15 Sample Letters of Resignation Due to Unfair Treatment

No employee should have to endure unfair treatment in the workplace.

When faced with discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or other forms of mistreatment, the decision to resign becomes a necessary step towards self-preservation and the pursuit of a more equitable work environment.

Sample Letters of Resignation Due to Unfair Treatment

Sample Letters of Resignation Due to Unfair Treatment

However, leaving a job due to unfair treatment requires careful consideration and a strategic approach to ensure a smooth transition while protecting one’s rights and professional reputation.

In this article, we present 15 sample letters of resignation due to unfair treatment, providing guidance and inspiration for those facing this challenging situation.

Letter 1: Resigning Due to Discrimination

Subject: Resignation – John Smith

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [job title] at [company name], effective [date]. After enduring persistent discrimination based on my [protected characteristic], I have come to the difficult conclusion that I can no longer continue working in a hostile and discriminatory environment.

Despite my repeated attempts to address this issue through the proper channels, no effective action has been taken to resolve the situation or protect me from further discrimination. As a result, I have no choice but to remove myself from this toxic workplace.

Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation. I will return all company property and will be available to provide information regarding the discriminatory practices to the appropriate authorities.


John Smith.

Letter 2: Leaving Due to Harassment

Subject: Resignation Notice – Sarah Johnson

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [job title] at [company name], effective [date]. I can no longer tolerate the persistent harassment I have experienced from [colleague/supervisor name], which has created a hostile and intimidating work environment.

Despite bringing this matter to the attention of management and human resources, no effective measures have been taken to address the situation or protect me from further mistreatment. As a result, I have come to the difficult conclusion that I must prioritize my well-being and remove myself from this toxic situation.

Please accept this letter as my formal two weeks’ notice of resignation. I will work with my colleagues to ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities and will be available to provide further information regarding the harassment, if requested.

Best regards,

Sarah Johnson.

Letter 3: Resigning Due to Retaliation

Subject: Resignation – Michael Brown

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [job title] at [company name], effective [date]. Following my recent report of misconduct and unethical practices within the company, I have been subjected to retaliation and mistreatment, creating a hostile and stressful work environment.

The company has failed to protect me from retaliation and has not taken appropriate action to address the reported misconduct. As a result, I have no choice but to remove myself from this toxic situation and seek protection under whistleblower laws.

Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation. I will return all company property and will be seeking legal counsel to protect my rights and ensure that the reported misconduct is properly investigated.


Michael Brown.

Letter 4: Leaving Due to Bullying

Subject: Resignation Notice – Emily Davis

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [job title] at [company name], effective [date]. I have been subjected to persistent bullying and intimidation by [colleague/supervisor name], creating a hostile and emotionally distressing work environment.

Despite my efforts to address this issue through the appropriate channels, no effective action has been taken to resolve the situation or protect me from further bullying. As a result, I have come to the difficult conclusion that I must prioritize my mental health and well-being by removing myself from this toxic workplace.

Please accept this letter as my formal two weeks’ notice of resignation. I will work with my colleagues to ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities and will be available to provide further information regarding the bullying, if requested.

Best regards,

Emily Davis.

Letter 5: Resigning Due to Unfair Compensation

Subject: Resignation – David Wilson

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [job title] at [company name], effective [date]. Despite my consistent high performance and increased responsibilities, I have been repeatedly denied fair compensation and pay raises that reflect my contributions to the company.

I have attempted to address this issue through proper channels and have provided evidence of my accomplishments and market value, but my concerns have been dismissed without proper consideration. As a result, I have come to the conclusion that I must seek employment opportunities that value my skills and provide fair compensation for my work.

Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation. I will work diligently to complete any outstanding projects and ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities before my last day.


David Wilson.

Letter 6: Leaving Due to Unfair Workload Distribution

Subject: Resignation Notice – Jessica Thompson

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [job title] at [company name], effective [date]. Over the past [time period], I have consistently been assigned an unmanageable workload and have been expected to take on significantly more responsibilities than my colleagues in similar roles.

Despite my repeated attempts to address this issue and request a more equitable distribution of work, no effective action has been taken to resolve the situation. The excessive workload has led to burnout, stress, and a decline in my overall well-being.

Please accept this letter as my formal two weeks’ notice of resignation. I will work with my colleagues to ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities and will be available to provide further information regarding the unfair workload distribution, if requested.

Best regards,

Jessica Thompson.

Letter 7: Resigning Due to Unfair Performance Evaluation

Subject: Resignation – William Anderson

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [job title] at [company name], effective [date]. I have recently received an unfair and biased performance evaluation that does not accurately reflect my contributions, achievements, and dedication to the company.

Despite providing evidence to support my performance and requesting a reevaluation, my concerns have been dismissed without proper consideration. This unfair evaluation has negatively impacted my professional reputation and has limited my opportunities for growth and advancement within the company.

Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation. I will work diligently to complete any outstanding projects and ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities before my last day.


William Anderson.

Letter 8: Leaving Due to Unfair Disciplinary Action

Subject: Resignation Notice – Olivia Johnson

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [job title] at [company name], effective [date]. I have recently been subjected to unfair disciplinary action that is not consistent with company policy or the severity of the alleged infraction.

Despite my attempts to provide evidence and context to support my case, the disciplinary action was taken without proper investigation or consideration of my perspective. This unfair treatment has created a hostile and stressful work environment that I can no longer tolerate.

Please accept this letter as my formal two weeks’ notice of resignation. I will work with my colleagues to ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities and will be available to provide further information regarding the unfair disciplinary action, if requested.

