15 Sample Petitions for Money Claim COA

Are you owed money but unsure how to recover it? Filing a petition for a money claim with the Court of Appeals (COA) can be an effective way to seek the funds you are rightfully owed.

Sample Petitions for Money Claim COA

Sample Petitions for Money Claim COA

In this article, we will provide you with fifteen sample petitions that demonstrate how to structure your claim and compellingly present your case.

Sample Petition One

Subject: Petition for Money Claim – Unpaid Freelance Work

Dear Honorable Judges of the Court of Appeals,

I, John Smith, hereby petition the court to order the payment of $5,000 owed to me by ABC Company for freelance work completed between January 1, 2023, and March 31, 2023. Despite numerous attempts to collect the outstanding balance, ABC Company has failed to remit payment for the agreed-upon services rendered.

I have enclosed copies of the signed contract, invoices, and email correspondence to support my claim. I respectfully request that the court compel ABC Company to fulfill its contractual obligation and pay the $5,000 owed to me, along with any applicable interest and legal fees.


John Smith

Sample Petition Two

Subject: Petition for Money Claim – Breach of Loan Agreement

Dear Honorable Judges of the Court of Appeals,

I, Sarah Johnson, am filing this petition to recover $10,000 plus interest from my former business partner, Mark Davis, who has defaulted on a personal loan agreement. On June 1, 2022, I loaned Mark Davis $10,000 with the understanding that he would repay the full amount within one year. Despite the loan agreement, Mr. Davis has failed to make any payments toward the principal or interest.

Enclosed, please find the signed loan agreement and proof of the initial transfer of funds. I am seeking an order from the court requiring Mark Davis to repay the $10,000 principal, along with the agreed-upon interest and any legal fees incurred in pursuing this claim.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Johnson

Sample Petition Three

Subject: Petition for Money Claim – Unpaid Rent

Dear Honorable Judges of the Court of Appeals,

I, Robert Wilson, the owner of the residential property located at 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA, am petitioning the court to order my former tenant, Lisa Thompson, to pay $3,000 in unpaid rent. Ms. Thompson occupied the property from September 1, 2022, to November 30, 2022, and failed to pay rent for the final three months of her tenancy.

I have included a copy of the signed lease agreement, along with documentation of my attempts to collect the unpaid rent from Ms. Thompson. I respectfully request that the court order Lisa Thompson to pay the outstanding balance of $3,000, as well as any applicable late fees and legal expenses.


Robert Wilson

Sample Petition Four

Subject: Petition for Money Claim – Damages from Car Accident

Dear Honorable Judges of the Court of Appeals,

I, Emily Davis, am filing this petition to seek compensation for damages incurred in a car accident caused by the negligence of the other driver, James Wilson. On April 15, 2023, Mr. Wilson rear-ended my vehicle while I was stopped at a red light, resulting in significant damage to my car and causing me physical injuries that required medical treatment.

I have enclosed the police report, medical bills, and repair estimates related to this incident. I am requesting that the court order James Wilson to pay for the full cost of repairs to my vehicle, my medical expenses, and lost wages due to missed work, totaling $25,000.

Respectfully submitted,

Emily Davis

Sample Petition Five

Subject: Petition for Money Claim – Breach of Construction Contract

Dear Honorable Judges of the Court of Appeals,

I, Michael Thompson, on behalf of Thompson Construction LLC, am petitioning the court to order XYZ Developers to pay the outstanding balance of $75,000 for work completed on the Sunrise Apartments project. XYZ Developers hired Thompson Construction LLC to perform framing and drywall work, which was completed according to the agreed-upon specifications and timeline. However, XYZ Developers has failed to remit the final payment for the work performed.

Enclosed, please find the signed contract, invoices, and proof of work completion. I am seeking an order from the court requiring XYZ Developers to pay the outstanding balance of $75,000, as well as interest and legal fees incurred in pursuing this claim.


