to handle situations like mine with professionalism and compassion. Furthermore, I request that the guard in question be reprimanded or terminated for their egregious conduct.

I look forward to hearing back from you regarding the steps you plan to take to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. As a long-time resident of this community, I expect better from those entrusted with our safety and well-being.


[Your Name]

[Your Apartment Number]

6. Failure to Enforce Rules Complaint

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard for Failing to Enforce Building Rules

Dear Property Manager,

I am writing to express my concern and frustration over the security guard’s failure to enforce the building rules consistently. As a resident who values the sense of order and safety in our community, I find it unacceptable that the guard has been allowing certain individuals to violate the rules without consequence.

On several occasions, I have witnessed the guard permitting non-residents to enter the building without proper authorization. Additionally, I have seen the guard turn a blind eye to residents who blatantly disregard the noise and pet policies, despite receiving complaints from other tenants.

This selective enforcement of the rules creates an atmosphere of unfairness and undermines the authority of the security personnel. It also puts the safety and comfort of rule-abiding residents at risk.

I request that you address this issue promptly by reminding the guard of their responsibility to enforce all building rules consistently and without bias. Furthermore, I suggest that you review the guard’s performance and consider providing additional training or, if necessary, replacing them with someone who will uphold the standards of our community.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am confident that by addressing these concerns, we can maintain a fair and secure living environment for all residents.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Apartment Number]

7. Unauthorized Access Complaint

Subject: Complaint Regarding Security Guard Allowing Unauthorized Access

Dear Building Management,

I am writing to express my grave concern about a recent incident involving the security guard on duty. Last Saturday evening, I witnessed the guard allowing a group of unknown individuals to enter the building without verifying their identities or purpose for visiting.

When I approached the guard to inquire about this, they dismissively told me that the individuals were “friends” and that there was no need for concern. This blatant disregard for our building’s security protocols is entirely unacceptable and puts the safety of all residents at risk.

As you are aware, our community has strict policies in place regarding visitor access to ensure the well-being and privacy of our residents. By allowing unauthorized individuals to enter the premises, the security guard has violated these policies and compromised the trust we place in them to protect our homes and families.

I demand that you investigate this incident thoroughly, reviewing security camera footage and interviewing the guard in question. If it is determined that they did allow unauthorized access, I expect that appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including termination of employment.

Furthermore, I request that you reinforce the importance of adhering to visitor access protocols with all security personnel and implement additional training or oversight measures to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.

I look forward to hearing back from you regarding the steps you plan to take to address this serious breach of security. The safety and peace of mind of our residents should be the top priority, and I trust that you will take swift and decisive action to restore our confidence in the security measures meant to protect us.


[Your Name]

[Your Apartment Number]

8. Inadequate Response to Emergency Complaints

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard for Inadequate Response to Emergency

Dear Property Management Company,

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against the security guard on duty during the early morning hours of [Date]. At approximately 2:00 am, I was awakened by the sound of a disturbance in the hallway outside my apartment. Upon investigating, I discovered that a fight had broken out between two individuals, and one of them appeared to be seriously injured.

I immediately contacted the security desk to report the incident and request assistance. However, the guard who answered the phone seemed disoriented and unsure of how to proceed. After several minutes of confusion, the guard finally agreed to come to the scene, but by the time they arrived, the perpetrator had fled, and the victim was lying unconscious on the floor.

The guard’s inadequate response to this emergency is deeply concerning and raises questions about their training and ability to handle critical incidents. Had they acted more quickly and decisively, the outcome of this situation could have been much different.

I request that you conduct a thorough investigation into this matter, including a review of the guard’s actions and the emergency response protocols in place. If it is determined that the guard failed to follow proper procedures or acted negligently, I expect that appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken.

Furthermore, I strongly suggest that you provide all security personnel with additional emergency response training and ensure that they are equipped with the necessary tools and resources to handle such situations effectively.

The safety and well-being of our residents should be the top priority, and we must have confidence in the ability of our security team to respond to emergencies promptly and professionally. I trust that you will take this matter seriously and work diligently to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.


