15 Family Slogan Ideas

Family slogans are little sayings that capture what matters most to your family.

They are like mini mission statements that make you smile and make your bond stronger.

The best family slogans are easy to understand and remember for kids and grown-ups.

They get to the heart of your values and dreams as a family.

In this guide, you’ll discover:

  • What makes a great family slogan
  • 15 creative slogan ideas to inspire you
  • Tips for choosing and using your family’s slogan

Get ready to find the perfect words to cheer for your crew!

Family Slogan Ideas

1. “In This Family, We Always Have Each Other’s Backs”

This slogan is all about supporting one another no matter what. When someone in your family is sad, confused, or in a tough spot, this saying reminds you to be there for them. It means listening without judging, helping without being asked, and loving without holding back.

Some other ways to put it:

  • We stick together through thick and thin.
  • When one of us falls, we all help them back up.
  • You never walk alone in this family.

The message is that your family will catch you when you stumble and carry you when you can’t walk. You all take care of each other.

2. “Work Hard, Play Hard, Love Harder”

If your family believes in going all out, this could be your motto. “Work hard” means giving your best effort in school, your job, chores, or any task you take on. “Play hard” is about having a blast and making the most of free time with fun, silliness, and adventures. And “love harder” tops it off by saying your family’s love is the most important thing of all.

You could change this slogan to fit your family’s favorite words:

  • Dream big, laugh loud, hug tight
  • Try your best, enjoy the rest, love with zest
  • Go far, smile wide, love deep

However you spin it, this kind of slogan cheers you on to make every moment count as you learn, goof around, and adore each other.

3. “Be Kind, Be Brave, Believe”

With this slogan, your family aims to make the world better through compassion, courage, and faith. “Be kind” tells you to treat everyone with care. Helping a neighbor, inviting a new kid to play, or even just flashing a friendly smile can spread more light.

“Be brave” means facing fears, taking good risks, and standing up for what’s right even when it’s hard. It could inspire your family to try new things, speak out against unfairness, or keep going when you feel like giving up.

Finally, “believe” is open to what matters most to your family. You might believe in yourselves, each other, your dreams, or a higher power. The key is having hope and holding on to what you trust in your heart.

4. “Staying Silly Since [Year]”

Want a slogan that puts the fun in the family? This one is perfect if being playful and cracking each other up is your crew’s superpower. It’s a way of saying you all don’t take life too seriously. You love inside jokes, funny faces, dance parties in the living room, and finding the humor in everyday stuff.

The [year] could be when your family started like the year you got married or your first kid was born. Or make it the year you all agreed that being silly together is the best.

Some goofy alternatives:

  • Giggling together forever
  • Keeping the dad jokes alive since [year]
  • Crazy faces and belly laughs on demand

A slogan like this gives you all permission to let loose, look on the bright side, and be each other’s sunshine even on rainy days.

5. “In Our Family, Love Comes First”

Sometimes the simplest slogans say it all. This one keeps your priorities straight by putting love front and center. No matter how busy, stressed, or distracted you get, seeing these words can snap you back to what truly matters.

Variations on this theme:

  • Love is the heart of our home
  • Where there is love, there is family
  • Love is spoken here

The meaning goes deeper than just saying “I love you,” although that’s part of it. Putting love first also means showing love through kindness, forgiveness, quality time, and being tender with each other’s hearts. When love leads the way, your family can get through anything.

6. “Ohana Means Family”

Popularized by the Disney movie Lilo & Stitch, this Hawaiian-inspired slogan defines family most sweetly. In the film, one character explains “Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.”

So if your crew has an “ohana,” you stick together and always make each other feel loved and included. It’s about seeing all the quirks and oddities that make each person unique and cherishing them because of those qualities, not despite them.

Your “ohana” may include cousins, grandparents, pets, neighbors, or anyone you choose to be part of your inner circle. And whether you’re related by blood, marriage, or simply love and loyalty, your ohana never lets you feel alone.

