15 Sample Letters of Intent to Join a Cooperative

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey by joining a cooperative?

Cooperatives offer a unique opportunity to be part of a community that shares your values, supports your goals, and empowers you to make a difference.

Sample Letters of Intent to Join a Cooperative

Sample Letters of Intent to Join a Cooperative

Whether you are a small business owner, a farmer, an artist, or simply someone who believes in the power of collaboration, expressing your interest in joining a cooperative through a well-crafted letter of intent is the first step towards unlocking a world of possibilities.

In this comprehensive guide, we have compiled 15 sample letters that will inspire you to articulate your passion, showcase your skills, and demonstrate your commitment to the cooperative spirit. Get ready to take the leap and discover the life-changing potential of being part of a cooperative!

Letter of Intent to Join a Cooperative Sample 1

Subject: Letter of Intent to Join the Green Valley Organic Farmers’ Cooperative

Dear Green Valley Organic Farmers’ Cooperative,

I am writing to express my strong interest in becoming a member of your esteemed cooperative. As a passionate organic farmer with over a decade of experience, I have long admired the Green Valley Organic Farmers’ Cooperative’s commitment to sustainable agriculture, community empowerment, and ethical business practices.

My 20-acre farm, located just outside of Green Valley, specializes in growing a diverse range of organic vegetables, herbs, and fruits. I am dedicated to using environmentally friendly farming techniques, such as crop rotation, composting, and natural pest control, to ensure the health and quality of my produce. Joining your cooperative would provide me with the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded farmers, share knowledge and resources, and expand my reach to a wider market of conscious consumers.

In addition to my farming expertise, I am also committed to actively participating in the cooperative’s decision-making processes, educational initiatives, and community outreach programs. I believe that my strong work ethic, team-oriented mindset, and passion for sustainable living would make me a valuable asset to the Green Valley Organic Farmers’ Cooperative.

Thank you for considering my letter of intent. I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you in person to discuss how I can contribute to the cooperative’s mission and growth. Please find attached my farm’s profile and a list of my certifications and awards.


John Smith

Owner, Smith Organic Farm

Letter of Intent to Join a Cooperative Sample 2

Subject: Letter of Intent to Join the Riverside Artists’ Cooperative

Dear Riverside Artists’ Cooperative,

I am writing to express my keen interest in joining your vibrant community of artists as a member of the Riverside Artists’ Cooperative. As a mixed-media artist with a passion for creating thought-provoking and socially-conscious works, I believe that the cooperative’s mission to foster artistic collaboration, support emerging talent, and engage with the local community perfectly aligns with my values and aspirations.

For the past five years, I have been actively showcasing my work in various galleries, art fairs, and community events across the city. My art explores themes of identity, social justice, and environmental sustainability, and I am constantly seeking new ways to push the boundaries of my creative expression. Joining the Riverside Artists’ Cooperative would provide me with a platform to connect with fellow artists, learn from their diverse perspectives and techniques, and contribute to the collective’s dynamic exhibitions and projects.

Moreover, I am eager to participate in the cooperative’s educational workshops, mentorship programs, and community outreach initiatives. I believe that art has the power to inspire, educate, and transform, and I am committed to using my skills and passion to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Thank you for considering my letter of intent. I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how I can contribute to the Riverside Artists’ Cooperative’s mission and creative vision. Please find attached my portfolio and artist statement for your review.


Sarah Johnson

Mixed-Media Artist

Letter of Intent to Join a Cooperative Sample 3

Subject: Letter of Intent to Join the Hillside Housing Cooperative

Dear Hillside Housing Cooperative,

I am writing to express my sincere interest in becoming a member of the Hillside Housing Cooperative. As a long-time resident of the Hillside neighborhood and a firm believer in the power of community-driven housing solutions, I am drawn to the cooperative’s mission to provide affordable, sustainable, and inclusive living spaces for its members.

For the past three years, I have been actively involved in various community organizations and initiatives aimed at promoting social justice, environmental sustainability, and neighborhood revitalization. Through my work as a volunteer coordinator at the Hillside Community Center, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of collective action and shared responsibility in building strong, resilient communities.

Joining the Hillside Housing Cooperative would allow me to deepen my commitment to these values and contribute my skills, time, and energy to the cooperative’s ongoing projects and decision-making processes. I am particularly interested in the cooperative’s efforts to develop eco-friendly housing solutions, create communal green spaces, and foster a sense of belonging and mutual support among its members.

