6 Uncle of the Bride Speech Examples

Are you an uncle asked to give a speech at your niece’s wedding?

It’s an honor to be asked, but it can also feel like a lot of pressure.

You want to strike the right tone, share meaningful memories, and wish the happy couple well as they start their new life together.

Uncle of the Bride Speech Examples

Uncle of the Bride Speech Examples

Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered with these six examples of uncle-of-the-bride speeches.

Whether you’re looking for something short and sweet or a longer tribute, you’ll find inspiration here to write the perfect wedding day message.

Here are six sample speeches to help you get started:

Speech 1

Good evening everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m John, Sarah’s favorite uncle. At least, that’s what she told me to say.

Sarah, watching you grow up has been one of the great joys of my life. I still recall the little girl who loved singing Disney songs at the top of her lungs and always insisted on wearing mismatched socks. While your fashion sense has thankfully evolved since then, your spirit and zest for life haven’t changed a bit.

Mark, I’ve seen how happy you make Sarah, and the love you share is truly special. I know you’ll continue to be a wonderful partner to her in all of life’s adventures.

So let’s raise our glasses to Sarah and Mark – may your love keep growing stronger and your mismatched socks keep getting crazier. Cheers to a lifetime of happiness together!


Commentary: This short, lighthearted speech is perfect for an uncle who wants to share a cute childhood anecdote and some gentle humor. It’s suitable for a relaxed, informal wedding reception.

Speech 2

I’ve had the pleasure of being Sarah’s uncle for 27 wonderful years. I’ve watched Sarah grow from an inquisitive little girl into the brilliant, compassionate woman she is today. Sarah, your kindness and strength of character never cease to amaze me. You have such a bright light within you and you make the world better with your presence.

When Sarah first introduced me to Mark, I could immediately see why she fell for him. Mark, your warmth, humor, and steadfast support of Sarah are so apparent. You balance each other perfectly and I know that together, you can weather any of life’s storms.

A successful marriage is about more than just love. It takes patience, understanding, and a willingness to be a team through the good times and the challenging ones. Sarah and Mark have those qualities in abundance.

So Sarah and Mark, as you stand together on the precipice of this new chapter, I wish you a marriage filled with love, laughter, and unwavering partnership. May you always lift each other and may your bond only grow deeper with time. I love you both. To the happy couple!


Commentary: This speech has a more serious, sentimental tone suitable for an uncle who wants to reflect on the bride’s character and offer marriage advice. It’s a good fit for a formal wedding with traditional elements.

Speech 3

There’s a saying that an aunt is a haven for a child. An uncle is a safe bet for some candy. Well, I certainly tried my best to live up to my candy-supplying duties over the years. But more than that, I’ve strived to be a pillar of love and support for my wonderful niece Sarah.

Sarah, I’ve had a front-row seat to your life, from school plays to graduations to major milestones. And while I could share plenty of embarrassing stories, like the time you decided to give the dog a makeover with mom’s lipstick, I’ll refrain. Instead, I’ll just say that through it all, your creativity, determination, and unfaltering ability to see the best in people have shone through.

I know it’s that beautiful heart that led you to Mark. Mark, you came into Sarah’s life and it’s like the puzzle piece we never knew was missing suddenly clicked into place. Your love and respect for each other is palpable.

As you two embark on the great adventure of marriage, I want to share a few pieces of wisdom. Always be each other’s biggest cheerleaders. Never go to bed angry. Learn to love the differences that make you unique. And when the hard times come, as they do in every marriage, always turn towards each other, never away.

Sarah and Mark, it’s my greatest wish that your love story is one for the ages. Through the peaks and valleys of life, your love and friendship sustain you. I can’t wait to see the incredible life you build together. May your home always be filled with laughter and your hearts full of love for each other. Congratulations!


Commentary: This longer speech balances humor and heart, with the uncle sharing a funny childhood story but also heartfelt marital advice. It’s suitable for an uncle who has been very involved in the bride’s life and feels comfortable offering words of wisdom to the couple. It would work well at most types of weddings.

Speech 4

They say that a niece is someone to treasure in your heart forever. That couldn’t be more true when it comes to Sarah. Sarah, you have brought endless joy, light, and love into not just my life, but the whole family’s.

I’ve had the privilege of a front-row seat as you’ve grown into the extraordinary woman you are today. Your intelligence, grace, and unfailing kindness never cease to inspire me. But more than that, it’s your resilience in the face of challenges that is truly remarkable. You’ve weathered some storms and each time, you’ve emerged even stronger.

I know that it was your strength and openness to love that led you to find a true partner in Mark. Seeing the two of you together, it’s clear that you bring out the absolute best in each other. Your love isn’t the fleeting, superficial kind, but the sort that’s built on a bedrock of friendship, respect, and unwavering support.