7. “Raise Kind Humans”

This slogan sums up the big job of parenthood in three little words. More than test scores, athletic wins, or looking perfect on social media, your main role as a family is to shape kids who treat others with love and respect. Because being kind is what makes us most human.

You could expand on this idea with slogans like:

  • Kindness lives here
  • We are the change we wish to see
  • Empathy, compassion, respect, repeat

The beauty of this motto is that it isn’t limited to kids. It’s a reminder for the grown-ups too. When someone cuts you off in traffic, when you get bad service, even when you disagree with each other, you’re still called to respond with patience and care. By living out kindness in big and small ways, you model what it means to raise kind humans.

8. “Not Always Eye to Eye, But Always Heart to Heart”

Families don’t have to agree on everything. Conflict is normal and healthy when you handle it with love. This slogan captures that truth and can help you find your way back to each other when arguments happen.

“Not always eye to eye” means you accept that everyone has their perspectives, preferences, and opinions. Even on big stuff like politics, religion, or how to squeeze the toothpaste tube, your family won’t always see things the same way. And that’s okay.

The key is staying connected “heart to heart.” In other words, even when you don’t understand each other’s views, you don’t attack, dismiss, or let your differences divide you. Instead, you keep communicating with empathy and finding the love underneath. When your heart is in the right place, being “eye to eye” matters less.

9. “The Best Things in Life Are the People We Love”

On the surface, this slogan sounds like something you might find cross-stitched on a pillow. But it carries an important lesson about how your family defines success and joy.

In a world obsessed with money, status, and getting more stuff, this saying gently reminds you what brings fulfillment. Toys break, clothes go out of style, and no gadget can fill your heart like your favorite people can. At the end of the day, the best things are the smiles, hugs, inside jokes, and memories you share with your family.

Similar slogans to consider:

  • Collect moments, not things
  • Rich in love, that’s all we need
  • All that matters is who you come home to

It’s not wrong to want nice things. But this slogan helps you remember to appreciate the ones you love most instead of valuing stuff more than your real-life relationships. Time with your family is always “the best thing.”

10. “Have Courage and Be Kind”

Borrowed from the live-action Cinderella movie, this quote doubles as a sweet slogan for any family. It calls you to be caring while staying true to yourselves and what’s right.

When your daughter stands up to a bully at school, she’s having courage and being kind. When your son tries out for the play even though he’s nervous, he’s having courage. And when you reach out to a parent who’s struggling, even though you feel awkward, you’re being kind.

Courage doesn’t have to mean slaying dragons. And kindness doesn’t have to mean being a pushover. The two go hand in hand. You can bravely take on challenges while treating yourself and others gently. This slogan is a compass for acting on your family’s values with both strength and love.

11. “In the Waves of Change, We Find Our Direction”

Life has plenty of plot twists. Kids grow up. Adults switch jobs. People you love may move away or pass on. Illness, divorce, or other losses can shake your world. With so many question marks, it helps to have an anchor.

This slogan uses the metaphor of a ship in an unpredictable sea. The “waves of change” are the things you can’t control that affect your family. Some changes are exciting, like a new baby or dream home. Others are painful, like losing someone you care about. Either way, you can’t stop the waves.

But you can choose how to navigate them so they don’t sink you. The slogan says you can “find your direction,” meaning stay true to your values, support each other, and keep sailing toward the good stuff. Even if you take detours, you don’t have to let the waves push you where you don’t want to go.

12. “Our Family Tree Has Awesome Branches”

With this playful slogan, you honor the unique qualities that make your family what it is. Each person is like a “branch” on your family tree, branching out in their own beautiful direction but still connected to the same sturdy trunk.

The awesome parts might be how Grandma never fails to slip some cash in birthday cards. How Dad still calls you silly pet names from when you were five. Or all the wacky talents your siblings have, from latte art to armpit farts. It’s the little oddities that make you smile.

