15 Sample Letters to Withdraw Police Complaint

Filing a police complaint is a serious step towards seeking justice and resolving conflicts.

However, life is full of unexpected turns, and there may come a time when you need to withdraw a complaint you’ve made.

Sample Letters to Withdraw Police Complaint

Sample Letters to Withdraw Police Complaint

Perhaps new evidence has come to light, or you’ve reached an amicable resolution with the other party.

 Whatever your reason may be, it’s crucial to communicate your intention to withdraw the complaint in a clear, professional manner.

In this article, we’ve compiled 15 sample letters to help you effectively navigate this process and ensure that your request is handled promptly and efficiently.

Letter 1: Withdrawal Due to Mutual Resolution

Subject: Withdrawal of Police Complaint – Case Number [Insert Case Number]

Dear Officer [Insert Name],

I am writing to formally request the withdrawal of my police complaint, filed on [Insert Date], regarding [Insert Brief Description of Complaint]. Since filing the complaint, the involved parties have reached a mutual resolution, and we no longer wish to pursue legal action.

We appreciate the time and effort that the police department has invested in investigating this matter, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Please accept this letter as our official request to withdraw the complaint and close the case.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

Letter 2: Withdrawal Due to New Evidence

Subject: Withdrawal of Police Complaint – Case Number [Insert Case Number]

Dear Officer [Insert Name],

I am writing to request the withdrawal of my police complaint, filed on [Insert Date], concerning [Insert Brief Description of Complaint]. Since filing the complaint, new evidence has come to light that has significantly altered my understanding of the situation.

In light of this new information, I no longer believe that pursuing legal action is necessary or appropriate. Please accept this letter as my formal request to withdraw the complaint and close the case.

I appreciate the professional manner in which the police department has handled this matter and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

Letter 3: Withdrawal Due to Insufficient Evidence

Subject: Withdrawal of Police Complaint – Case Number [Insert Case Number]

Dear Officer [Insert Name],

I am writing to formally request the withdrawal of my police complaint, filed on [Insert Date], regarding [Insert Brief Description of Complaint]. After careful consideration and review of the available evidence, I have concluded that there is insufficient proof to support my complaint and warrant further legal action.

I understand that the police department has dedicated time and resources to investigating this matter, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please accept this letter as my official request to withdraw the complaint and close the case.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

Letter 4: Withdrawal Due to Personal Safety Concerns

Subject: Withdrawal of Police Complaint – Case Number [Insert Case Number]

Dear Officer [Insert Name],

I am writing to request the withdrawal of my police complaint, filed on [Insert Date], concerning [Insert Brief Description of Complaint]. Since filing the complaint, I have faced increasing threats and concerns for my personal safety, which have led me to reconsider pursuing legal action.

I appreciate the efforts of the police department in investigating this matter, and I apologize for any inconvenience my complaint may have caused. However, for my own well-being and protection, I kindly ask that you accept this letter as my formal request to withdraw the complaint and close the case.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this difficult time.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

Letter 5: Withdrawal on Behalf of the Victim

Subject: Withdrawal of Police Complaint – Case Number [Insert Case Number]

Dear Officer [Insert Name],

I am writing on behalf of [Insert Victim’s Name], who filed a police complaint on [Insert Date], regarding [Insert Brief Description of Complaint]. [Insert Victim’s Name] has expressed their desire to withdraw the complaint and no longer wishes to pursue legal action.

Please accept this letter as the victim’s formal request to withdraw the complaint and close the case. We appreciate the dedication and professionalism demonstrated by the police department in handling this matter and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

Letter 6: Withdrawal Due to Private Reasons

Subject: Withdrawal of Police Complaint – Case Number [Insert Case Number]

Dear Officer [Insert Name],

I am writing to formally request the withdrawal of my police complaint, filed on [Insert Date], regarding [Insert Brief Description of Complaint]. Due to personal reasons that I prefer not to disclose, I no longer wish to pursue legal action in this matter.

I understand that the police department has invested time and resources in investigating this complaint, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please accept this letter as my official request to withdraw the complaint and close the case.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

Letter 7: Withdrawal Due to Unfounded Allegations

Subject: Withdrawal of Police Complaint – Case Number [Insert Case Number]

Dear Officer [Insert Name],

I am writing to request the immediate withdrawal of the police complaint filed against me on [Insert Date], concerning [Insert Brief Description of Complaint]. After a thorough review of the allegations made in the complaint, I have determined that they are entirely baseless and without merit.

I firmly believe that this complaint was filed with malicious intent, and I am prepared to provide evidence to support my position. I kindly request that the police department withdraw the complaint and close the case, as it is an unwarranted use of resources to investigate unfounded allegations.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and your commitment to upholding justice.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

Letter 8: Withdrawal Due to Misidentification

Subject: Withdrawal of Police Complaint – Case Number [Insert Case Number]

Dear Officer [Insert Name],

I am writing to formally request the withdrawal of my police complaint, filed on [Insert Date], regarding [Insert Brief Description of Complaint]. Since filing the complaint, I have realized that I mistakenly identified the alleged perpetrator, and I no longer believe that the accused individual was responsible for the incident.

