15 Sample Letters of Complaint Against Supervisor

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your supervisor’s actions or behavior have left you feeling mistreated, disrespected, or unfairly targeted?

If so, you’re not alone.

Sample Letters of Complaint Against Supervisor

Sample Letters of Complaint Against Supervisor

Many employees face challenging situations with their supervisors, and sometimes, the only way to address these issues is by writing a formal letter of complaint.

In this article, we’ll explore 15 sample letters that demonstrate how to effectively communicate your grievances and seek resolution.

Letter 1: Unfair Performance Evaluation

Subject: Formal Complaint Regarding Unfair Performance Evaluation

Dear Human Resources,

I am writing to express my deep concern and dissatisfaction with the recent performance evaluation conducted by my supervisor, Mr. John Doe. Despite my consistent efforts and achievements over the past year, Mr. Doe’s assessment of my work was unjustly critical and failed to acknowledge my contributions to the team.

Throughout the evaluation process, Mr. Doe repeatedly criticized minor aspects of my work while overlooking the significant progress I have made in key areas. His feedback was vague, unconstructive, and seemingly biased against me. I believe that this unfair evaluation is a result of a personal conflict between Mr. Doe and myself, rather than an objective assessment of my performance.

I request that this matter be investigated thoroughly and that my performance be re-evaluated by an impartial party. I am confident that a fair assessment will reflect my true contributions and value to the company.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt resolution.


Jane Smith

Letter 2: Harassment and Discrimination

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor for Harassment and Discrimination

Dear Human Resources,

I am writing to file a formal complaint against my supervisor, Ms. Sarah Johnson, for ongoing harassment and discrimination in the workplace. Over the past several months, Ms. Johnson has consistently singled me out and subjected me to unwarranted criticism, belittling remarks, and exclusion from important team meetings and decisions.

On multiple occasions, Ms. Johnson has made derogatory comments about my age, implying that I am too old to keep up with the team’s demands. She has also made inappropriate jokes about my cultural background, creating a hostile and offensive work environment.

I have attempted to address these issues directly with Ms. Johnson, but her behavior has only escalated. I am now reaching out to Human Resources for intervention and to ensure that appropriate actions are taken to address this unacceptable conduct.

I urge you to investigate this matter promptly and take the necessary steps to protect me and other employees from further harassment and discrimination.


Michael Brown

Letter 3: Unprofessional Conduct

Subject: Complaint Regarding Supervisor’s Unprofessional Conduct

Dear Management,

I am writing to bring to your attention the unprofessional conduct exhibited by my supervisor, Mr. David Lee. On numerous occasions, Mr. Lee has displayed behavior that is not only inappropriate but also detrimental to the morale and productivity of our team.

Mr. Lee frequently engages in gossip and negative talk about other employees, creating an atmosphere of distrust and division within the department. He has also been known to take credit for the work of others and to undermine the efforts of team members who challenge his ideas.

Furthermore, Mr. Lee’s communication style is often aggressive and confrontational, leading to unnecessary conflicts and stress among team members. His lack of professionalism and respect for others is unacceptable and goes against the values of our organization.

I request that this matter be addressed promptly and that appropriate measures be taken to ensure a more positive and professional work environment for all employees.


Emily Davis

Letter 4: Failure to Address Safety Concerns

Subject: Formal Complaint Regarding Supervisor’s Failure to Address Safety Concerns

Dear Safety Committee,

I am writing to express my grave concern over my supervisor’s failure to address critical safety issues in our workplace. As a member of the production team, I have repeatedly brought to Mr. Robert Wilson’s attention the malfunctioning equipment and inadequate safety protocols that put our lives at risk daily.

Despite my numerous verbal and written reports, Mr. Wilson has taken no action to rectify these problems. He has dismissed my concerns, stating that the issues are not a priority and that we should continue working with the faulty equipment to meet production deadlines.

Mr. Wilson’s negligence and disregard for employee safety is unacceptable and go against company policy and legal requirements. I fear that if these issues are not addressed immediately, a serious accident or injury may occur.

I urge the Safety Committee to investigate this matter thoroughly and take swift action to ensure a safe working environment for all employees.