As you stand on the threshold of married life, I want to share some advice that has served me well over the years. Always keep in mind that love isn’t just a feeling, it’s a choice you make every day. Choose to be kind, to be patient, to listen as much as you speak. Choose to find joy in the little moments and to face challenges as a united front. And above all, choose each other, every single day.

Sarah and Mark, as I look at you today, I’m filled with an overwhelming sense of happiness and hope. Because I know that with the love you share, you can build a life beyond your wildest dreams. A life filled with adventure, laughter, and a love that grows deeper with each passing year.

So let us raise our glasses to Sarah and Mark. May your love be a beacon, guiding you through all of life’s journeys. May you always find shelter in each other’s arms and may your hearts beat as one. Here’s to a lifetime of love and happiness. Cheers!


Commentary: This lengthy speech is ideal for an uncle who wants to offer a mix of sentimental reflection and sage marital advice. It touches on the bride’s strength of character and the deep love the couple shares. This speech would be well-suited to a formal, traditional wedding reception.

Speech 5

Hello, everyone. I’ll keep this short and sweet – rather like myself! Of course, my brother, the father of the bride, would argue that the sweetness is absent. But he’s just jealous of my dashing good looks.

But really, this day is all about the beautiful bride, Sarah, and her new husband, Mark. It’s a joy to be celebrating this magical day with them.

To quote the poet Richard Bach, “True love stories never have endings.” Sarah and Mark, I look at you both and see two souls that were always destined to find their way to each other. The love story you’re writing together is a testament to the power and endurance of love.

Yes, all good love stories have their twists and turns, their moments of tension and climax. But it’s in weathering these plot twists together that your love will be forged into an unbreakable bond.

I wish for you a marriage full of laughter, passion, and ever-deepening love. May you always be each other’s best friend, staunchest supporter, and most ardent admirer.

Let’s raise a toast to the newlyweds – may your love story be one for the ages!


Commentary: This medium-length speech strikes a balance between humor and sincerity. It’s a good fit for an uncle with a more informal, jokey relationship with the couple, but who still wants to offer some meaningful well-wishes. This speech could work for a range of wedding styles.

Speech 6

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, esteemed guests, and of course, our beautiful bride and groom, Sarah and Mark.

It is my great honor and privilege to be here today celebrating this joyous occasion with all of you. As Sarah’s uncle, I’ve had the unique opportunity to watch her grow and blossom into the incredible woman she is today.

Sarah, from the moment you came into this world, you lit up our lives with your infectious laughter, your boundless curiosity, and your heart of pure gold. Watching you mature into a strong, intelligent, compassionate young woman has been one of the greatest joys of my life.

When you introduced us to Mark, it was immediately clear that you had found your perfect match. Mark, your love and devotion to Sarah is evident in everything you do. The way you look at her, the way you support and encourage her, the way you make her laugh – it’s a testament to the depth and sincerity of your love.

As you two embark on this new chapter of your lives together, I want to share a few pieces of wisdom that I’ve learned over the years.

Firstly, always keep in mind that love is not just a noun, it’s a verb. It’s not something you find or fall into, it’s something you do, every single day. It’s the little things – the daily acts of kindness, understanding, and selflessness – that make a marriage truly great.

Secondly, never take each other for granted. In the rush of daily life, it’s easy to forget to pause and appreciate the person by your side. Take time every day to express your gratitude for each other.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, always keep laughter at the center of your relationship. Life will undoubtedly bring its challenges, but if you can face them together with a smile and a sense of humor, you can overcome anything.

Sarah and Mark, as I look at you today, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of love, pride, and joy. Your love story has been a beautiful one to witness, and I know it’s only just beginning.

So let us raise our glasses to the happy couple. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. May you always find comfort, joy, and laughter in each other’s arms. May your journey together be filled with all the happiness, adventure, and love that life has to offer.

To Sarah and Mark – cheers!


Commentary: This lengthy speech is perfect for an uncle who wants to give a heartfelt and emotional tribute. It includes personal anecdotes, reflects on the couple’s relationship, and offers thoughtful pieces of marital advice. This speech would be fitting for a more formal, traditional wedding reception.


Giving a speech as the uncle of the bride is a wonderful opportunity to share your love and wisdom with the happy couple on their big day.

Whether you opt for a short, humorous toast or a longer, more sentimental tribute, the key is to speak from the heart.

This is a celebration of love, family, and new beginnings.

Your words will be a cherished part of this special day, a memory the newlyweds will carry with them as they start their new life together.

So take a deep breath, raise your glass, and let your love and good wishes shine through.

Cheers to the happy couple and the beautiful future that awaits them!