6 Younger Brother Bestman Speech Examples

The big day is here. Your older brother’s tying the knot, and he’s picked you as his best man.

It’s quite an honor!

Now comes the tricky bit – crafting that perfect speech.

You’re aiming to hit just the right mix of humor and heartfelt sentiment, nostalgia and forward-looking joy.

Younger Brother Bestman Speech Examples

Younger Brother Bestman Speech Examples

No need to worry, though.

We’ve got some great examples to spark your creativity.

Whether you’re going for brief and punchy or long and detailed, these speeches will help you kick off your preparation for the big moment.

Ready to make your brother proud? Let’s get started!

Short and Sweet

Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, I’m Tom, the younger brother and best man of our groom, Jack.

Growing up with Jack was always an adventure. From building forts in the backyard to sneaking midnight snacks, he was my partner in crime. But he was also my protector, my guide, and my biggest cheerleader.

Jack, you’ve always been there for me, and I couldn’t be happier to stand by your side today. Sarah, you’re not just gaining a husband, you’re getting the world’s best big brother. Trust me, I know from experience.

To the happy couple: May your love story be as epic as our childhood shenanigans, and may you always find reasons to laugh together. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness!


Commentary: This speech balances humor and sentiment nicely. It fits well in a relaxed wedding reception where the speaker wants to keep things light-hearted but still express genuine emotion.

Mid-Length Charm

Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m Alex, Jack’s younger brother and best man.

You know, being the younger brother isn’t always easy. You’re constantly trying to keep up, to prove yourself. But with Jack as my big brother, it was different. He never made me feel like I was just tagging along. Instead, he always made sure I was included, whether it was in his games, his friend group, or his crazy schemes.

I recall this one time when we decided to “renovate” our treehouse. Jack was 12, I was 8, and we had no idea what we were doing. We ended up with more splinters than improvements, and Dad wasn’t too thrilled about his missing power tools. But you know what? Jack took all the blame, saying it was his idea. That’s the kind of brother he is – always looking out for me.

Jack, you’ve been my hero, my tormentor (in the best brotherly way), and my best friend. You’ve taught me so much – how to throw a perfect spiral, how to talk to girls (although your advice didn’t always work), and most importantly, how to be a good person.

Sarah, I’ve got to hand it to you – you’ve managed to snag one of the good ones. But I think you already know that. The way Jack looks at you, it’s clear you’re his whole world. And seeing how happy you make him, well, that makes you pretty awesome in my book too.

To my new sister-in-law, welcome to our crazy family. Fair warning: holiday gatherings can get a bit wild, especially when Uncle Bob breaks out his karaoke machine. But I promise you’ll never be bored.

Jack and Sarah, as you start this new chapter together, I wish you all the love and laughter in the world. May your marriage be filled with adventure, growth, and endless support for each other. And Jack, just remember – I’m still faster than you, so don’t even think about trying to outrun me at the family reunions.

Let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple. To Jack and Sarah – may your love story be even better than the fairy tales. Cheers!


Commentary: This speech mixes heartwarming anecdotes with gentle teasing, creating a warm and humorous atmosphere. It’s great for a wedding where the brothers share a close bond and the audience enjoys a mix of sentiment and light-hearted jokes.

Lengthy Laughter and Love

Good evening, everyone. I’m Danny, Jack’s younger brother and best man. And let me tell you, I’ve been waiting for this moment for years – not just to see Jack happily married, but to finally have an audience that legally can’t walk out on my speech.

First off, I want to thank all of you for being here to celebrate Jack and Sarah’s special day. And a special shoutout to Sarah’s family – I promise we’re not always this well-behaved. You’re catching us on a good day.

Now, for those of you who don’t know me, I’m the younger, funnier, and objectively better-looking brother. Jack might disagree, but hey, he’s not the one with the microphone right now, is he?

Growing up with Jack was… an experience. He was the classic big brother – part tormentor, part protector, and full-time partner in crime. I can’t count the number of times we got into trouble together, but I can tell you this – it was always worth it.

There was this one time when we were kids, Jack decided we should build a “waterpark” in our backyard. Sounds fun, right? Well, it involved a tarp, our dad’s ladder, and the garden hose. Let’s just say it ended with a broken sprinkler system, a flooded yard, and two very grounded brothers. But you know what? Even as we were cleaning up the mess, Jack was already planning our next adventure.

That’s the thing about Jack – he’s always been a dreamer, always looking for the next exciting thing. And Sarah, I think that’s why you two are so perfect together. You don’t just support his dreams, you dream right alongside him. And occasionally, you’re the voice of reason that stops him from turning the living room into a mini-golf course. Trust me, we’re all grateful for that.

Jack, watching you grow from my annoying big brother into the man you are today has been incredible. You’ve always been there for me, whether it was teaching me how to ride a bike, helping me with my homework, or bailing me out of my first disastrous date (Sorry, Emma from 10th grade, if you’re out there).