[Your Name]

[Your Apartment Number]

9. Theft Complaint

Subject: Complaint Regarding Security Guard’s Failure to Prevent Theft

Dear Building Management,

I am writing to express my extreme disappointment and concern regarding the recent theft of my bicycle from the building’s storage area. On [Date], I discovered that my bike, which had been securely locked in the designated storage room, had been stolen.

Upon reviewing the security camera footage, it became clear that the theft occurred during a period when the security guard on duty had left their post unattended for an extended period. This negligence allowed the thief to enter the storage area unchallenged and make off with my property.

The security guard’s failure to maintain a consistent presence and monitor the building’s common areas is unacceptable and directly contributed to the loss of my bicycle. As residents, we trust that the security personnel will take all necessary measures to protect our belongings and prevent criminal activity on the premises.

I demand that you investigate this incident thoroughly and take appropriate action to address the guard’s negligence. This should include, at a minimum, a formal reprimand and additional training on the importance of maintaining a visible presence and regularly patrolling the building.

Furthermore, I expect to be compensated for the full value of my stolen bicycle, as the theft occurred due to the inadequate security measures in place. I am prepared to provide documentation of the bicycle’s purchase price and will submit a formal claim for reimbursement.

I trust that you will take this matter seriously and work diligently to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The safety and security of our residents and their property should be the top priority, and I expect that you will take all necessary steps to restore our confidence in the building’s security measures.


[Your Name]

[Your Apartment Number]

10. Inappropriate Relationship Complaint

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard for Inappropriate Relationship with Resident

Dear Property Manager,

I am writing to bring to your attention a serious concern regarding the inappropriate relationship between a security guard and a resident of our building. Over the past several weeks, I have observed the guard, [Guard’s Name], engaging in behavior that crosses professional boundaries and compromises the integrity of their position.

On multiple occasions, I have witnessed [Guard’s Name] spending excessive amounts of time in the apartment of [Resident’s Name], often during their scheduled shifts. This not only represents a dereliction of their duties but also raises questions about the nature of their relationship and the potential for preferential treatment.

Furthermore, I have overheard [Guard’s Name] discussing confidential building matters with [Resident’s Name], including details about other residents and security protocols. This breach of confidentiality is a severe violation of trust and puts the privacy and safety of all residents at risk.

I request that you investigate this matter thoroughly, including interviewing both parties involved and reviewing security camera footage. If it is determined that [Guard’s Name] has engaged in inappropriate conduct or violated professional ethics, I expect that appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including termination of employment.

Additionally, I suggest that you review and reinforce the policies and guidelines regarding professional conduct and relationships between security personnel and residents. All staff members must maintain clear boundaries and prioritize the fair and equal treatment of all residents.

The trust and confidence we place in our security team are fundamental to our sense of safety and well-being within the community. By addressing this issue promptly and decisively, you can demonstrate your commitment to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and integrity among your staff.

Thank you for your attention to this sensitive matter. I trust that you will handle this complaint with the utmost discretion and take all necessary steps to restore the trust and security of our community.


[Your Name]

[Your Apartment Number]

11. Harassment of Visitors Complaint

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard for Harassing Visitors

Dear Building Management,

I am writing to express my deep concern and frustration regarding the behavior of the security guard on duty last weekend. On [Date], I had several friends visiting my apartment for a small gathering. Upon their arrival, the security guard subjected them to an excessive and invasive screening process that went far beyond the standard visitor protocols.

The guard demanded that each of my guests provide multiple forms of identification, submit to a physical search of their belongings, and answer intrusive questions about the nature of their visit. This hostile and unnecessary treatment made my guests feel unwelcome and humiliated and ultimately cast a pall over what should have been an enjoyable evening.

As a long-time resident of this community, I have always appreciated the efforts of our security team to maintain a safe and secure environment. However, the guard’s actions on this occasion were a clear overreach of their authority and a violation of my guests’ basic rights and dignity.

I request that you investigate this incident and take appropriate disciplinary action against the guard in question. Their behavior was unprofessional, discriminatory, and entirely inconsistent with the values of our community.