Thank you for considering my letter of intent. I would be honored to have the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how I can contribute to the Hillside Housing Cooperative’s vision and growth. Please find attached my resume and a list of my community involvement for your review.


Michael Brown

Community Advocate

Letter of Intent to Join a Cooperative Sample 4

Subject: Letter of Intent to Join the Sunrise Energy Cooperative

Dear Sunrise Energy Cooperative,

I am writing to express my strong interest in becoming a member of the Sunrise Energy Cooperative. As a small business owner committed to reducing my carbon footprint and supporting the transition to clean energy, I believe that joining your cooperative would be a crucial step in achieving my sustainability goals and contributing to a greener future for our community.

My business, Green Leaf Café, is a locally-owned and operated coffee shop that prioritizes eco-friendly practices, such as using organic and fair-trade ingredients, implementing waste reduction strategies, and promoting reusable packaging. By joining the Sunrise Energy Cooperative, I would have the opportunity to power my business with clean, renewable energy generated by the cooperative’s solar and wind projects, thereby further reducing my environmental impact and supporting the development of local, community-owned energy infrastructure.

Moreover, I am eager to participate in the cooperative’s educational programs, advocacy efforts, and community outreach initiatives. I believe that small businesses have a vital role to play in raising awareness about the benefits of clean energy and inspiring others to adopt sustainable practices.

Thank you for considering my letter of intent. I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how Green Leaf Café can contribute to Sunrise Energy Cooperative’s mission and growth. Please find attached a summary of my business’s sustainability practices and a letter of support from the Local Business Alliance for Clean Energy.


Emily Davis Owner,

Green Leaf Café

Letter of Intent to Join a Cooperative Sample 5

Subject: Letter of Intent to Join the Rivertown Food Cooperative

Dear Rivertown Food Cooperative,

I am writing to express my keen interest in becoming a member of the Rivertown Food Cooperative. As a health-conscious consumer and a strong believer in the power of community-driven food systems, I am drawn to the cooperative’s mission to provide access to healthy, locally sourced, and ethically produced food options for its members and the wider community.

Over the past few years, I have become increasingly passionate about supporting local farmers, reducing food waste, and promoting sustainable agriculture practices. Joining the Rivertown Food Cooperative would allow me to align my food choices with my values, connect with like-minded individuals, and contribute to the development of a more just and resilient food system in our area.

As a member, I am eager to participate in the cooperative’s decision-making processes, volunteer opportunities, and educational workshops. I believe that my skills in community organizing, event planning, and social media marketing could be valuable assets in helping to grow the cooperative’s membership base, raise awareness about its mission, and strengthen its relationships with local producers and partners.

Thank you for considering my letter of intent. I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how I can contribute to the Rivertown Food Cooperative’s vision and impact. Please find attached a brief statement outlining my passion for sustainable food systems and my relevant experience.


Robert Johnson

Community Food Advocate

Letter of Intent to Join a Cooperative Sample 6

Subject: Letter of Intent to Join the Hilltop Artisans’ Cooperative

Dear Hilltop Artisans’ Cooperative,

I am writing to express my sincere interest in becoming a member of the Hilltop Artisans’ Cooperative. As a skilled woodworker with a passion for creating unique, handcrafted furniture and home decor items, I believe that joining your cooperative would provide me with an invaluable opportunity to collaborate with other talented artisans, expand my creative horizons, and reach a wider audience of appreciative customers.

For the past decade, I have been honing my woodworking skills and developing my distinctive style, drawing inspiration from traditional techniques and contemporary design trends. My work has been featured in several local galleries and craft fairs, and I have built a loyal customer base who value the quality, craftsmanship, and authenticity of my pieces.

Joining the Hilltop Artisans’ Cooperative would allow me to take my business to the next level by providing access to shared resources, equipment, and studio space, as well as opportunities for collaborative projects, skill-sharing workshops, and joint marketing initiatives. I am particularly excited about the prospect of working alongside other skilled artisans from diverse disciplines and learning from their unique perspectives and techniques.

Thank you for considering my letter of intent. I would be honored to have the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how my skills and experience can contribute to the Hilltop Artisans’ Cooperative’s mission and creative vision. Please find attached a portfolio showcasing a selection of my work and a list of my previous exhibitions and commissions.