Michael Thompson

Thompson Construction LLC

Sample Petition Six

Subject: Petition for Money Claim – Unpaid Wages

Dear Honorable Judges of the Court of Appeals,

I, Amanda Johnson, am filing this petition to recover $8,000 in unpaid wages from my former employer, DEF Industries. I worked for DEF Industries from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022, and did not receive my final two months of salary despite numerous attempts to resolve this issue with the company’s human resources department.

I have included copies of my employment contract, pay stubs, and email correspondence with DEF Industries regarding the unpaid wages. I respectfully request that the court order DEF Industries to pay the outstanding $8,000 in wages owed to me, along with any applicable interest and legal fees.


Amanda Johnson

Sample Petition Seven

Subject: Petition for Money Claim – Fraudulent Investment Scheme

Dear Honorable Judges of the Court of Appeals,

I, David Brown, am petitioning the court to order the return of $50,000 that I invested in a fraudulent investment scheme operated by John Smith. Mr. Smith presented an investment opportunity that promised high returns, but after investing my money, I discovered that the scheme was fraudulent and that Mr. Smith had misappropriated the funds for personal use.

Enclosed, please find documentation of the investment agreement, bank transfers, and evidence of the fraudulent nature of the scheme. I am seeking an order from the court requiring John Smith to return my $50,000 investment, along with interest and any legal fees incurred in pursuing this claim.

Respectfully submitted,

David Brown

Sample Petition Eight

Subject: Petition for Money Claim – Breach of Service Contract

Dear Honorable Judges of the Court of Appeals,

I, Jennifer Davis, am filing this petition to seek compensation for losses incurred due to a breach of contract by ABC Wedding Services. I hired ABC Wedding Services to provide catering, photography, and event planning for my wedding on June 10, 2023. However, the company failed to deliver the agreed-upon services, resulting in significant disappointment and additional expenses to remedy the situation.

I have enclosed the signed service contract, receipts for payments made to ABC Wedding Services, and documentation of the expenses incurred due to their breach of contract. I am requesting that the court order ABC Wedding Services to refund the full amount paid for their services, totaling $15,000, as well as compensate me for the additional expenses incurred, amounting to $5,000.


Jennifer Davis

Sample Petition Nine

Subject: Petition for Money Claim – Unpaid Freelance Writing Services

Dear Honorable Judges of the Court of Appeals,

I, Robert Johnson, am petitioning the court to order the payment of $3,000 owed to me by XYZ Media Company for freelance writing services provided between October 1, 2022, and December 31, 2022. Despite completing the agreed-upon articles and submitting them on time, XYZ Media Company has failed to remit payment for my work.

I have included copies of the freelance writing agreement, submitted articles, and email correspondence with XYZ Media Company regarding the unpaid invoices. I respectfully request that the court compel XYZ Media Company to pay the outstanding balance of $3,000, along with any applicable interest and legal fees.


Robert Johnson

Sample Petition Ten

Subject: Petition for Money Claim – Security Deposit Refund

Dear Honorable Judges of the Court of Appeals,

I, Sarah Thompson, am filing this petition to recover my security deposit of $1,500 from my former landlord, John Davis. I rented an apartment from Mr. Davis from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022, and upon moving out, the apartment was left in pristine condition, with no damage beyond normal wear and tear. Despite this, Mr. Davis has refused to return my security deposit.

Enclosed, please find a copy of the lease agreement, photos of the apartment upon move-out, and email correspondence with John Davis regarding the return of the security deposit. I am seeking an order from the court requiring Mr. Davis to refund my $1,500 security deposit, along with any applicable interest and legal fees.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Thompson

Sample Petition Eleven

Subject: Petition for Money Claim – Unpaid Invoice for Graphic Design Services

Dear Honorable Judges of the Court of Appeals,

I, Michael Johnson, am petitioning the court to order the payment of $2,500 owed to me by DEF Marketing Agency for graphic design services rendered between February 1, 2023, and March 15, 2023. I completed the agreed-upon design work for DEF Marketing Agency’s client projects, but the agency has failed to remit payment for my services despite multiple attempts to collect the outstanding balance.

