6 Short Groom Speech Examples

Your wedding day is one of the most special, meaningful, and memorable days of your life.

As the groom, you have the opportunity, and some would say the duty, to stand up and deliver a heartfelt speech expressing your love for your bride and gratitude to all those who made the day possible.

Short Groom Speech Examples

Short Groom Speech Examples

But let’s face it – giving a speech in front of a crowd can be nerve-wracking, even on the happiest day of your life.

Don’t worry though – we’ve got you covered with these short groom speech examples you can use for inspiration as you write your own perfect words.

So without further ado, let’s dive into these sample groom speeches for your special day!

Speech 1

Thank you all so much for being here to celebrate this incredible day with us. Lisa, from the moment I met you, I knew my life would never be the same. Your kindness, beauty, humor, and spirit drew me to you like a moth to a flame. I still pinch myself that I get to be your husband. I promise to love you fiercely, make you laugh daily, support you endlessly, and be your partner in all of life’s adventures. To my beautiful bride!


Commentary: This short and sweet speech packs a lot of emotion into a small package. The groom expresses his love and promises to his bride in a succinct yet meaningful way. This would be ideal for a groom who wants to honor his bride without a long, drawn-out speech. Perfect for an intimate gathering or a groom who prefers to keep his public words brief but impactful.

Speech 2

I want to start by thanking everyone for being here, especially those who traveled from far and wide. Having you here to witness the start of our marriage means the world to us.

Alicia, you are the answer to every prayer I’ve ever had. You’ve made me a better man through your love. I still remember the moment I first saw you – it was like my soul recognized you before we even spoke. Since then, you’ve become my best friend, my greatest support, and now, my wife. I will strive to give you the best of myself and make you as happy as you make me.

To both of our families – your love, guidance, and example have shaped us into who we are. We wouldn’t be here without you. To my groomsmen, you keep me laughing and grounded. Thanks for having my back today and always.

And finally, to my radiant bride – I love you beyond words and am overjoyed to start this next chapter with you. Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happily ever after. Cheers!


Commentary: In this medium-length speech, the groom thanks the guests, honors his bride with heartfelt promises, and acknowledges his family and wedding party. This well-rounded speech strikes a nice balance of humor, sincerity, and love. It would be appropriate for most wedding sizes and styles, and showcases the groom’s appreciation and excitement nicely without being overly lengthy.

Speech 3

Wow, where do I even begin? Jen, you’ve rocked my world since day one. I never knew love could feel like this until I met you. You’ve seen me at my best and worst and loved me through it all. Your strength astounds me, your beauty captivates me, and your huge heart inspires me. You make me want to be the best version of myself.

I vow to be your constant friend, your faithful partner, and your love from this day forward. I promise to love you when our love is simple and when it is an effort. I promise to pursue you, to fight for you, and to love you unconditionally and whole-heartedly for the rest of my days.

I still remember our first date, when I was so nervous that I spilled coffee all over myself. You put me at ease with your infectious laugh and warm smile. Since then, you’ve continued to light up my life with your brilliance. Thank you for taking this leap of faith with me today. In you, I’ve found my soulmate, my confidante, and my forever love.

To all our family and friends who have supported and guided us on our path here, we are so grateful. Please know that our home, like our hearts, will always be open to you.

And to my gorgeous bride – saying “I do” to you is the easiest and best choice I’ll ever make. I love you endlessly. To the start of our forever!


Commentary: For the groom who wants to pull out all the stops, this longer speech allows space to weave in more memories, promises, and expressions of gratitude. The heartfelt vows add an extra touch of romance, while the nod to the couple’s history and the warm welcome to their loved ones make it feel intimate and inclusive. A great choice for a traditional wedding or a groom who feels at ease speaking for a few minutes.

Speech 4

I’ve been told that a good speech has a great beginning and a great ending, and that these should be as close together as possible. So here goes nothing…

Jess, I love you. The end.

Just kidding! In all seriousness though, Jess, you are my everything. You’ve been my rock, my muse, my favorite person to order takeout with at 2am. From our first date hiking through the mountains to our late night talks putting the world to rights, every moment spent with you has been the best moment of my life. Until the next moment, of course.

I promise to always put us first, to never go to bed angry, and to make sure the toilet roll is always the right way around. I vow to be your partner and equal, to respect and cherish you, and to love you with my whole being for the rest of our days. You make me the happiest man alive and I can’t believe I get to be your husband.

To our parents, thank you for your unwavering love and for shaping us into the people we are today. We hope to make you proud. To our wedding party, thanks for being the best crew we could ask for and for making this day epic. We love you all.

And finally, to the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on – Jess, my love, thanks for saying yes. I can’t wait to see what adventures await us. I’m the luckiest guy in the world. To my bride!


