15 Sample Letters of Handing Over Duties

Transitions in the workplace are inevitable.

Whether you’re moving to a new role, taking an extended leave, or departing the company, handing over your duties is a crucial step in ensuring continuity and maintaining professional standards.

Sample Letters of Handing Over Duties

Sample Letters of Handing Over Duties

This comprehensive guide provides 15 sample letters for various scenarios, offering you a blueprint to create effective handover communication.

1. Temporary Leave Handover

Subject: Temporary Handover of Marketing Coordinator Duties

Dear John,

I will be on medical leave from July 15 to August 30, 2024. During this period, I am entrusting you with my Marketing Coordinator responsibilities. Below is a summary of key tasks and ongoing projects:

1. Social media content scheduling (platforms: Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn)

2. Weekly performance reports for the CMO

3. Coordination of the upcoming product launch event (September 15)

All relevant files and access credentials can be found in the shared Marketing Team folder. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at [personal email] if you need any clarification.

Thank you for your support during my absence.

Best regards,

Sarah Johnson

2. Retirement Handover

Subject: Handover of Chief Financial Officer Duties

Dear Board of Directors,

After 30 rewarding years with XYZ Corporation, I am writing to formally hand over my duties as Chief Financial Officer, effective July 31, 2024.

I have prepared a comprehensive transition document detailing:

1. Ongoing financial projects and their status

2. Key contacts for audits, tax filings, and regulatory compliance

3. Strategic financial goals for the next fiscal year

4. Access information for all relevant financial systems

This document has been shared with my successor, Jane Smith, and we have scheduled daily meetings for the next two weeks to ensure a smooth transition.

It has been an honor to serve this company. I am confident that the finance department will continue to thrive under new leadership.


Robert Brown

3. Interdepartmental Transfer Handover

Subject: Handover of HR Manager Duties

Dear Lisa,

As I prepare to transition to my new role in the Operations department on August 1, 2024, I am writing to hand over my HR Manager responsibilities to you.

Key areas of focus include:

1. Ongoing recruitment for the IT department (5 open positions)

2. Employee engagement survey launch scheduled for September

3. Annual performance review process starting in October

4. Benefits renewal negotiations with our current provider

I’ve prepared detailed handover notes for each of these areas, which you’ll find in the HR shared drive. I’m available for any questions or clarifications until my last day on July 31.

Wishing you the best in your new role.


Michael Chang

4. Project Completion Handover

Subject: Handover of Project Alpha Leadership

Dear Team,

As Project Alpha reaches its successful conclusion, I am handing over the remaining administrative tasks to ensure proper closure.

Outstanding items include:

1. Final budget reconciliation

2. Client satisfaction survey distribution and analysis

3. Team performance evaluations

4. Archiving of project documents

I’ve assigned these tasks to respective team members, as detailed in the project management software. The projected completion date for all items is August 15, 2024.

It has been a pleasure leading this project. I’m confident in the team’s ability to bring it to a successful close.

Best regards,

Emily Watson

5. Maternity Leave Handover

Subject: Maternity Leave Handover – Sales Director Duties

Dear Mark,

As I prepare for my maternity leave starting September 1, 2024, I am writing to hand over my Sales Director responsibilities.

Key focus areas for the next quarter:

1. Closing negotiations with ABC Corp (projected value: $2M)

2. Sales team expansion – interviews scheduled for 3 new positions

3. Implementation of new CRM system

4. Q4 sales strategy finalization

I’ve shared detailed notes on each item in our department’s shared drive. Additionally, I’ve scheduled a series of transition meetings with you and key team members over the next two weeks.

Please feel free to contact me at [personal email] if any urgent matters arise during my leave.

Thank you for your support during this transition.

Best wishes, Jennifer Lee

6. Sabbatical Handover

Subject: Handover of Research Lead Duties for Sabbatical

Dear Dr. Williams,

As I embark on my one-year sabbatical starting October 1, 2024, I am writing to hand over my duties as Research Lead for Project Genome.

Critical ongoing tasks include:

1. Grant renewal application due December 15

2. Bi-weekly team meetings and progress reports

3. Collaboration with the University of Cambridge team

4. Supervision of two PhD candidates

I’ve prepared comprehensive handover documents for each aspect of the project, which you’ll find in the research database. I’ve also scheduled individual meetings with each team member to ensure they understand their roles and responsibilities during my absence.

While I’ll be focusing on my research during this period, I can be reached at [email] for any critical issues.

Thank you for overseeing the team during my sabbatical.


Dr. Alex Patel

7. Company Departure Handover

Subject: Handover of Customer Service Manager Duties

Dear Maria,

As I prepare for my departure from XYZ Company on August 31, 2024, I am writing to formally hand over my responsibilities as Customer Service Manager.

Key areas requiring immediate attention:

1. Ongoing training program for new hires (Week 2 of 6)

2. Customer satisfaction survey analysis (due September 15)

3. Implementation of new ticketing system (live: October 1)

4. Q4 staffing plan finalization

I’ve prepared detailed handover notes for each of these items, which you’ll find in the shared Customer Service folder. I’m available for any questions or clarifications until my last day.

It has been a pleasure working with you and the team. I wish you all continued success.

Best regards,

David Chen

8. Promotion Handover

Subject: Handover of Marketing Manager Duties

Dear Sarah,

As I transition to my new role as Marketing Director on September 1, 2024, I am writing to hand over my current Marketing Manager responsibilities to you.