I have enclosed the signed contract, invoices, and proof of work completion to support my claim. I respectfully request that the court compel DEF Marketing Agency to fulfill their contractual obligation and pay the $2,500 owed to me, along with any applicable interest and legal fees.


Michael Johnson

Sample Petition Twelve

Subject: Petition for Money Claim – Breach of Equipment Rental Agreement

Dear Honorable Judges of the Court of Appeals,

I, Emily Wilson, owner of Wilson Rentals LLC, am filing this petition to recover $7,500 from ABC Construction Company for damages to rental equipment and unpaid rental fees. ABC Construction Company rented a skid steer loader from Wilson Rentals LLC for a period of three months, from April 1, 2023, to June 30, 2023. Upon return of the equipment, it was discovered that the skid steer had sustained significant damage beyond normal wear and tear, and ABC Construction Company had failed to pay the final month’s rental fee.

I have included the signed rental agreement, photos of the damaged equipment, and documentation of the repair costs and unpaid rental fees. I am requesting that the court order ABC Construction Company to pay $5,000 for the repairs to the skid steer loader and the outstanding rental fee of $2,500, totaling $7,500.

Respectfully submitted,

Emily Wilson

Wilson Rentals LLC

Sample Petition Thirteen

Subject: Petition for Money Claim – Failure to Deliver Purchased Goods

Dear Honorable Judges of the Court of Appeals,

I, David Thompson, am petitioning the court to order a refund of $3,000 from XYZ Electronics for failing to deliver goods purchased on their website. On January 15, 2023, I placed an order for a high-end television and home theater system, paying the full amount of $3,000 at the time of purchase. Despite numerous attempts to contact XYZ Electronics and inquire about the status of my order, the company has failed to deliver the purchased goods or provide a satisfactory explanation for the delay.

Enclosed, please find the order confirmation, proof of payment, and email correspondence with XYZ Electronics regarding the undelivered goods. I am seeking an order from the court requiring XYZ Electronics to refund the $3,000 paid for the undelivered products, along with any applicable interest and legal fees.


David Thompson

Sample Petition Fourteen

Subject: Petition for Money Claim – Breach of Vehicle Sale Contract

Dear Honorable Judges of the Court of Appeals,

I, Jennifer Davis, am filing this petition to seek compensation for losses incurred due to a breach of contract by John Smith during the sale of a used vehicle. On August 1, 2023, I purchased a 2018 Honda Accord from Mr. Smith for $15,000. Mr. Smith represented the vehicle as being in excellent condition with no known mechanical issues. However, within a week of the purchase, the vehicle experienced significant engine failure, requiring repairs totaling $5,000.

I have enclosed the signed bill of sale, proof of payment, and repair invoices related to the engine failure. I am requesting that the court order John Smith to compensate me for the full cost of repairs, amounting to $5,000, as well as any legal fees incurred in pursuing this claim.

Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer Davis

Sample Petition Fifteen

Subject: Petition for Money Claim – Unpaid Consulting Fees

Dear Honorable Judges of the Court of Appeals,

I, Robert Wilson, am petitioning the court to order the payment of $10,000 owed to me by ABC Consulting Group for consulting services provided between September 1, 2022, and November 30, 2022. I was contracted by ABC Consulting Group to provide expert advice and guidance on a client project, which I completed according to the agreed-upon scope of work. However, ABC Consulting Group has failed to remit payment for my services, despite multiple attempts to collect the outstanding balance.

I have included copies of the consulting agreement, invoices, and email correspondence with ABC Consulting Group regarding the unpaid fees. I respectfully request that the court compel ABC Consulting Group to pay the $10,000 owed to me for the consulting services rendered, along with any applicable interest and legal fees.


Robert Wilson


These fifteen sample petitions demonstrate the various scenarios in which individuals and businesses may need to file a money claim with the Court of Appeals.

By presenting a clear and well-documented case, petitioners can increase their chances of recovering the funds they are rightfully owed.

Remember to include all relevant evidence, such as contracts, invoices, and correspondence, to support your claim and help the court make an informed decision.