Commentary: This speech perfectly balances humor and heartfelt emotion. The playful joke at the beginning sets a lighthearted tone that the groom maintains with witty one-liners throughout, while still expressing his deep love and promises to his bride. The personal references to the couple’s relationship make it feel intimate, while the succinct thanks to parents and the wedding party hit all the key notes. Fantastic for a casual wedding or for a groom with a good sense of humor who still wants to sprinkle in plenty of romance.

Speech 5

Natalie, you looked amazing walking down that aisle today. Actually, you look amazing every day, and I can’t believe I get to spend each of those days with you for the rest of my life. You are my love, my life, my wife.

Whenever I need a reminder of how lucky I am, I just take a look at the photo from our first vacation together, when we got horribly lost and ended up on that deserted beach as the sun was setting. In that photo, we’re covered in sand, wearing flip flops and bathing suits and huge smiles. To me, that image sums up our relationship – an incredible adventure, full of love and laughter, even when things don’t go exactly to plan.

Life with you is one long, beautiful adventure, and today marks the start of our greatest adventure yet – marriage. I promise to always be the flip flop to your sandy foot, the map when we’re lost, and the smile to your laughter. I promise to love and support you, to fill our life with joy and silliness, and to always cherish the amazing woman you are, from this day forward.

A huge thank you to our parents for your love and guidance, to our siblings for putting up with the two of us and for dealing with our hectic wedding planning, to our hilarious wedding party for making this day unforgettable, and most of all, to my breathtaking wife for making me the happiest man alive by agreeing to go on this lifelong adventure with me.

Get ready for the ride of your life, babe – I call shotgun! Let the adventure begin. To us!


Commentary: Adventure is the name of the game in this energetic and playful speech. From the memorable story of the couple’s first trip together to the extended metaphor comparing marriage to an exciting journey, this speech is perfect for an adventurous couple who loves to laugh and doesn’t take themselves too seriously. The groom’s promises to his bride and thanks to his loved ones are earnest and sweet, but balanced nicely with the humorous “shotgun” reference at the end. Great for an outdoorsy or offbeat wedding.

Speech 6

You always hear people throwing around the term “soulmate” as if it’s a mythical holy grail that only exists in rom-coms and romance novels. But standing here today with you, Olivia, I know without a shadow of a doubt that soulmates are real. Because you are mine, and I am yours.

Before I met you, I was content. I had a good job, great friends, a nice life. But it wasn’t until you walked into that life that I understood what I’d been missing. You filled a void I never knew existed. It’s like my soul was waiting for its match, holding space for you before I even knew you.

Falling in love with you has been the greatest honor and adventure of my life. Your grace, intelligence, kindness, and unwavering ability to recite every line from The Princess Bride humble and inspire me every single day. You make me a better man through your love.

In you, I have found my person, my love, my match. I vow to spend the rest of my days loving you wholeheartedly, supporting you unfailingly, and making you laugh with my terrible puns daily. I promise to be your rock in stormy seas, your guiding light in darkness, and your partner in every aspect of life. Most of all, I promise to love you with every fiber of my being, in this lifetime and for all eternity.

To my parents, thank you for the love you’ve shown me and for welcoming Olivia so warmly into our family. To my new parents-in-law, thank you for raising the incredible woman I get to call my wife. I promise to love and cherish her always. To our wedding party and all our loved ones here today, thank you for your friendship, support, and for making this day so incredibly special.

And to my breathtaking bride, my soulmate, my love – thank you for walking into my life and making it extraordinary. Thank you for choosing me. I love you beyond measure and promise. Here’s to forever, my love.


Commentary: Emotional, poetic, and deeply romantic, this lengthy speech is ideal for the true romantics out there. The groom waxes poetic about finding his soulmate, vowing to love and cherish his bride in a serious of beautiful metaphors and imagery. Heartfelt gratitude is expressed to both sets of parents as well as the couple’s close friends. The speech ends with an earnest and powerful declaration of eternal love that is sure to leave the bride and wedding guests reaching for the tissues. Perfect for formal or black tie weddings.


As these examples demonstrate, the ideal groom speech is one that comes straight from the heart.

Whether you go for short and sweet, lengthy and poetic, or something in between, the most important thing is that your words are genuine and tailored to your unique love story.

Use these samples as a starting point, but don’t be afraid to put your own spin on things.

Include personal anecdotes, inside jokes with your bride, and specific details about your relationship. The more authentic you are, the more powerful your words will be.

Remember, this is one of the most special moments of your big day.

Enjoy it! Take a deep breath, look your beautiful bride in the eye, and speak from your heart.

She, and everyone else in the room, will be hanging on your every word.

Cheers to love, laughter, and happily ever after!

You’ve got this.