You’ve shown me what it means to be kind, to work hard, and to never give up on your dreams. And now, you’re showing me what true love looks like. The way you look at Sarah, the way you talk about her – it’s clear she’s the missing piece you’ve been looking for all along.

Sarah, where do I even begin? You’re smart, you’re beautiful, and somehow, you find Jack’s dad’s jokes funny. I’m not sure if that last part is a good thing, but it certainly makes you perfect for our family. You’ve brought out the best in my brother, and for that, I’ll be forever grateful.

Welcome to our family, sis. I hope you’re ready for chaotic family dinners, competitive game nights, and the annual “Who can eat the most at Thanksgiving” contest. Spoiler alert: it’s usually me.

To the happy couple: May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. May you always find reasons to laugh together, even when times get tough. May you always cherish this moment, surrounded by the people who love you most, as you embark on this amazing journey together.

Jack, I couldn’t be prouder to call you my brother. Sarah, I couldn’t be happier to welcome you as my sister. Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happily ever after.

Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses to Jack and Sarah!


Commentary: This speech skillfully weaves together humor and heartfelt moments, creating an engaging narrative that celebrates the couple’s love while entertaining the audience. It’s perfect for a lively wedding reception where the crowd appreciates a good laugh alongside touching sentiments.

Sentimental Journey

Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m Michael, Jack’s younger brother and best man.

Standing here today, looking at my big brother about to embark on this new chapter of his life, I’m filled with a whirlwind of emotions. Pride, joy, nostalgia – they’re all swirling around in my heart as I think about the journey that’s brought us to this moment.

Jack, from the day I was born, you’ve been my guardian, my guide, and my best friend. You were the one who taught me how to tie my shoelaces, how to stand up to bullies, and how to always, always have each other’s backs.

I recall when we were kids, and I was terrified of the dark. Every night, without fail, you’d check under my bed for monsters. You’d assure me that even if there were any, you’d protect me. As I grew older, I realized that there weren’t any monsters under the bed, but you never stopped protecting me.

Through the years, you’ve been my constant. When I scraped my knee, you were there with a band-aid. When I had my first heartbreak, you were there with ice cream and terrible jokes. When I doubted myself, you were there to remind me of my worth.

But it wasn’t just the big moments. It was the little things too. The way you’d save the last cookie for me, even though I know you wanted it. How you’d let me win at video games sometimes (though you’d never admit it). The countless times you covered for me when I broke curfew.

Jack, you’ve shown me what it means to be a good man, a good brother, and a good friend. Your kindness, your integrity, your unwavering loyalty – these are the qualities that make you who you are. And these are the qualities that I know will make you an amazing husband.

Sarah, from the moment Jack introduced you to our family, I knew you were special. The way his face lit up when he talked about you, the spring in his step whenever you were around – it was clear you had stolen his heart. And as I got to know you, I understood why.

You’re not just beautiful on the outside, but on the inside too. Your compassion, your wit, your strength – they complement Jack perfectly. You challenge him to be better, support him in his dreams, and love him unconditionally. I couldn’t have picked a better partner for my brother if I tried.

To see you two together is to witness true love in action. The way you look at each other, the way you support each other, the way you make each other laugh – it’s beautiful to watch. Your love story isn’t just about romance; it’s about friendship, partnership, and mutual respect.

Jack and Sarah, as you start this new chapter together, I want you to know this: Love isn’t always going to be easy. There will be challenges, there will be tough times. But I’ve seen the strength of your bond, and I know that together, you can weather any storm.

Always communicate, be patient with each other, and never lose your sense of humor. Keep dating each other, keep surprising each other, and keep falling in love with each other every single day.

Jack, my brother, my friend, my hero – I’m so proud of the man you’ve become, and I’m honored to stand beside you today. Sarah, my new sister – thank you for making my brother so happy, and for being such a wonderful addition to our family.

To everyone here tonight, please join me in raising a glass to Jack and Sarah. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. May your home be filled with laughter, your hearts with joy, and your lives with endless adventures.

To the happy couple – here’s to a lifetime of love, happiness, and beautiful memories. Cheers!


Commentary: This deeply emotional speech takes the audience on a journey through the brothers’ relationship, culminating in a heartfelt celebration of the couple’s love. It’s particularly suited for a more formal or traditional wedding where genuine sentiment is highly valued.

A Toast to Love and Laughter

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, family, and friends. Good evening! For those who don’t know me, I’m Charlie, Jack’s younger brother and best man. And yes, before you ask, he is the better-looking one. But only by a very small margin.

First off, I want to thank you all for being here to celebrate this momentous occasion. It’s not every day you get to see your big brother tie the knot. Especially when for years, we all thought his only true love was his Xbox.