Mark Thompson

Letter 5: Favoritism and Unfair Treatment

Subject: Complaint Against Supervisor’s Favoritism and Unfair Treatment

Dear Human Resources,

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against my supervisor, Ms. Lisa Anderson, for blatant favoritism and unfair treatment within our department. Over the past year, I have witnessed and experienced numerous instances where Ms. Anderson has shown preferential treatment toward certain employees while unfairly criticizing and penalizing others.

Ms. Anderson consistently assigns high-profile projects and opportunities for advancement to a select group of employees, regardless of their qualifications or performance. Meanwhile, other team members, myself included, are given menial tasks and denied chances to showcase our skills and contribute to the company’s success.

Additionally, Ms. Anderson’s feedback and performance evaluations are heavily biased, with her favored employees receiving glowing reviews despite mediocre work, while others are harshly criticized for minor issues. This unequal treatment has created a toxic work environment filled with resentment and low morale.

I request that Human Resources investigate this matter and take appropriate action to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all employees within our department.


Jennifer Davis

Letter 6: Retaliation for Reporting Misconduct

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor for Retaliation

Dear Ethics Committee,

I am writing to file a formal complaint against my supervisor, Mr. James Thompson, for retaliating against me after I reported his misconduct to upper management. Last month, I brought to the attention of the company’s leadership that Mr. Thompson had been falsifying expense reports and misusing company resources for personal gain.

Since making this report, Mr. Thompson has engaged in a pattern of retaliation and harassment toward me. He has excluded me from important meetings, denied me access to essential resources, and made baseless accusations about my work performance. His actions have created a hostile work environment and have significantly hindered my ability to carry out my job duties effectively.

I have documented several instances of Mr. Thompson’s retaliatory behavior, which I have attached to this letter. I urge the Ethics Committee to investigate this matter promptly and take appropriate disciplinary action against Mr. Thompson.

No employee should face retaliation for upholding the company’s values and reporting unethical behavior. I trust that you will handle this situation with the utmost seriousness and integrity.


David Wilson

Letter 7: Verbal Abuse and Intimidation

Subject: Complaint Regarding Supervisor’s Verbal Abuse and Intimidation

Dear Human Resources,

I am writing to file a formal complaint against my supervisor, Mr. Michael Johnson, for his ongoing verbal abuse and intimidation towards me and other members of our team. For the past several months, Mr. Johnson has consistently subjected us to belittling comments, insults, and threats in the workplace.

Mr. Johnson’s behavior is not only unprofessional but also emotionally damaging. He routinely yells at employees in front of others, using derogatory language and personal attacks. His constant criticism and intimidation have created a climate of fear and anxiety within the department, making it difficult for us to perform our duties effectively.

I have attempted to address this issue directly with Mr. Johnson, but his aggressive behavior only escalates when confronted. I am now turning to Human Resources for assistance in resolving this matter and ensuring a safe and respectful work environment for all employees.

Please investigate this situation promptly and take the necessary steps to protect our team from further abuse and intimidation.


Sarah Thompson

Letter 8: Failure to Provide Reasonable Accommodations

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor for Failure to Provide Reasonable Accommodations

Dear Human Resources,

I am writing to file a formal complaint against my supervisor, Ms. Emily Davis, for her failure to provide reasonable accommodations for my disability, despite repeated requests and documentation from my healthcare provider. As you are aware, I have a chronic medical condition that requires certain accommodations to perform my job duties effectively.

I have provided Ms. Davis with a detailed list of the necessary accommodations, including flexible work hours, ergonomic office equipment, and periodic rest breaks. However, she has consistently refused to implement these accommodations, stating that they are an inconvenience and that I should be able to work like everyone else.

Ms. Davis’s failure to provide these accommodations has exacerbated my medical condition and has made it increasingly difficult for me to fulfill my job responsibilities. Her actions are not only discriminatory but also violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

I request that Human Resources intervene and ensure that the necessary accommodations are provided promptly. I also ask that Ms. Davis receive appropriate training on the rights of employees with disabilities and the importance of providing reasonable accommodations.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a swift resolution.