Best regards,

Olivia Johnson.

Letter 9: Resigning Due to Unfair Denial of Leave

Subject: Resignation – Ethan Brown

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [job title] at [company name], effective [date]. Despite following proper procedures and providing necessary documentation, I have been unfairly denied leave for a significant personal matter that requires my attention.

The denial of my leave request demonstrates a lack of understanding and flexibility from management, and it has placed me in a position where I must choose between my personal responsibilities and my job. As a result, I have come to the difficult conclusion that I must prioritize my personal life and resign from my position.

Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation. I will work diligently to complete any outstanding projects and ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities before my last day.


Ethan Brown.

Letter 10: Leaving Due to Unfair Demotion

Subject: Resignation Notice – Sophia Davis

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [job title] at [company name], effective [date]. I have recently been subjected to an unfair demotion that is not consistent with my performance, qualifications, or tenure with the company.

Despite my attempts to address this issue and seek clarification on the reasons behind the demotion, I have not received a satisfactory explanation or opportunity for recourse. This unfair treatment has damaged my professional reputation and has created a work environment that is no longer conducive to my growth and success.

Please accept this letter as my formal two weeks’ notice of resignation. I will work with my colleagues to ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities and will be available to provide further information regarding the unfair demotion, if requested.

Best regards,

Sophia Davis.

Letter 11: Resigning Due to Unfair Promotion Practices

Subject: Resignation – Liam Wilson

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [job title] at [company name], effective [date]. Over the past [time period], I have consistently been overlooked for promotions and advancement opportunities, despite my qualifications, experience, and demonstrated commitment to the company.

I have raised concerns about the lack of fairness and transparency in the promotion process, but no effective action has been taken to address these issues. The unfair promotion practices have limited my career growth and have created a work environment that does not value merit or performance.

Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation. I will work diligently to complete any outstanding projects and ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities before my last day.


Liam Wilson.

Letter 12: Leaving Due to Unfair Scheduling Practices

Subject: Resignation Notice – Ava Thompson

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [job title] at [company name], effective [date]. Over the past [time period], I have been subjected to unfair scheduling practices that have negatively impacted my work-life balance and overall well-being.

Despite my repeated attempts to address this issue and request more equitable and predictable scheduling, no effective action has been taken to resolve the situation. The constant last-minute changes and uneven distribution of shifts have made it difficult for me to manage my personal responsibilities and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Please accept this letter as my formal two weeks’ notice of resignation. I will work with my colleagues to ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities and will be available to provide further information regarding the unfair scheduling practices, if requested.

Best regards,

Ava Thompson.

Letter 13: Resigning Due to Unfair Criticism and Micromanagement

Subject: Resignation – Noah Johnson

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [job title] at [company name], effective [date]. Over the past [time period], I have been subjected to unfair criticism and excessive micromanagement from my supervisor, creating a hostile and stressful work environment.

Despite my efforts to address this issue through proper channels and request constructive feedback and support, the situation has not improved. The constant scrutiny and lack of autonomy have hindered my ability to perform my job effectively and have negatively impacted my professional growth and well-being.

Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation. I will work diligently to complete any outstanding projects and ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities before my last day.


Noah Johnson.

Letter 14: Leaving Due to Unfair Treatment of Coworkers

Subject: Resignation Notice – Isabella Anderson

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [job title] at [company name], effective [date]. Over the past [time period], I have witnessed and experienced the unfair treatment of my coworkers, including discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.

Despite my attempts to raise concerns about these issues and advocate for a more equitable and respectful work environment, no effective action has been taken to address the systemic problems within the company. As a result, I have come to the difficult conclusion that I can no longer be part of an organization that tolerates such mistreatment of its employees.

Please accept this letter as my formal two weeks’ notice of resignation. I will work with my colleagues to ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities and will be available to provide further information regarding the unfair treatment of coworkers if requested.

Best regards,

Isabella Anderson.

Letter 15: Resigning Due to Unfair Denial of Benefits

Subject: Resignation – Alexander Thompson

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [job title] at [company name], effective [date]. Despite meeting the eligibility requirements and following proper procedures, I have been unfairly denied the benefits and compensation that were promised to me as part of my employment package.

I have attempted to address this issue through the appropriate channels and have provided documentation to support my case, but my concerns have been dismissed without proper consideration. The denial of these benefits has placed me in a difficult financial position and has eroded my trust in the company’s commitment to its employees.

Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation. I will work diligently to complete any outstanding projects and ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities before my last day.


Alexander Thompson.


Resigning from a job due to unfair treatment is a significant decision that requires careful consideration and a commitment to standing up for one’s rights and well-being.

When crafting your resignation letter, focus on clearly articulating the specific instances of mistreatment you have experienced, while maintaining a professional and factual tone.

Remember that your resignation letter is not only a formal notice of your departure but also a documentation of the unfair treatment you have endured. Be sure to keep copies of any supporting evidence, such as emails, performance evaluations, or witness statements, to bolster your case and protect your rights.

In situations where your safety, mental health, or professional reputation is at risk, resigning due to unfair treatment may be the only viable option. However, before submitting your resignation, consider seeking guidance from an employment attorney or a trusted advisor to understand your legal rights and potential remedies.

As you move forward from this challenging experience, take the time to reflect on the lessons learned and the values that are most important to you in the workplace.

Use this experience as an opportunity to advocate for positive change and to seek out organizations that prioritize fairness, respect, and employee well-being.