Jack, my brother, my friend, my ATM when we were in college – where do I even begin? From the moment I was born, you’ve been my role model, my protector, and occasionally, my arch-nemesis. But mostly, you’ve been the best big brother a guy could ask for.

Growing up with Jack was like having a built-in best friend, personal bodyguard, and life coach all rolled into one. He taught me all the important things in life: how to throw a perfect spiral, how to sweet-talk Mom into extending our curfew, and most importantly, how to always have each other’s backs.

I recall this one time when we were kids, Jack decided it would be a brilliant idea to “borrow” Dad’s car for a joyride. I was 12, he was 16, and we thought we were invincible. Spoiler alert: we weren’t. We ended up with a dented fender, a grounding that lasted until we were 30, and a story that Dad still brings up at every family gathering. Sorry, Dad!

But you know what? Even as we were facing the wrath of our parents, Jack took full responsibility. He’s always been that way – fiercely protective and willing to take the fall, even when it wasn’t entirely his fault.

As we grew older, our adventures became slightly less illegal but no less memorable. From road trips where we got hopelessly lost (turns out, Jack’s sense of direction is about as reliable as a chocolate teapot) to late-night gaming sessions where we swore we’d stop after “just one more game” (Narrator: They did not stop after just one more game).

Jack, you’ve been my constant through it all. The good times, the bad times, and all the crazy times in between. You’ve seen me at my best and my worst, and somehow, you still decided to make me your best man. I’m not sure if that’s a testament to your good judgment or a sign that you’ve completely lost it. Either way, I’m honored.

Now, let’s talk about the real star of the show – Sarah. Sarah, when Jack first told me about you, I thought he was making you up. Is someone smart, beautiful, and willing to put up with his terrible jokes? It seemed too good to be true. But then I met you, and I realized – you’re real, and you’re even more amazing than he described.

Sarah, you’ve not only captured my brother’s heart, but you’ve become a cherished part of our family. You balance Jack out perfectly. Where he’s impulsive, you’re thoughtful. Where he’s chaotic, you’re organized. And where he’s hopeless in the kitchen, you’re a culinary genius. Thank goodness for that, because I was getting tired of pizza at every family dinner.

Watching you two together is like witnessing a real-life rom-com, minus the predictable plot twists and cheesy background music. The way you look at each other, the way you support each other’s dreams, the way you laugh at each other’s jokes (even the bad ones) – it’s clear that what you have is special.

Jack and Sarah, as you embark on this new chapter of your lives, I want you to keep in mind a few things:

  1. Love isn’t always going to be easy, but it’s always going to be worth it.
  2. Communication is key. Even when Jack tries to convince you that leaving his socks on the floor is a new form of interior decoration.
  3. Never go to bed angry. Unless it’s because Jack ate the last slice of pizza. Then, all bets are off.
  4. Keep laughing together. Life’s too short for seriousness all the time.
  5. And finally, family is always here for you. Even when that family includes a slightly annoying but incredibly handsome younger brother.

To my big brother, Jack – thank you for being my guide, my protector, and my friend. You’ve shown me what it means to be a good man, a loyal friend, and now, a loving husband. I couldn’t be prouder to call you my brother.

To my new sister, Sarah – thank you for making my brother so happy. Welcome to our crazy family. I apologize in advance for all the embarrassing stories you’re about to hear over the years.

And to everyone here tonight – please join me in raising a glass to the happy couple. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. May your home be filled with laughter, your hearts with joy, and your lives with endless adventures.

To Jack and Sarah – here’s to a lifetime of love, happiness, and maybe a few more ill-advised adventures. Just make sure to invite me along for the ride. Cheers!


Commentary: This speech skillfully blends heartfelt sentiments with humorous anecdotes, creating a warm and entertaining atmosphere. It’s perfect for a wedding where the couple and guests appreciate a good mix of laughter and touching moments.

A Journey Through Brotherhood and Love

Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m David, Jack’s younger brother and proud best man. I’ve got to say, standing up here today feels surreal. It seems like just

yesterday we were building pillow forts and arguing over who got to be Player 1 in our video games.

Jack, my big brother, my partner in crime, and now the groom. Where do I even begin? From the moment I came into this world, you’ve been there, showing me the ropes, teaching me the important things in life – like how to sneak cookies from the jar without getting caught, and how to convince Mom that staying up past bedtime was good for our education.

You know, folks, being the younger brother isn’t always easy. You’re constantly trying to keep up, to prove yourself. But with Jack, it was different. He never made me feel like I was just tagging along. Instead, he always made sure I was included, whether it was in his games, his friend group, or his wild schemes.

I recall this one summer when Jack decided we should build a treehouse. Now, neither of us had any carpentry skills whatsoever, but Jack was determined. We spent weeks planning, gathering supplies, and attempting to hammer things together without losing any fingers. The result was… well, let’s just say it was more “abstract art” than “functional treehouse.” But you know what? It didn’t matter. Because for Jack, it was never about the result. It was about the journey, the time spent together, the memories we were creating.