Robert Johnson

Letter 9: Sexual Harassment

Subject: Formal Complaint of Sexual Harassment Against Supervisor

Dear Human Resources,

I am writing to file a formal complaint of sexual harassment against my supervisor, Mr. John Smith. Over the past several weeks, Mr. Smith has engaged in a pattern of inappropriate and unwanted sexual behavior toward me, creating a hostile and intimidating work environment.

On numerous occasions, Mr. Smith has made sexually suggestive comments about my appearance, asking personal questions about my relationships, and making lewd jokes in my presence. He has also engaged in unwanted physical contact, including brushing against me unnecessarily and placing his hand on my lower back.

I have made it clear to Mr. Smith that his behavior is unwelcome and offensive, but he has continued to harass me. His actions have made me feel uncomfortable, humiliated, and fearful for my safety and well-being at work.

I urge Human Resources to investigate this matter immediately and take appropriate disciplinary action against Mr. Smith. I also request that the company provide sexual harassment training for all employees, including supervisors, to ensure that this type of behavior is not tolerated in the workplace.


Jessica Davis

Letter 10: Failure to Address Workplace Bullying

Subject: Complaint Against Supervisor’s Failure to Address Workplace Bullying

Dear Management,

I am writing to express my deep concern and disappointment over my supervisor’s failure to address the ongoing workplace bullying I have been subjected to by a coworker. For the past several months, I have been the target of constant ridicule, insults, and sabotage by my colleague, Mr. David Johnson.

I have reported these incidents to my supervisor, Ms. Sarah Thompson, on multiple occasions, providing detailed accounts of the bullying behavior and its impact on my work performance and well-being. However, Ms. Thompson has taken no action to address the situation, dismissing my concerns as a “personal conflict” that I should resolve on my own.

Ms. Thompson’s inaction has allowed the bullying to escalate, creating a toxic and hostile work environment that has affected not only me but also other team members who have witnessed the behavior. Her failure to intervene and protect her employees from bullying is a clear dereliction of her duties as a supervisor.

I request that management investigate this matter thoroughly and take swift action to address the bullying behavior and ensure a safe and respectful workplace for all employees. I also recommend that Ms. Thompson receive additional training on identifying and addressing workplace bullying.


Michael Wilson

Letter 11: Unfair Denial of Leave Request

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor for Unfair Denial of Leave Request

Dear Human Resources,

I am writing to file a formal complaint against my supervisor, Mr. Robert Johnson, for his unjust denial of my recent leave request. Two weeks ago, I submitted a request for three days of personal leave to attend my sister’s wedding, providing ample notice and ensuring that my work responsibilities would be covered during my absence.

Despite following all company procedures and having sufficient accrued leave time, Mr. Johnson denied my request without providing a valid reason. When I inquired about his decision, he simply stated that it was “not a good time” for me to take leave, disregarding the importance of this family event.

Mr. Johnson’s denial of my leave request is not only unfair but also inconsistent with the company’s leave policy and his treatment of other employees’ requests. I have witnessed him granting leave for similar personal events to other team members, suggesting that his decision in my case is biased and discriminatory.

I request that Human Resources review this matter and ensure that my leave request is approved in accordance with company policy. I also ask that Mr. Johnson’s decision-making process be scrutinized to prevent further instances of unfair treatment.


Emily Thompson

Letter 12: Failure to Provide Necessary Training and Resources

Subject: Complaint Against Supervisor for Failure to Provide Necessary Training and Resources

Dear Management,

I am writing to express my frustration and concern over my supervisor’s failure to provide the necessary training and resources for me to perform my job effectively. Since joining the company three months ago, I have repeatedly requested that my supervisor, Ms. Lisa Davis, provide me with the essential training and tools required for my role as a marketing specialist.

Despite my numerous inquiries and reminders, Ms. Davis has consistently delayed or ignored my requests. She has failed to enroll me in the mandatory training courses, leaving me ill-equipped to handle my job responsibilities. Additionally, she has not provided me with access to the software and databases crucial to my work, hindering my ability to meet project deadlines and deliver quality results.

Ms. Davis’s neglect has not only impacted my performance but also the overall productivity and success of our marketing team. Her failure to provide the necessary resources and support is a clear breach of her managerial duties and has created an environment of frustration and inefficiency.

I urge management to investigate this matter and ensure that all employees receive the training and resources necessary to perform their jobs effectively. I also request that Ms. Davis be held accountable for her lack of support and that steps be taken to prevent similar situations in the future.