Furthermore, I suggest that you review and clarify the visitor screening policies to ensure that they are applied fairly and consistently, without subjecting residents or their guests to undue scrutiny or harassment. The security team should be trained to balance the need for safety with the importance of respecting the rights and privacy of all individuals.

I look forward to hearing back from you regarding the steps you plan to take to address this issue and prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. As a resident who values the sense of community and inclusivity that our building strives to foster, I believe it is essential that we maintain a welcoming environment for all visitors while still prioritizing the safety and security of our residents.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I am confident that by working together and addressing these concerns, we can ensure that our community remains a place where all residents and their guests feel respected and protected.


[Your Name]

[Your Apartment Number]

12. Failure to Report Incident Complaint

Subject: Complaint Regarding Security Guard’s Failure to Report Incident

Dear Property Management Team,

I am writing to express my grave concern about the security guard’s failure to report a serious incident that occurred on [Date]. At approximately 9:00 pm, I was walking through the parking garage when I witnessed a group of individuals vandalizing several vehicles. The perpetrators were spray-painting obscenities on the cars and attempting to break into them.

I immediately reported the incident to the security guard on duty, providing a detailed description of the individuals involved and the location of the vandalism. However, upon following up with the police the next day, I was informed that no report had been filed by the security team.

The guard’s failure to report this criminal activity to the proper authorities is a serious dereliction of their duties and undermines the trust we place in them to protect our property and maintain a safe environment. Had the incident been reported promptly, the police may have been able to apprehend the perpetrators and prevent further damage.

I request that you investigate this matter thoroughly, including interviewing the guard in question and reviewing any available security camera footage. If it is determined that the guard did fail to report the incident, I expect that appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including termination of employment.

Furthermore, I suggest that you review and reinforce the protocols for reporting criminal activity and other serious incidents to ensure that all security personnel understand their responsibilities and the importance of timely communication with law enforcement.

The safety and security of our community depend on the diligence and professionalism of our security team. By addressing this issue promptly and decisively, you can demonstrate your commitment to maintaining the highest standards of service and protection for our residents.

I look forward to hearing back from you regarding the steps you plan to take to address this serious matter and prevent similar lapses in judgment from occurring in the future.


[Your Name]

[Your Apartment Number]

13. Inappropriate Use of Authority Complaint

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard for Inappropriate Use of Authority

Dear Building Management,

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against the security guard, [Guard’s Name], for their inappropriate use of authority and abuse of power. On several occasions, I have witnessed [Guard’s Name] engaging in behavior that is not only unprofessional but also violates the basic rights and dignity of our residents.

Last week, I observed [Guard’s Name] stopping a resident who was entering the building and demanding that they submit to a random search of their belongings. The resident, who was visibly uncomfortable with the request, asked for an explanation, but [Guard’s Name] simply stated that they had the authority to search anyone they deemed suspicious.

This incident is just one example of the pattern of behavior that [Guard’s Name] has exhibited, which includes making unwarranted accusations, using aggressive language, and intimidating residents who question their actions.

The abuse of authority demonstrated by [Guard’s Name] creates an atmosphere of fear and mistrust within our community and undermines the very purpose of having a security team in place. Residents should feel protected and respected by those charged with maintaining a safe environment, not threatened or harassed.

I request that you investigate this matter thoroughly, including interviewing residents who may have had similar experiences with [Guard’s Name] and reviewing any available security camera footage. If it is determined that [Guard’s Name] has engaged in a pattern of inappropriate behavior, I expect that appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including termination of employment.

Furthermore, I suggest that you review and reinforce the policies and guidelines regarding the appropriate use of authority by security personnel, emphasizing the importance of respecting residents’ rights and treating all individuals with professionalism and courtesy.

The trust and confidence we place in our security team are essential to maintaining a positive and harmonious living environment. By addressing this issue promptly and decisively, you can demonstrate your commitment to upholding the highest standards of conduct and ensuring that all residents feel safe and respected within our community.

Thank you for your attention to this serious matter. I trust that you will take swift and appropriate action to address the concerns raised and prevent further incidents of abuse of authority from occurring.