Christopher Thompson

Woodworker and Artisan

Letter of Intent to Join a Cooperative Sample 7

Subject: Letter of Intent to Join the Valley Ride Transportation Cooperative

Dear Valley Ride Transportation Cooperative,

I am writing to express my strong interest in becoming a member of the Valley Ride Transportation Cooperative. As a long-time resident of the Valley and a frequent user of public transportation, I am deeply impressed by the cooperative’s mission to provide affordable, reliable, and eco-friendly transportation options for our community.

Over the past few years, I have become increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of single-occupancy vehicles and the lack of accessible and efficient public transit options in our area. Joining the Valley Ride Transportation Cooperative would allow me to be part of a collective solution to these challenges, and to support the development of a more sustainable and equitable transportation system for all.

As a member, I am eager to contribute my skills and experience in community outreach, event planning, and volunteer coordination to help raise awareness about the cooperative’s services, recruit new members, and organize educational and promotional events. I am also excited about the opportunity to participate in the cooperative’s decision-making processes and to have a voice in shaping the future of transportation in our community.

Thank you for considering my letter of intent. I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how I can contribute to the Valley Ride Transportation Cooperative’s mission and growth. Please find attached a brief statement outlining my passion for sustainable transportation and my relevant experience.


Olivia Johnson

Community Transportation Advocate

Letter of Intent to Join a Cooperative Sample 8

Subject: Letter of Intent to Join the Riverside Wellness Cooperative

Dear Riverside Wellness Cooperative,

I am writing to express my keen interest in becoming a member of the Riverside Wellness Cooperative. As a certified yoga instructor and holistic health coach with a passion for promoting community well-being, I believe that joining your cooperative would provide me with an incredible opportunity to collaborate with other wellness practitioners, expand my offerings, and contribute to the health and vitality of our community.

For the past five years, I have been dedicated to helping individuals and groups cultivate mindfulness, resilience, and self-care through my yoga classes, workshops, and coaching sessions. My approach emphasizes the integration of mind, body, and spirit, and draws upon a range of holistic modalities, including meditation, nutrition, and stress management.

Joining the Riverside Wellness Cooperative would allow me to deepen my impact by providing access to a supportive network of fellow practitioners, shared resources and studio space, and opportunities for collaborative projects and referrals. I am particularly excited about the prospect of contributing to the cooperative’s community outreach initiatives, such as free wellness clinics, school-based programs, and corporate wellness partnerships.

Thank you for considering my letter of intent. I would be honored to have the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how my skills and experience can contribute to the Riverside Wellness Cooperative’s mission and vision. Please find attached my resume, yoga certification, and a brief statement of my teaching philosophy.


Sarah Thompson

Yoga Instructor and Holistic Health Coach

Letter of Intent to Join a Cooperative Sample 9

Subject: Letter of Intent to Join the Green Thumb Gardening Cooperative

Dear Green Thumb Gardening Cooperative,

I am writing to express my sincere interest in becoming a member of the Green Thumb Gardening Cooperative. As an avid home gardener with a passion for organic and sustainable growing practices, I believe that joining your cooperative would provide me with an invaluable opportunity to connect with other gardening enthusiasts, expand my knowledge and skills, and contribute to the beautification and resilience of our community.

For the past several years, I have been cultivating a diverse and thriving garden in my backyard, experimenting with heirloom varieties, companion planting, and permaculture techniques. I have also been actively involved in local gardening clubs and community garden projects, sharing my expertise and learning from others.

Joining the Green Thumb Gardening Cooperative would allow me to take my passion to the next level by providing access to shared resources, such as tools, seeds, and educational materials, as well as opportunities for collaborative projects, skill-sharing workshops, and community outreach initiatives. I am particularly excited about the prospect of contributing to the cooperative’s efforts to promote food security, environmental stewardship, and neighborhood beautification through community gardens, school gardens, and public landscaping projects.

Thank you for considering my letter of intent. I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how my skills and experience can contribute to the Green Thumb Gardening Cooperative’s mission and impact. Please find attached a brief statement outlining my gardening philosophy and a list of my relevant experience and certifications.


Michael Davis

Home Gardener and Community Volunteer

Letter of Intent to Join a Cooperative Sample 10

Subject: Letter of Intent to Join the Hilltop Weavers’ Cooperative

Dear Hilltop Weavers’ Cooperative,

I am writing to express my keen interest in becoming a member of the Hilltop Weavers Cooperative. As a skilled weaver with a passion for creating unique, handcrafted textiles using traditional techniques and sustainable materials, I believe that joining your cooperative would provide me with an incredible opportunity to collaborate with other talented artisans, expand my creative horizons, and reach a wider audience of appreciative customers.