Mark Thompson

Letter 13: Inappropriate Personal Errands and Tasks

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor for Assigning Inappropriate Personal Errands and Tasks

Dear Human Resources,

I am writing to file a formal complaint against my supervisor, Mr. James Wilson, for repeatedly assigning me personal errands and tasks that are outside the scope of my job responsibilities. Over the past several months, Mr. Wilson has increasingly asked me to perform duties that are not related to my role as an administrative assistant, causing me discomfort and hindering my ability to complete my actual work.

Some examples of the inappropriate tasks Mr. Wilson has assigned me include:

1. Picking up his dry cleaning and personal shopping items during work hours.

2. Booking personal travel arrangements and hotel reservations for his family vacations.

3. Organizing and cleaning his office, including disposing of personal items and trash.

4. Proofreading and editing his child’s college application essays.

These tasks are not only inappropriate but also a misuse of company time and resources. I have attempted to address this issue with Mr. Wilson directly, but he has dismissed my concerns, stating that these tasks are part of my job and that I should be more accommodating.

I request that Human Resources investigate this matter and clarify the boundaries between personal and professional tasks. I also ask that Mr. Wilson be reminded of the appropriate use of employee time and resources and that he cease assigning me tasks unrelated to my job responsibilities.


Sarah Johnson

Letter 14: Exclusion from Team Meetings and Decisions

Subject: Complaint Against Supervisor for Exclusion from Team Meetings and Decisions

Dear Management,

I am writing to express my concern and dissatisfaction with my supervisor’s pattern of excluding me from important team meetings and decisions. Over the past several months, my supervisor, Ms. Emily Davis, has consistently left me out of critical discussions and decision-making processes that directly impact my work and the projects I am involved in.

Despite being a key member of the team and possessing relevant expertise, I have been repeatedly omitted from meetings where project strategies, timelines, and resource allocations are discussed. This exclusion has led to miscommunications, duplicated efforts, and a lack of clarity regarding my roles and responsibilities within the team.

When I approached Ms. Davis about this issue, she dismissed my concerns, stating that my presence in these meetings was not necessary and that I would be informed of any relevant decisions after the fact. This approach has not only hindered my ability to contribute effectively to the team but has also made me feel undervalued and disrespected.

I request that management investigate this matter and ensure that all team members are given equal opportunities to participate in meetings and decision-making processes. I also recommend that Ms. Davis receive guidance on fostering an inclusive and collaborative team environment where every member’s input is valued.


Robert Thompson

Letter 15: Unreasonable Workload and Expectations

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor for Unreasonable Workload and Expectations

Dear Human Resources,

I am writing to file a formal complaint against my supervisor, Mr. Michael Johnson, for consistently imposing an unreasonable workload and setting unattainable expectations. Over the past several months, Mr. Johnson has assigned me an ever-increasing volume of work, often with tight deadlines that are impossible to meet without compromising the quality of my output.

Despite my best efforts to communicate my concerns and limitations, Mr. Johnson has dismissed my feedback and continued to pile on additional tasks. He has also set unrealistic performance targets that do not align with the resources and time available, leading to constant stress and pressure to work long hours and weekends.

Mr. Johnson’s unreasonable demands have not only affected my work-life balance and mental well-being but have also put the quality of my work and the success of our projects at risk. His lack of understanding and support has created an unhealthy and unsustainable work environment.

I request that Human Resources intervene and review my current workload and performance expectations. I also ask that Mr. Johnson receive guidance on setting realistic goals and managing team resources effectively, taking into account the well-being and capacity of his employees.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt resolution and a more balanced and supportive work environment.


Jessica Wilson


Writing a letter of complaint against a supervisor can be a challenging but necessary step in addressing workplace issues and protecting your rights as an employee.

By clearly documenting your concerns, providing specific examples, and requesting appropriate action, you can bring attention to problems and work towards a resolution.

Remember, it is your right to work in a safe, respectful, and fair environment, and you should never fear retaliation for speaking up about misconduct or mistreatment.

By utilizing these sample letters as a guide and adapting them to your specific situation, you can effectively communicate your complaints and advocate for positive change in your workplace.