20 Ways to Thank Someone for a Compliment

Receiving a compliment can make your day brighter and put an extra spring in your step.

But in that moment of appreciation, do you sometimes stumble to find the right words to express your gratitude?

A simple “thank you” is always appropriate, but having a variety of sincere responses in your communication toolkit can help you gracefully acknowledge kind words.

In this article, we’ll explore 20 heartfelt ways to show your appreciation when someone pays you a compliment, whether it’s in person, in a speech, over text, or via email.

We’ll also touch on a few non-verbal gestures that can complement your words of thanks.

By the end, you’ll be well-equipped to handle any compliment that comes your way with poise and gratitude.

Ways to Thank Someone for a Compliment

Ways to Thank Someone for a Compliment

Here are 20 sample thank you messages to express your appreciation for a compliment:

1. “Your kind words mean the world to me. Thank you for noticing and taking the time to share that with me. It’s deeply appreciated.”

Commentary: This message expresses heartfelt gratitude and acknowledges the person’s thoughtfulness in sharing the compliment. It’s suitable for compliments that touch you, whether in person, in a speech, or writing.

2. “Wow, thanks! You just made my day. I’m grinning from ear to ear over here. “

Commentary: A lighthearted, conversational response perfect for text messages or casual emails. The emoji adds a friendly, visual element to convey your joy.

3. “I’m truly humbled by your words. Thank you for your encouragement and support. It means more than you know.”

Commentary: This humble yet appreciative reply works well for compliments on your work, achievements, or personal qualities, either verbally or in writing.

4. “That’s so nice of you to say! I put my heart into this project, so it means a lot to have my efforts recognized. Many thanks.”

Commentary: Ideal for thanking someone who compliments your hard work on a specific project or task, this reply shows that their acknowledgment of your dedication is meaningful to you.

5. “You’re making me blush! Thank you for brightening my day with your thoughtful compliment. I feel so appreciative of your kindness.”

Commentary: A warm, slightly playful response to a personal compliment. Mentioning that it brightened your day underscores the positive impact of their words.

6. “I’m touched by your generous compliment. Thank you for taking notice and expressing your appreciation. It gives me a real boost.”

Commentary: This gracious reply conveys that their compliment lifted your spirits. Suitable for any medium – spoken, written, formal, or informal.

7. “That’s incredibly kind of you to say. I can’t thank you enough for your thoughtfulness. Your words will stay with me.”

Commentary: This message expresses deep gratitude for a compliment that resonates with you. Noting that their words will stay with you shows their lasting positive impact.

8. “I so appreciate you sharing that with me. Honestly, it makes all the effort feel worthwhile hearing such encouraging feedback. Thank you!”

Commentary: Perfect for compliments on work you’ve poured effort into, this reply shows the person’s positive feedback makes the hard work feel validated and valued.

9. “You sure know how to make someone feel special! Thanks a million for your sweet words. They’ve given me an extra pep in my step today.”

Commentary: This sweet, upbeat response is ideal for thanking someone for a personal compliment that leaves you feeling great, whether in person or via text/email.

10. “I’m so flattered by your compliment – thank you! It means a lot coming from someone I admire and respect as much as you.”

Commentary: A lovely way to return the compliment and show your appreciation, especially fitting if the praise comes from a mentor, leader, or esteemed colleague.

11. “Your compliment made me do a little happy dance! Thank you for your kind words and for sharing in my excitement. It’s wonderful to feel supported.”

Commentary: This joyful, appreciative response is perfect for compliments related to success, accomplishment, or milestone. Shows the person’s support and encouragement means a lot to you.

12. “I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate your kind words. They’ve given me a real confidence boost. Thank you for being so supportive.”

Commentary: Ideal for sincere compliments that shore up your confidence. Acknowledges the person’s support and the positive impact of their encouragement.

13. “That compliment just warmed my heart – and put a huge smile on my face. Thank you for being so thoughtful and brightening my day! Your kindness means everything.”

Commentary: This heartfelt message of thanks is wonderful for any type of affirming personal compliment that leaves you feeling treasured. Can be conveyed in person, on a card, or electronically.

14. “I’m truly honored by your generous praise. Thank you for valuing my contributions and taking the time to share your positive thoughts with me. It means the world.”

Commentary: A gracious, appreciative response to a compliment on your work, efforts, or achievements. Ideal for professional settings, whether in person or via email.

15. “Goodness, I’m beaming after that wonderful compliment! You’re so kind to say that. Thank you for making me feel so amazing and appreciated.”

Commentary: This effusive reply suits a compliment that leaves you glowing with happiness and appreciation. The message’s warmth works great in person or in writing.

16. “I so appreciate your taking the time to share those encouraging words with me. Feedback like that motivates me to keep giving it my all. Thank you!”

Commentary: Perfect for a compliment related to ongoing efforts, like on a long-term project. Shows that positive feedback energizes you to maintain your strong performance.

17. “I’m so touched by your kind compliment. Thank you for noticing and appreciating me in that way. Your thoughtful words have uplifted me more than you realize.”

Commentary: This heartfelt message of gratitude works well for any personal compliment that makes you feel seen, valued, and supported by the other person.

18. “Your compliment seriously just brought tears of joy to my eyes. I can’t thank you enough for your incredibly kind words. I feel beyond blessed by your support.”

Commentary: A powerful response reserved for a deeply meaningful, touching compliment, the kind that moves you to happy tears. Best for in-person or handwritten thanks.

19. “Wow, I’m blown away by that awesome compliment – thank you SO much! You’ve made my week. I’m grateful beyond words for your encouragement!”

Commentary: An enthusiastic reply to a stellar compliment that leaves you feeling over the moon with gratitude and appreciation. Ideal for informal conversations in person or via message.

20. “I’m truly humbled and elated by your compliment. Thank you for recognizing my efforts and taking a moment to share your kind thoughts with me. Your support means everything.”

Commentary: A poised, gracious response to any type of praise, whether personal or professional, spoken or written. Expresses a balance of humility and heartfelt appreciation.

Beyond Words: Other Ways to Show Your Thanks

In addition to verbally or textually expressing your gratitude for a compliment, you can also show your appreciation through actions and gestures.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Follow up your “thank you” with a warm smile, eye contact, and sincere body language
  • Give the person a handwritten thank you note sharing how much their kind words meant to you
  • Offer the person a small token of gratitude, like their favorite candy or a gift card to their go-to coffee shop
  • Pay it forward by sharing a heartfelt compliment with someone else and brightening their day in return
  • Take the person’s kind words to heart and let them inspire and motivate you moving forward

Wrapping Up: The Art of Accepting a Compliment

Accepting a compliment with poise and sincere appreciation is a skill we can all cultivate.

Having a toolbox full of gracious responses can help you feel more confident and prepared when those kind words come your way.

Whether you choose a simple “thank you”, an effusive exclamation of gratitude, or a more formal acknowledgment, the key is responding in a way that feels authentic to you and your relationship with the person.

Always remember, when someone pays you a compliment, they’re taking a moment to recognize something wonderful about you.

Embrace their thoughtfulness and let it brighten your day. Your genuine expression of thanks will make them feel appreciated in return.

And don’t hesitate to spread the positivity by paying that compliment forward.

A few kind words have the power to lift spirits, strengthen relationships, and set off a beautiful ripple effect of goodwill.