For the past decade, I have been honing my weaving skills and developing my distinctive style, drawing inspiration from the rich cultural heritage of our region and the natural beauty of our surroundings. My work has been featured in several local galleries and craft fairs, and I have built a loyal customer base who value the quality, craftsmanship, and authenticity of my pieces.

Joining the Hilltop Weavers’ Cooperative would allow me to take my business to the next level by providing access to shared resources, equipment, and studio space, as well as opportunities for collaborative projects, skill-sharing workshops, and joint marketing initiatives. I am particularly excited about the prospect of working alongside other skilled weavers and fiber artists, learning from their unique perspectives and techniques, and contributing to the preservation and promotion of our shared craft.

Thank you for considering my letter of intent. I would be honored to have the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how my skills and experience can contribute to the Hilltop Weavers’ Cooperative’s mission and creative vision. Please find attached a portfolio showcasing a selection of my work and a list of my previous exhibitions and commissions.


Emily Wilson

Weaver and Textile Artist

Letter of Intent to Join a Cooperative Sample 11

Subject: Letter of Intent to Join the Riverside Performing Arts Cooperative

Dear Riverside Performing Arts Cooperative,

I am writing to express my strong interest in becoming a member of the Riverside Performing Arts Cooperative. As a passionate theater artist with experience in acting, directing, and playwriting, I believe that joining your cooperative would provide me with an invaluable opportunity to collaborate with other talented performers, expand my creative range, and contribute to the vibrant cultural life of our community.

For the past several years, I have been actively involved in the local theater scene, participating in productions with various community theater groups and independent companies. My work has been recognized with several awards and nominations, and I have developed a reputation for bringing depth, authenticity, and innovation to my performances and projects.

Joining the Riverside Performing Arts Cooperative would allow me to take my artistic practice to the next level by providing access to shared resources, rehearsal and performance spaces, and opportunities for collaborative projects, skill-sharing workshops, and community outreach initiatives. I am particularly excited about the prospect of working with a diverse group of artists from different disciplines and backgrounds and contributing to the cooperative’s mission of creating thought-provoking, socially engaged, and community-centered performances.

Thank you for considering my letter of intent. I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how my skills and experience can contribute to the Riverside Performing Arts Cooperative’s artistic vision and impact. Please find attached my resume, headshot, and a brief statement of my artistic philosophy.


David Thompson

Theater Artist and Performer

Letter of Intent to Join a Cooperative Sample 12

Subject: Letter of Intent to Join the Green Valley Renewable Energy Cooperative

Dear Green Valley Renewable Energy Cooperative,

I am writing to express my sincere interest in becoming a member of the Green Valley Renewable Energy Cooperative. As a concerned citizen and advocate for sustainable living, I believe that joining your cooperative would provide me with a meaningful opportunity to support the development of clean energy solutions, reduce my carbon footprint, and contribute to the well-being of our community and planet.

Over the past few years, I have been making a conscious effort to adopt more environmentally friendly practices in my daily life, such as reducing energy consumption, using renewable energy sources, and supporting local and organic food systems. Joining the Green Valley Renewable Energy Cooperative would allow me to take my commitment to sustainability to the next level by investing in community-owned renewable energy projects and supporting the transition to a more resilient and equitable energy future.

As a member, I am eager to participate in the cooperative’s decision-making processes, educational workshops, and community outreach initiatives. I believe that my skills in communication, project management, and community organizing could be valuable assets in helping to raise awareness about the benefits of renewable energy, recruit new members, and build partnerships with local organizations and businesses.

Thank you for considering my letter of intent. I would be honored to have the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how I can contribute to the Green Valley Renewable Energy Cooperative’s mission and impact. Please find attached a brief statement outlining my commitment to sustainability and my relevant experience.


Sarah Davis

Sustainability Advocate and Community Volunteer

Letter of Intent to Join a Cooperative Sample 13

Subject: Letter of Intent to Join the Hilltop Ceramics Cooperative

Dear Hilltop Ceramics Cooperative,

I am writing to express my keen interest in becoming a member of the Hilltop Ceramics Cooperative. As a passionate ceramic artist with a love for creating functional and decorative pottery, I believe that joining your cooperative would provide me with an incredible opportunity to work alongside other skilled artisans, expand my creative horizons, and connect with a community of appreciative customers, and supporters.