That’s the thing about Jack – he’s always been able to find joy in the process, not just the outcome. And Sarah, I think that’s one of the reasons you two are so perfect together. You don’t just support his dreams, you dream right alongside him. You find excitement in the planning, laughter in the mishaps, and celebration in the achievements, big or small.

Jack, as we’ve grown older, I’ve watched you change from my goofy big brother into the incredible man standing before us today. You’ve taught me so much over the years – how to stand up for myself, how to be there for others, and how to face challenges head-on with a smile on my face.

I’ve seen you tackle life’s obstacles with grace and determination. Whether it was studying for those tough exams in college (even though we both know you’d rather have been anywhere else), or working tirelessly to build your career, you’ve always given it your all. And through it all, you’ve never lost your sense of humor or your ability to light up a room with your infectious laugh.

Sarah, what can I say? From the moment Jack introduced you to our family, it was clear you were something special. The way his face lit up when he talked about you, the spring in his step whenever you were around – it was like watching my brother become the best version of himself.

You’ve brought out sides of Jack I never knew existed. Suddenly, my brother who couldn’t boil water without setting off the smoke alarm was attempting to cook gourmet meals. The guy who used to think a romantic gesture was sharing his last slice of pizza was now planning elaborate date nights. It’s been amazing to watch.

But more than that, Sarah, you’ve become like a sister to me. Your kindness, your wit, your ability to put up with our family’s particular brand of crazy – it’s all made you an invaluable addition to our clan. And let’s be honest, your fashion sense has significantly improved our family photos.

To the two of you together – watching your love story unfold has been like witnessing a real-life fairy tale, but better. Because it’s not about grand gestures or dramatic declarations. It’s about the quiet moments of support, the inside jokes only you two understand, and the way you handle life’s ups and downs as a team.

I’ve seen you weather storms together, celebrating the sunshine and dancing in the rain. I’ve watched you push each other to grow, to chase your dreams, to be the best versions of yourselves. Your love isn’t just about romance – it’s about partnership, friendship, and unwavering support.

As you begin this new chapter of your lives, I want you to keep a few things in mind:

First, never stop laughing together. Life is going to throw curveballs your way, but if you can face them with humor and a shared smile, you can get through anything.

Second, keep adventuring. Whether it’s traveling to new places or trying that new restaurant down the street, never stop exploring the world together.

Third, always have each other’s backs. You’re a team now, officially, and forever. Stand by each other, support each other’s dreams, and be each other’s biggest cheerleaders.

And finally, never forget the love that brought you here today. In the chaos of everyday life, it’s easy to get caught up in the little things. But take a moment each day to look at each other and think about this feeling, this moment, this love that’s so strong it’s noticeable to everyone in this room.

Jack, my brother, my friend, my hero – I couldn’t be prouder to stand beside you today. You’ve always been there for me, showing me the way, picking me up when I fell, and cheering the loudest for my successes. Today, it’s my turn to cheer for you. I’m so incredibly happy for you, and I can’t wait to see all the amazing things you and Sarah will accomplish together.

Sarah, my new sister – thank you for loving my brother so completely, for bringing so much joy into his life, and by extension, into all of our lives. Welcome to our family, officially. We’re a bit crazy, and a lot loud, but we love fiercely and unconditionally. You fit right in.

To everyone here tonight – please join me in raising a glass to Jack and Sarah. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. May your home be filled with laughter, your hearts with joy, and your lives with endless adventures. May you always find comfort in each other’s arms and excitement in each other’s dreams.

To Jack and Sarah – here’s to a lifetime of love, happiness, and beautiful memories. May your love story be even better than the fairy tales. Cheers!


Commentary: This heartfelt and engaging speech takes the audience on an emotional journey through the brothers’ relationship and the couple’s love story. It’s ideal for a wedding where deep, genuine sentiment is appreciated, while still maintaining a touch of humor and lightheartedness.


Creating the perfect best man speech as a younger brother is a challenge.

It’s a careful mix of humor, sentiment, and personal stories that highlight your unique bond while welcoming your new sister-in-law to the family.

Whether you choose a short and sweet toast or a more detailed trip through your shared history, the key is to speak genuinely.

Keep in mind, your speech is a tribute to your brother and his new spouse, as well as a reflection of your relationship.

Don’t hesitate to add your flair to it – after all, that’s what makes your connection special.

And most importantly, savor the moment.

This is a rare chance to publicly express your love and support for your brother as he starts this new chapter of his life.

So, take a deep breath, raise that glass, and get ready to make your brother proud.

With these examples as inspiration, you’re well-prepared to give a best-man speech that will be talked about for years to come.

Here’s to love, laughter, and lifelong bonds!