Key ongoing projects and tasks include:

1. Q4 marketing campaign planning

2. Budget allocation for the upcoming fiscal year

3. Agency contract renewals (due October 31)

4. Team performance reviews (to be completed by November 15)

I’ve shared comprehensive notes on each item in our department’s shared drive. I’ve also scheduled a series of transition meetings with you and key stakeholders over the next two weeks to ensure a smooth handover.

Congratulations on your promotion to Marketing Manager. I’m confident you’ll excel in this role.

Best wishes,

Laura Martinez

9. Reorganization Handover

Subject: Handover of IT Support Team Leadership

Dear Dev Team,

Due to the recent company reorganization, effective August 15, 2024, the IT Support team will be merging with the Development team. As such, I am handing over leadership of the IT Support function to our Development Manager, Jack Thompson.

Key handover items include:

1. Ongoing helpdesk ticket management

2. Hardware and software inventory control

3. User access management protocols

4. Scheduled system maintenance and updates

I’ve prepared detailed documentation on our processes and systems, which has been shared with Jack. We will be conducting joint team meetings over the next week to facilitate a smooth transition.

It has been a privilege leading the IT Support team. I’m confident that this merger will lead to improved efficiency and service delivery.

Best regards,

Samantha Lee

10. Interim Handover

Subject: Temporary Handover of CFO Duties

Dear Executive Team,

As I will be representing our company at the International Finance Summit from September 10-24, 2024, I am temporarily handing over my CFO duties to our Deputy CFO, Mark Johnson.

Key responsibilities during this period include:

1. Finalization of Q3 financial reports

2. Preparation for the upcoming board meeting (September 30)

3. Oversight of the ongoing internal audit

4. Daily liquidity management

I’ve briefed Mark on all critical matters and he has full authority to act on my behalf during my absence. For urgent matters, I can be reached via my company mobile.

Thank you for your support during this period.

Best regards,

Elizabeth Chen

11. End of Internship Handover

Subject: Handover of Marketing Intern Projects

Dear Marketing Team,

As my summer internship comes to an end on August 31, 2024, I am writing to hand over my ongoing projects and responsibilities.

Key items include:

1. Social media content calendar (completed through September)

2. Competitor analysis report (70% complete, due September 15)

3. Customer survey data compilation (ongoing)

4. Event planning for the October product launch

I’ve organized all my work in the ‘Intern Projects’ folder on the shared drive, with detailed notes on the status of each item. I’m available to answer any questions or provide clarifications until my last day.

Thank you for the opportunity to learn and contribute to the team.

Best regards,

Jason Kim

12. Acquisition Handover

Subject: Handover of HR Functions Post-Acquisition

Dear Acquiring Company HR Team,

Following the acquisition of XYZ Corp by ABC Inc., effective October 1, 2024, I am writing to hand over the HR functions of XYZ Corp.

Key areas for immediate attention:

1. Employee data integration (2000+ records)

2. Alignment of benefits packages

3. Ongoing recruitment processes (15 open positions)

4. Scheduled training programs

I’ve prepared comprehensive documentation on our HR processes, policies, and systems, which has been shared with your team. We have also scheduled a series of transition meetings over the next month to ensure a smooth handover.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me for any clarifications or additional information.

Best regards,

Rachel Wong

13. Remote Work Transition Handover

Subject: Handover for Remote Work Transition

Dear Team,

As our company transitions to a fully remote work model from September 1, 2024, I am handing over my on-site Office Manager duties.

Key responsibilities to be distributed:

1. Virtual team meeting coordination

2. Digital asset management

3. Remote employee onboarding process

4. Virtual office culture initiatives

I’ve prepared detailed guidelines for each of these areas, which you’ll find in the shared Operations folder. I’ll be conducting training sessions for team members taking on these responsibilities over the next two weeks.

Thank you for your cooperation during this transition. I’m excited about our new remote work adventure.

Best regards,

Daniel Park

14. Sick Leave Handover

Subject: Urgent Handover Due to Extended Sick Leave

Dear John,

Due to an unexpected medical situation, I will be on sick leave effective immediately until further notice. I am handing over my Project Manager duties for the Atlas Initiative.

Critical items requiring immediate attention:

1. Client presentation scheduled for August 10

2. Vendor contract renewal (deadline: August 15)

3. Team performance reviews (due by month-end)

4. Budget revision for Q4

All project files and timelines are up to date in our project management software. I’ve also shared additional notes in the ‘Atlas Initiative’ folder on the shared drive.

Please contact me at [personal email] if you need any urgent clarifications. I appreciate your understanding and support during this time.

Best regards,

Sophia Rodriguez

15. Merger Handover

Subject: Finance Department Handover Post-Merger

Dear Merged Finance Team,

Following the merger between LMN Corp and PQR Inc., effective November 1, 2024, I am writing to hand over the finance functions of LMN Corp.

Key areas for integration and attention:

1. Consolidation of financial reporting systems

2. Alignment of fiscal year-end processes

3. Integration of payroll systems

4. Reconciliation of accounts and financial policies

I’ve prepared comprehensive documentation on our financial processes, systems, and outstanding issues, which has been shared with the joint finance leadership team. We have scheduled a series of integration meetings over the next two months to ensure a smooth transition.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any additional information or clarification.

Best regards,

Thomas Lee


These 15 sample letters provide a solid foundation for handling various handover scenarios in the workplace.

By customizing these templates to your specific situation, you can ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities, maintaining professionalism and efficiency throughout the process.