Or go for a deeper meaning and think about the character traits you’ve each grown. Maybe one of you has a gift for staying calm in a crisis. Another is the family comedian who can lighten any mood. And someone else is the best hugger on this side of the Mississippi. All those gifts and personalities blend into branches that make your family tree unique.

13. “Big Fun, Big Love, Big Wins”

If your family is big in numbers or big in heart, shout it loud and proud with this cheeky slogan. Whether you have a gaggle of biological kids, a mix of steps and in-laws, or just a giant labradoodle, life at your house can veer toward loud, messy, and off-the-wall. But you wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Big fun” means nobody’s afraid to start an impromptu lip-sync battle while making dinner together. It’s bear hugs, movie nights with blanket forts, and belly laughs that wake up the neighbors.

“Big love” is what that fun blooms from. The kind of love that’s big enough to look past mistakes, deep enough to weather any storm, and wide enough to gather everyone into the fold. When you love big, you cheer each other on and savor the good times knowing that joy matters as much as the hard stuff.

“Big wins” are all the moments that grow out of those big feelings. They don’t have to be actual trophies (though those are nice). The wins can also be favorite inside jokes, vacations full of happy tears, or simply knowing you’d all drop everything if another family member needed you. You celebrate the little victories that come from being each other’s biggest fans.

14. “Scatter Joy”

If you could boil your family’s life mission down to two words, this might be it. It’s sort of like that old saying “scatter sunshine,” only “joy” feels easier to spread around on good days and bad. Joy doesn’t require pasting on a fake smile. It’s more about actively looking for reasons to be grateful, ways to uplift others, and chances to choose contentment even when life is messy.

Some ways your family might scatter joy:

  • Surprising your server with an extra big tip
  • Sending loving vibes to a grouchy cashier
  • Belting out your favorite songs on road trips
  • Yelling sincere compliments out your window
  • Giggling through a board game even as you lose
  • Writing sweet chalk messages on your sidewalk

Joy can be quiet too. Holding hands while you pray. Slow dancing in the kitchen. A kind smile at a funeral. It’s not about faking happiness. It’s about sprinkling more light into ordinary moments.

And here’s a secret: When you scatter joy, it tends to scatter right back to you.

15. “No Ordinary Days, Only Extraordinary Ones”

If you tend to get stuck in a same-old, same-old rut, this slogan is for you. It’s a great reminder to seize opportunities for joy, play, and make memories together. The trick is finding magic even when your to-do list screams overwhelm.

With some creativity and a willingness to goof off, even a boring weekday can become extraordinary. Have ice cream for dinner. Turn dishwashing into a dance party. Read a chapter of a book out loud while doing silly voices. Dress up fancy for no reason except that it makes you laugh.

Pockets of joy don’t need to break the bank:

  • Decorate the driveway with sidewalk chalk
  • Turn a cardboard box into a rocket ship
  • Hit up the dollar store for the craziest socks
  • Try that science experiment you found online

The more looking for fun becomes your habit, the more extraordinary most days will feel.

Choosing Your Family Slogan

There’s no one perfect mantra for every family.

It may take a few tries to land on a slogan you all love.

It’s okay to brainstorm and try some on for size before committing.

A few tips:

  • Keep it simple so it sticks in everyone’s memory
  • Make sure young kids can grasp the basic idea
  • Pick words that make you smile when you say them
  • Go for a balance of silly and heartfelt
  • Display it where you’ll see it every day

As your family grows and changes, feel free to freshen up your slogan.

The one you love now may not last forever.

But as long as it lights you up, it’s the right one for this chapter.

There’s something special and sacred about having a few words to call your family’s own.

When you anchor yourself in a shared slogan, you have a touchstone to guide you through this wild and wonderful adventure together.

A great slogan won’t just sit on the wall.

It will echo in your hearts.

So raise your family slogan like a victory chant and go live it out loud. Together.