I deeply regret any inconvenience or distress that my complaint may have caused to the wrongly accused individual and the police department. Please accept this letter as my official request to withdraw the complaint and close the case.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

Letter 9: Withdrawal Due to Uncooperative Witnesses

Subject: Withdrawal of Police Complaint – Case Number [Insert Case Number]

Dear Officer [Insert Name],

I am writing to request the withdrawal of my police complaint, filed on [Insert Date], concerning [Insert Brief Description of Complaint]. Despite my best efforts to gather evidence and cooperate with the investigation, I have encountered a lack of cooperation from key witnesses, making it difficult to pursue legal action.

Without the support of these witnesses, I believe that the case lacks the necessary evidence to proceed. I appreciate the time and effort that the police department has invested in investigating this complaint, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Please accept this letter as my formal request to withdraw the complaint and close the case.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

Letter 10: Withdrawal Due to Expiration of Statute of Limitations

Subject: Withdrawal of Police Complaint – Case Number [Insert Case Number]

Dear Officer [Insert Name],

I am writing to formally request the withdrawal of my police complaint, filed on [Insert Date], regarding [Insert Brief Description of Complaint]. After consulting with legal experts, I have been informed that the statute of limitations for pursuing legal action in this matter has expired.

I understand that, due to the time that has passed since the incident occurred, it is no longer possible to proceed with the complaint. Please accept this letter as my official request to withdraw the complaint and close the case.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

Letter 11: Withdrawal Due to Lack of Jurisdiction

Subject: Withdrawal of Police Complaint – Case Number [Insert Case Number]

Dear Officer [Insert Name],

I am writing to request the withdrawal of my police complaint, filed on [Insert Date], concerning [Insert Brief Description of Complaint]. After further investigation, it has come to my attention that the incident in question falls outside the jurisdiction of your police department.

I apologize for any inconvenience or resources that my complaint may have consumed, and I appreciate the professional manner in which the police department has handled this matter. Please accept this letter as my formal request to withdraw the complaint and close the case.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

Letter 12: Withdrawal Due to Lack of Substantial Evidence

Subject: Withdrawal of Police Complaint – Case Number [Insert Case Number]

Dear Officer [Insert Name],

I am writing to formally request the withdrawal of my police complaint, filed on [Insert Date], regarding [Insert Brief Description of Complaint]. Upon further reflection and review of the available evidence, I have concluded that there is insufficient proof to support my complaint and pursue legal action.

I understand that the police department has dedicated time and resources to investigating this matter, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please accept this letter as my official request to withdraw the complaint and close the case.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

Letter 13: Withdrawal Due to Resolution with the Accused

Subject: Withdrawal of Police Complaint – Case Number [Insert Case Number]

Dear Officer [Insert Name],

I am writing to request the withdrawal of my police complaint, filed on [Insert Date], concerning [Insert Brief Description of Complaint]. Since filing the complaint, the accused and I have resolved our differences and have reached a mutual understanding.

In light of our resolution, I no longer wish to pursue legal action against the accused. Please accept this letter as my formal request to withdraw the complaint and close the case.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

Letter 14: Withdrawal Due to Inability to Proceed

Subject: Withdrawal of Police Complaint – Case Number [Insert Case Number]

Dear Officer [Insert Name],

I am writing to formally request the withdrawal of my police complaint, filed on [Insert Date], regarding [Insert Brief Description of Complaint]. Due to recent changes in my circumstances, I no longer can pursue legal action and cooperate with the ongoing investigation.

I appreciate the time and effort that the police department has invested in investigating this complaint, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Please accept this letter as my official request to withdraw the complaint and close the case.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

Letter 15: Withdrawal Due to Erroneous Filing

Subject: Withdrawal of Police Complaint – Case Number [Insert Case Number]

Dear Officer [Insert Name],

I am writing to request the immediate withdrawal of the police complaint I filed on [Insert Date], concerning [Insert Brief Description of Complaint]. Upon further reflection, I realized that I filed the complaint in error and that no criminal activity had taken place.

I deeply regret any inconvenience or resources that my complaint may have consumed, and I take full responsibility for my mistake. Please accept this letter as my formal request to withdraw the complaint and close the case.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]


Withdrawing a police complaint is a serious decision that should be made after careful consideration of all the facts and circumstances surrounding the case.

By using these sample letters as a guide and adapting them to your specific situation, you can effectively communicate your intention to withdraw the complaint and ensure that your request is handled promptly and professionally.

Remember to be clear, concise, and honest in your correspondence, and always prioritize your safety and well-being throughout the process.

By handling the withdrawal of a police complaint with care and respect, you can move forward with confidence and focus on the next chapter of your life.