[Your Name]

[Your Apartment Number]

14. Failure to Maintain Professionalism Complaint

Subject: Complaint Regarding Security Guard’s Failure to Maintain Professionalism

Dear Property Manager,

I am writing to express my deep concern and disappointment regarding the unprofessional behavior exhibited by the security guard, [Guard’s Name], during their interactions with residents and visitors. On multiple occasions, I have witnessed [Guard’s Name] engaging in conduct that is not only inappropriate but also reflects poorly on our community as a whole.

Last weekend, I observed [Guard’s Name] having a loud and heated personal phone conversation while on duty at the front desk. They were using profane language and discussing sensitive personal matters, all within earshot of residents and guests entering the building. This behavior not only demonstrated a lack of professionalism but also made those in the vicinity feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Furthermore, I have noticed that [Guard’s Name] consistently fails to maintain a neat and professional appearance, often wearing wrinkled or stained uniforms and neglecting basic grooming standards. This lack of attention to personal presentation undermines the authority and respect that should be associated with the security team.

The unprofessional conduct displayed by [Guard’s Name] is unacceptable and does not align with the high standards that our community strives to maintain. As representatives of our building, security personnel should always conduct themselves in a manner that is professional, courteous, and respectful.

I request that you address this issue promptly by speaking with [Guard’s Name] and providing them with additional training on professional conduct and customer service. If their behavior does not improve, I suggest that you consider reassigning or replacing them with someone who better represents the values and standards of our community.

Additionally, I recommend that you review and reinforce the expectations for professionalism and conduct among all security staff members, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a positive and respectful demeanor at all times.

The professionalism and integrity of our security team are essential to maintaining a welcoming and secure living environment for all residents and visitors. By addressing these concerns and ensuring that all staff members adhere to the highest standards of conduct, you can foster a greater sense of trust and confidence in the services provided by our community.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am confident that by taking appropriate action and reinforcing the importance of professionalism, we can ensure that our security team consistently represents the best interests of our community.


[Your Name]

[Your Apartment Number]

15. Failure to Follow Protocol Complaint

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard for Failure to Follow Protocol

Dear Building Management,

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against the security guard, [Guard’s Name], for their consistent failure to follow established protocols and procedures. As a resident who values the safety and security measures put in place by our community, I find it deeply concerning that [Guard’s Name] has repeatedly neglected their duties and responsibilities.

On several occasions, I have observed [Guard’s Name] failing to properly verify the identities of visitors and delivery personnel before granting them access to the building. They have allowed individuals to enter without checking for proper identification or requiring them to sign in, which is a clear violation of our visitor access policies.

Furthermore, I have noticed that [Guard’s Name] often leaves their post unattended for extended periods, leaving the front desk and main entrance unsupervised. This negligence creates a significant security risk and undermines the purpose of having a security presence in the first place.

The failure of [Guard’s Name] to adhere to established protocols not only compromises the safety and well-being of our residents but also sets a poor example for other staff members and sends a message that such negligence is acceptable.

I request that you investigate this matter thoroughly, reviewing security camera footage and logs to verify the extent of [Guard’s Name]’s failure to follow protocol. If it is determined that they have consistently neglected their duties, I expect that appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including termination of employment.

Moreover, I suggest that you review and reinforce the importance of adhering to established protocols and procedures with all security personnel. Additional training or oversight measures may be necessary to ensure that all staff members understand and comply with the policies designed to keep our community safe and secure.

The trust and confidence we place in our security team are contingent upon their diligence and commitment to following the rules and regulations put in place for our protection. By addressing this issue promptly and decisively, you can demonstrate your dedication to maintaining the highest standards of safety and security within our community.

I look forward to hearing back from you regarding the steps you plan to take to address this serious matter and prevent further lapses in protocol from occurring in the future.


[Your Name]

[Your Apartment Number]


In conclusion, writing a formal letter of complaint is an effective way to address issues with a security guard’s conduct and performance.

By documenting your concerns and providing specific examples, you can bring attention to the problem and encourage management to take appropriate action.

Remember to remain professional and courteous in your letter, while still firmly advocating for your rights and the well-being of your community.

By working together with property management and security companies, residents can help ensure that their living environment remains safe, secure, and welcoming for all.