For the past several years, I have been honing my skills in wheel-throwing, hand-building, and glazing techniques, and developing my unique style that blends traditional and contemporary aesthetics. My work has been featured in several local art shows and craft fairs, and I have built a small but loyal following of customers who value the quality, craftsmanship, and beauty of my pieces.

Joining the Hilltop Ceramics Cooperative would allow me to take my passion and business to the next level by providing access to shared studio space, equipment, and resources, as well as opportunities for collaborative projects, skill-sharing workshops, and joint marketing initiatives. I am particularly excited about the prospect of learning from and working alongside other talented ceramic artists, and contributing to the cooperative’s mission of promoting the art and craft of pottery in our community.

Thank you for considering my letter of intent. I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how my skills and experience can contribute to the Hilltop Ceramics Cooperative’s creative vision and community impact. Please find attached a portfolio showcasing a selection of my work and a brief statement of my artistic philosophy.


Robert Wilson

Ceramic Artist and Potter

Letter of Intent to Join a Cooperative Sample 14

Subject: Letter of Intent to Join the Valley Organic Farmers’ Cooperative

Dear Valley Organic Farmers’ Cooperative,

I am writing to express my strong interest in becoming a member of the Valley Organic Farmers’ Cooperative. As a beginning farmer with a passion for sustainable agriculture and local food systems, I believe that joining your cooperative would provide me with an invaluable opportunity to learn from experienced growers, access shared resources and infrastructure, and contribute to the health and resilience of our community.

For the past two years, I have been leasing a small plot of land and growing a variety of organic vegetables, herbs, and flowers using ecological farming practices such as crop rotation, cover cropping, and natural pest management. While I have had some success and built relationships with local chefs and farmers’ market customers, I recognize that I have much to learn and would benefit greatly from the support and collective knowledge of a cooperative.

Joining the Valley Organic Farmers’ Cooperative would allow me to scale up my operation, diversify my crops, and access shared equipment, infrastructure, and marketing channels. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to participate in the cooperative’s mentorship program, educational workshops, and community outreach initiatives, and to work alongside other passionate and skilled growers who share my values and vision for a more just and sustainable food system.

Thank you for considering my letter of intent. I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how I can contribute to the Valley Organic Farmers’ Cooperative’s mission and growth. Please find attached a brief description of my farm and growing practices, along with a letter of recommendation from a local chef who has been a supporter of my work.


Jessica Thompson

Beginning Farmer and Local Food Advocate

Letter of Intent to Join a Cooperative Sample 15

Subject: Letter of Intent to Join the Riverside Printmakers’ Cooperative

Dear Riverside Printmakers’ Cooperative,

I am writing to express my sincere interest in becoming a member of the Riverside Printmakers’ Cooperative. As an emerging printmaker with a passion for exploring the creative possibilities of traditional and contemporary printmaking techniques, I believe that joining your cooperative would provide me with an incredible opportunity to work alongside other dedicated artists, access specialized equipment and facilities, and connect with a community of collectors, curators, and art enthusiasts.

For the past several years, I have been developing my skills in relief printing, intaglio, and screen printing, and creating a body of work that explores themes of identity, memory, and place. My prints have been exhibited in several group shows and juried exhibitions, and I have been building a small but growing network of collectors and supporters.

Joining the Riverside Printmakers’ Cooperative would allow me to take my artistic practice to the next level by providing access to a fully-equipped printmaking studio, opportunities for collaborative projects and exhibitions, and a supportive community of fellow artists who share my passion for the medium. I am particularly excited about the prospect of participating in the cooperative’s educational programs, community outreach initiatives, and efforts to promote the art of printmaking to a wider audience.

Thank you for considering my letter of intent. I would be honored to have the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how my skills and experience can contribute to the Riverside Printmakers’ Cooperative’s mission and artistic vision. Please find attached a portfolio showcasing a selection of my prints and a brief statement of my artistic philosophy.


Michael Johnson

Printmaker and Visual Artist


Writing a letter of intent to join a cooperative is an opportunity to express your passion, skills, and commitment to the values and mission of the organization.

Whether you are a farmer, artist, entrepreneur, or community advocate, joining a cooperative can provide you with access to shared resources, knowledge, and support, and allow you to contribute to a more just, sustainable, and vibrant society.

By crafting a compelling and authentic letter of intent, you can take the first step towards becoming part of a collaborative community that empowers its members to achieve their goals and make a positive impact in the world.

We hope that these 15 sample letters have inspired you to articulate your unique story and vision and to take action toward joining a cooperative that aligns with your values and aspirations.